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If BG3 is ever made, would you like Edwin to be present as...



  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    @recklessheart If Overhoul creates a completely new game, new storyline, NPCs and everything using the Infinity Engine (or its improved / modernized version), then it's absolutely fine with me, but don't call it Baldur's Gate 3 then. I would happily play a new story just like I did with Icewind Dale back then. So I'm more than okay with this idea. However, if Overhoul decides to make BG3, then It has to be BG3 which means we would have to see at least some reference to the first two games, since as the name suggests, it would be sequel.

    But if we are talking about an entirely new game, then I agree with your reasoning.

    Resurrecting a game like BG to create a successful sequel that would live up to its predecessor would indeed be a very difficult task even for such a great team as Overhaul, I'm with you on this one as well.
  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    (S)he should be a shopkeeper (like Thalanthyr, angry, moody and loaded with good stuff) and then have some quest to find out the truth about this mysterious mage who woes all men (or can you only woe a woman? Non-native speaker here...). You could than either blackmail her/him or let him/her be the laughing stock of the Pissant Town.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Edwin is best, Edwin will rule, Edwin beat Elminster and kick his ass !

    btw: You can meet Edwina in Dragon Age 1.
  • ScofieldScofield Member Posts: 119
    @Edvin "Elminster this, Elminster that. Give *me* 2000 years and a pointy hat and I'll kick his arse!" : )
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012

    Bear in mind that a dev (Philip Daigle) has spoken to this subject and advises that BG3, if there is one, would likely be set more than a hundred years in the future, since WotC will want it to be consistent with whatever Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is on the shelf at that time. The 4th edition FRCS puts the setting over a century after the BG series story. As to the story, according to WotC canon, Abdel Adrian, ward of Gorion, chose mortality over godhood. Bhaal's essence is in the planes somewhere. (Maybe someone can elaborate on that, my memory is a bit hazy on that part.)

    Actually, my first preference for BG3 would be a prequel set 14 years earlier during the Time of Troubles. I'd like to see how Gorion and the Harpers kept tabs on Bhaal's plot to resurrect himself by "sowing his mortal progeny" all over Faerun and probably beyond. There are lots and lots of other powerful factions vying against one another at that time. The protagonist could side with any number of them. If Ed Greenwood's "Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms" which is being released in October supports game play in different eras of FR, then perhaps that will be feasible for BG3.

    I can also envision a story set over a century in the future around a descendant of the protagonist in the BG series. The plot probably should be something fresh, but certainly having something important to do with the legacy of the Bhaalspawn Wars and Abdel Adrian. I think the story of Bhaal once again trying to resurrect himself (reassembling his essence somehow from the planes) would become trite.
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