@Aosaw - there are lockpicks in mods like Rogue Rebalancing and Aurora's Shoes. Not that that should stop you from making your item, just saying.
@Jalily - how does this qualify as "hitting on" Gyllian? Maybe something you overactively imagined? :P [spoiler]
IF ~True() ~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from: SAY #19515 /* ~Ooh, hello! You must join me for a while, I insist.~ */ IF ~~ THEN REPLY #19516 /* ~When a lady offers me a drink, how can I refuse?~ */ GOTO 1 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #19517 /* ~You do seem to be enjoying yourself...~ */ GOTO 2 END
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: 0.0 SAY #19518 /* ~You are the life of the party, you are! ...This all reminds of a time when Betsy and I were still... Hoo, I'm so silly-- I don't know a Betsy!! Tee hee hee --hic-- whooo... ~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea() ~ EXIT END
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 0.1 SAY #19519 /* ~I do enjoy my daily tipple, I do! (hic) Is it time for scones, yet?~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea() ~ EXIT END
Also, there's nothing particularly gendered in there (even whatever "Betsy" and she "were still" - she doesn't even know a Betsy).
[/spoiler] Nah, that is quite flirtatious The only problem is, that Gyllian is not an adventurer. Not at all.
@Miloch Did you miss the flirtatious subtext when you accept her offer? :P That's not how women normally talk to each other.
You mean, "You are the life of the party, you are! ...This all reminds of a time when Betsy and I were still... Hoo, I'm so silly-- I don't know a Betsy!! Tee hee hee --hic-- whooo..."
Um, she's drunk, obviously. That comment would go unnoticed for a drunk of any gender or sexual persuasion (nevermind she says it to you whether you're male or female).
@Jalily - I pasted the dialogue in its entirety on the previous page. I don't see what you're talking about, unless it's modded content.
@Aosaw - sorry, didn't see your question earlier. The Aurora lockpicks give a minor bonus to the lockpicking skill (they don't automatically open things).
Yes, I saw that too but rejected it as flirtatious. She is a *noblewoman* after all (with that animation and everything). Let's say a nobleman offered me a drink. I wouldn't have a problem as a straight male saying "When a lord offers me a drink, how can I refuse?" I mean, that would hardly be a gay innuendo. Why should it be different for women?
Because "lord" and "lady" aren't even remotely equivalent, by definition or in practice. When you refer to a man as a "lord," you're unambiguously focusing on his superior status, not the fact that he's male. Lowercase "lady" is just a more polite version of "woman," both in this game and in real life. The primary focus is on gender.
Baldur's Gate really makes no class distinction here (though it does with other words). Female NPCs refer to themselves as ladies despite lack of noble status, prostitutes are sometimes called ladies by other characters, dialogue options let you casually address both noble and non-noble women as "lady " (usually when you're angrily or dismissively refusing to help them), you can address some random female commoners as "my lady," etc. (Can you imagine calling a random male commoner "my lord"?) An uncapitalized "lady" that does not directly precede a woman's name carries no connotation of rank in Baldur's Gate or the real world, merely an indication that the subject is female and perhaps well-behaved. (Obviously, the latter does not apply to Gyllian...)
A female adventurer would be especially aware of this distinction since she is understood to be a "lady" as well. And it's just bizarre for a woman to choose her words like that if she doesn't want to be misunderstood. She could have used a gender neutral term to emphasize the drink or a word like "noblewoman" to emphasize Gyllian's status, but instead went for a version of "woman" known for its often flirtatious overtones. Especially in the context of accepting drinks from a stranger...
Wow, wait a sec, i read through the whole discussion and I still have no idea who Dee and Jalily were talking about! That will take some serious effort to let go, if nobody can enlighten me!
Wait... @Dee is @Aosaw? Darn, I'm behind the times...
You know, if someone is still interested, I think there are two Anishai mods out there that have no dialog. It might be a place to start for a F/F romance, and is in a decent place for picking up an NPC. It may be a little late for an NPC joinable, except that is where you pick up Edwin. I wrote a minor encounter for her with male and female pcs in Romantic Encounters, so if someone does, let me assist with how to deal with not having conflicting content.
Nah, that is quite flirtatious
Um, she's drunk, obviously. That comment would go unnoticed for a drunk of any gender or sexual persuasion (nevermind she says it to you whether you're male or female).
@Aosaw - sorry, didn't see your question earlier. The Aurora lockpicks give a minor bonus to the lockpicking skill (they don't automatically open things).
Baldur's Gate really makes no class distinction here (though it does with other words). Female NPCs refer to themselves as ladies despite lack of noble status, prostitutes are sometimes called ladies by other characters, dialogue options let you casually address both noble and non-noble women as "lady " (usually when you're angrily or dismissively refusing to help them), you can address some random female commoners as "my lady," etc. (Can you imagine calling a random male commoner "my lord"?) An uncapitalized "lady" that does not directly precede a woman's name carries no connotation of rank in Baldur's Gate or the real world, merely an indication that the subject is female and perhaps well-behaved. (Obviously, the latter does not apply to Gyllian...)
A female adventurer would be especially aware of this distinction since she is understood to be a "lady" as well. And it's just bizarre for a woman to choose her words like that if she doesn't want to be misunderstood. She could have used a gender neutral term to emphasize the drink or a word like "noblewoman" to emphasize Gyllian's status, but instead went for a version of "woman" known for its often flirtatious overtones. Especially in the context of accepting drinks from a stranger...
You know, if someone is still interested, I think there are two Anishai mods out there that have no dialog. It might be a place to start for a F/F romance, and is in a decent place for picking up an NPC. It may be a little late for an NPC joinable, except that is where you pick up Edwin. I wrote a minor encounter for her with male and female pcs in Romantic Encounters, so if someone does, let me assist with how to deal with not having conflicting content.