the inventory game

Question: did the developers say anything about inventory management improvements?
I would love inclusion of the following storages
- a keychain to gather all the various keys for all the doors (especially bg2). I remember a mod having one that worked fine although it also allowed other items
- a rune stone case. Because there are so many (especially bg1)
- sensible book storage. It's just weird that books fit in scroll cases... mind you, with the small amount of text one could estimate 3-4 pages per book so they should actually have these books count for as many scrolls to fill scroll cases faster ^-^. But ahum.. a magic case to store books would be nice. Now don't mistake me for hauling useless books everywhere but there are quite a few books/tomes that are quest items and need to be dragged a long way, or are useful to hang on to.
Thinking about more realism (don't implement this); some npcs (nobles, rich foes) could be given mini gem bags and coin bags holding at most 3-5 gem spaces for us to steal rather than loose stones and piles of gold. Those would add much flavour to the game. Does not help inventory management hehe.
Thoughts anyone?
I would love inclusion of the following storages
- a keychain to gather all the various keys for all the doors (especially bg2). I remember a mod having one that worked fine although it also allowed other items
- a rune stone case. Because there are so many (especially bg1)
- sensible book storage. It's just weird that books fit in scroll cases... mind you, with the small amount of text one could estimate 3-4 pages per book so they should actually have these books count for as many scrolls to fill scroll cases faster ^-^. But ahum.. a magic case to store books would be nice. Now don't mistake me for hauling useless books everywhere but there are quite a few books/tomes that are quest items and need to be dragged a long way, or are useful to hang on to.
Thinking about more realism (don't implement this); some npcs (nobles, rich foes) could be given mini gem bags and coin bags holding at most 3-5 gem spaces for us to steal rather than loose stones and piles of gold. Those would add much flavour to the game. Does not help inventory management hehe.
Thoughts anyone?
Works for me.
The twitch session showed the container for arrows and bolts, so that'll help a lot to ease the inventory management in SoD.
But for those that like realism, better scroll cases and more easily and readily available wouldn't hurt.
drowning in containers indeed