The Point of Charisma

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the old baldur's gate 1 and 2, charisma had absolutely no utility except a small discount in stores.
It had no combat utility and no spell utility. No ability utility at all.
It was a bit awkward to have that useless stat, and especially a bit disappointing to see charisma not doing anything.
By any hope does Beamdog plan to fix this? By giving charisma more use than shop discount?
What do you guys think?? Did you found out another use for charisma?
My suggestion : - Charisma should affect bard song (makes sense).
-Charisma should affect summoning : the more you have charisma, the better are your invocations.
-Charisma should affect some other priest spells.
It had no combat utility and no spell utility. No ability utility at all.
It was a bit awkward to have that useless stat, and especially a bit disappointing to see charisma not doing anything.
By any hope does Beamdog plan to fix this? By giving charisma more use than shop discount?
What do you guys think?? Did you found out another use for charisma?
My suggestion : - Charisma should affect bard song (makes sense).
-Charisma should affect summoning : the more you have charisma, the better are your invocations.
-Charisma should affect some other priest spells.
Post edited by GueulEclator on
I'm not sure if there are any reaction checks from NPCs that have them say or do more for you based on high Cha. Such as maybe they provide additional dialogue, more helpful information about the area, etc. That would be a nifty mod, though. (Maybe there is such a mod now for all I know, I've been away from the game for the last four years.)
But since you can initiate conversation with whomever you want, charisma is pretty useless as an individual stat for most of the game.
I always rob Ribald's ring at the start of BGII so I never had problems with low charisma.
At present I think it is reputation rather than charisma that affects whether NPCs are willing to join you in BG.
But anyway, for me the point of charisma is to roleplay. I seriously see no sense in a party commanded by someone of lower CHA than ogre.
I don't mind Minsc thinking he's the leader (or thinking Boo is the leader for that matter) but I'm still in charge dammit!
Yeah sorcs in bg are kinda stupid.
@Lemernis regarding the fights to the death - Yes, Viconia & Keldorn for one.
More gold is always good too, I usually sell and steal back items (good way to generate a fortune).
In the game this is reflected by cheaper prices in stores, which is also affected by reputation. Both reputation and charisma discounts stack.
Also it affects outcomes in dialogues in some events and affects rewards after completing some quests.
In combat, the leaders charisma, affects morale failure on your party members. Try it out for yourself. Create a character with very low charisma and watch your party flee with morale failure: running at 50% health most the time. They will also flee with 100% health if party members around them start to die.
It also affects inter-party reactions. A leader with low charisma with Xzar/Montaron and Khalid/Jaheira in the party will result in the four mentioned fighting to the death. It is pretty funny. The characters will still be in your party when they fight but uncontrollable. Their circles will change a dark blue.
So I would say charisma has a big affect on combat and the game in general. Having a leader with low charisma makes the game very challenging and at times will make you lose battles long before the battle is actually lost as all your party members are running in morale failure: running and getting gibbed.
What you dont see is the morale failute chance being reduced or eliminated with high enough charisma as well as the elimination of in party fighting when you have evil and good mixed.
So I think it is fine as is. Not all stats need to be actively and visably doing something.
It's NPC reaction ... It's based on Charisma + Rep.
I've also heard that some quests that are given to you in the city Baldur's Gate will only be given if you have a low Rep/Charisma. I think the quest for Algernon's Cloak is one of them ... of course who in their right mind would actually turn in that quest.
And, to further repeat what previous posters have said, if you have a high charisma character leading the party there is a lesser chance of morale failure and inter-party fighting. I always hear people saying "blah blah I can't have good and evil NPCs cuz they will fight!!!!111" and I have literally had that problem all of two times. This is because I usually have someone with a fairly high charisma at the front.
Basically, anything that screws over min/maxers will warm the cockles of my heart.
Seems like I should create a character with poor charisma when it's time for BG:EE ... to see those conflicts again.
That's only true in the beginning of the game. Once you character have higher level they never have moral failure.
I never had a singly moral failure in BG2 for example.
He lived as long as I didn't kill some people in Friendly Arm Inn and than hunted down by flaming fist suddenly appearing patrols. You know half-orc without brain (stats:19/18/19/1/3/3) and still he could use so many difficult words.
Again it reminds me fallout where you couldn't even properly talk with such stats. Great was when others tried to translate difficult words into character's little brain. Last quest giving was something like: "You kill bad guys... because they are bad... kill them". And of course you couldn't get almost all side-quests because you couldn't communicate properly.
So actually in BG charisma is much less useful.