Yes so they need to unite the rule sets AND update the AI.
Yeah but I would hate for them to say "updating every .CRE's AI is too much work, so we're not going to make the spells available at all."
Even if they're not available to the player - exclude them from spell.ids, or add them to hidespl.2da, or whatever, to prevent the player learning them - at least put the spells into the game engine. Make the underlying spells, effects, and animations uniform. Then modders can take it from there.
We'll almost certainly get the effects (and hopefully any projectiles, etc.) Even if we don't get the spells, I can imagine an update to IWDification.
One way or another, it will happen. Best case scenario, it's just a matter of add spelling the iwd spells as is (with a few adjustments as necessary when there are level conflicts). Actually, conversion may not be hard at all.
One way or another, it will happen. Best case scenario, it's just a matter of add spelling the iwd spells as is (with a few adjustments as necessary when there are level conflicts). Actually, conversion may not be hard at all.