Temples aren't resurrecting my companions?

Minsc went down, Didn't realize he was even dead after I quick saved, auto saved was miles back, trying to resurrect him at the Temple next to Beregost, Gave a thousand dollars to the temple priest, nothing? still greyed out, I don't have a druid yet, I can't buy Raise dead spells, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks..
Or if you don't want to cheat you could upload the save and I will fix it for you, no questions asked. *Looks shady.*
Do you have enough gold to have the spell cast?
Maybe try starting a new test game and see if you can raise any old person. Even do it in another game like bg2 or IWD as presumably if there is a bug it won't be in both games.
It's possible you left ressing at the church too long. Sometimes if I leave it for a long time it won't resurrect the dead.
Make a save at the start of each chapter and don't touch it. Make a save when you enter a new map and don't touch it til you leave. And keep a rotation of five or so save slots that you go through. And you might want to have a couple ready in case you get the opportunity to save in the middle of a battle. That's pretty rare but you don't want to reload into an unwinnable state.
At this point I've played so much that I know when to save because things are going to get kind of sticky or possibly glitchy but mostly just have three saves I rotate through.
His portrait might not appear on the donation, shop or identify tabs but it should be there on the cure tab (the first tab to the left of the donation bowl tab).
From there you just need to select the raise dead spell and then Minsc' portrait and have the money to pay the cost (200gp per level or something iirc).
Good luck!