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Kits for Dual Class the Second Class

GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Well after half hour reading through the search results i can't seem to find my answer.

I remember following BG2 over on Planet Baldur's Gate as kits were being developed and "they" said kits would only work for the first class in a dual class character.

I think they said it was some sort of engine limitation.

Yet "they" also pointed out gnomes could be duals class for first and second class (illusionist if dual classed to a mage by default).

So my question is has anyone officially said we can chose a kit for our second class? or maybe for both classes like the gnome who defaults to illusionist if mage is the second class?

Thank in advance!



  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Gnomes don't duel class. Duel-classing is for humans only.

    The only mage a Gnome can be is Illusionist, and they'd have to be an Illusionist to start with. (or Illusionist\thief Illusionist\cleric)
  • CuanCuan Member Posts: 38
    Personally I think kits shouldnt be able to dual class. They are for the most part what make dual classing over powered.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Cuan said:

    Personally I think kits shouldnt be able to dual class. They are for the most part what make dual classing over powered.

    Swashbuckler / Fighter being one example.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited September 2012
    well i didn't really explain that well, yes i know only humans can dual class. What i was trying to say is i remember reading years ago that the designers said they didn't implement kits for the second class because it was an engine limitation. Again is this really the case? Can we have a kit for our second class with BG:EE?

    Anyone know if any official word has been given?

    Funny Jaxsbudgie you mentioned Swashbuckler going to be my first character when GB:EE comes out a half orc. Never played one before, ever.
    Post edited by Gloomfrost on
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    I seem to remember it was possible in shadowkeeper to give the second class of a dual a kit, or give a kit to one of the classes in a multi.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    But nothing official from the BG:EE Devs?
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I'd like the option to have kits in multi- and dual-classes. It might well be overpowered in several cases, but I think the choice whether to play such cheese should be left to the player (maybe give us a warning before we choose). Ranger/Cleric is also OP, but still in the game, so why not give those who'd like a kit multi'd or dualled for roleplaying reasons the option.
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    How about

  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    I have said before that I'd like to have single kit multiclass/be able to dual into a kit class. Never made sense to me that you could have a kit as your first class and not your second. It's still only one kit, it's just an order in which they're done issue.

    I would like to play a fighter(first class)/swashbuckler(second). It would trade better THAC0 for lower AC and thief skills, you'd still be capable of whirlwind but not greater. It would be powerful (eventually) but dualling is all about biding your time for that pay off.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109

    I'd like the option to have kits in multi- and dual-classes. It might well be overpowered in several cases

    Dual and multiclasses already overpowered

  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    @Candramelekh - fighter/mages fighter/thieves & cleric/rangers overpowered? Outlandish!
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839

    I'd like the option to have kits in multi- and dual-classes. It might well be overpowered in several cases

    Dual and multiclasses already overpowered

    Yeah, exactly what I'm saying, so adding kit options won't do harm as the game is basically already broken, but it would introduce interesting new choices. For example, why can I be a fighter -> cleric, but not a fighter -> cleric of Helm? Doesn't make sense.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    Isair said:

    @Candramelekh - fighter/mages fighter/thieves & cleric/rangers overpowered? Outlandish!

    @Isair What's wrong with them? The only one i don't know how to use is the last one. The first two is obviously overpowered

  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Isair said:

    @Candramelekh - fighter/mages fighter/thieves & cleric/rangers overpowered? Outlandish!

    @Isair What's wrong with them? The only one i don't know how to use is the last one. The first two is obviously overpowered

    We neglected to mention Dwarven Fighter/Clerics........
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    No. Dual-classing is already disgustingly overpowered to the point where I don't use it.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012

    No. Dual-classing is already disgustingly AWESOME to the point where I don't use it.

    Fixed that for you. :)
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    See, to me, dual-classing is so complicated that by the time I think about it, I'd rather just finish the game. ;)

    I'd be in favor of allowing a non-kitted class to choose a kit when dual-classing; or to allow a multiclass character to choose a kit for one of their classes. It only seems "fair".

    I doubt it's feasible, though, with the limited time left for development. Not because the engine couldn't handle it, but because you'd have to design a UI screen where you choose your kit. :)
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    Pretty much anything is possible in d&d, so these limitations make no sense. If i want to cheese my way through the game then i think i should be allowed to. Even if it was deemed cheating i should be able to do so as it`s a single player game anyway.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Honestly how about we just have the ability to kit when dual classed even if we already have a kit. Sure some things might be broken to the point of godliness (I see what I did there), but why not allow me to play a Kensassin or Berserker/Avenger or Berserker/Shapeshifter (prolly won't work but it would be fun).

    Myself, I still won't use them, I never really enjoyed dual classing. But I also use a mod to let all my fighter/x multiclasses reach grand mastery cause I think its bs that they can't.

    *Shrugs* even if they don't add it, there is always Shadowkeeper.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Well BG:EE to me is THE new standard of playing BG, so if kits are allowed in the second class i can start designing characters now. If the developers allow it to me its not a cheat, if i have to use a program for a second class it is a cheat. That how i define cheats personally.
  • Well BG:EE to me is THE new standard of playing BG, so if kits are allowed in the second class i can start designing characters now. If the developers allow it to me its not a cheat, if i have to use a program for a second class it is a cheat. That how i define cheats personally.

    Then by your definition, all mods are cheats? So playing bgee (a game that is built upon the idea of modding) is cheating and you should never play it? How sad for you.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109

    Since when is having MORE options at character creation and character development a bad thing?

    In compare with other character? Yes, it's bad

    If you feel something makes the game "too easy," then don't do it.

    I disagree. The meaning of "true" RPG is to be little part of bigger game. If you want to be the best in all aspects you want, you need to play Skyrim

  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    I support dual-class characters getting one kit if they haven't selected one. It's kind of dumb that you dual class from a kit, but not into one. What's the rationale for that?

    I'm on the fence of multi-class characters getting a kit, but wouldn't say no to such a feature. I do not support muti-class characters getting two kits. This is a polarizing issue it seems. There's a good discussion on that topic here:
  • Thief_Of_NavarreThief_Of_Navarre Member Posts: 26
    Isair said:

    @Candramelekh - fighter/mages fighter/thieves & cleric/rangers overpowered? Outlandish!

    Cleric/rangers DO get both cleric and druid spell lists. IRON SKINS!
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited September 2012
    @LordsDarkKnight185 lol bro it's just a game no need for personal attacks, im not sad @ all :).

    Yes essentially anything that is not cosmetic is a cheat.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    Since when is having MORE options at character creation and character development a bad thing?

    In compare with other character? Yes, it's bad
    You already have more options compared to any NPC who can join you. This is the case whether or not they add this in as a feature or not. Also, allowing people to dual-class into a kit would still affect any NPC capable of dual-classing.

    If you feel something makes the game "too easy," then don't do it.

    I disagree. The meaning of "true" RPG is to be little part of bigger game. If you want to be the best in all aspects you want, you need to play Skyrim
    The "true meaning" of RPG is to sit down in a dark basement with a case of Mt. Dew, a bag of cheetos, your best geek friends, a turntable blaring Led Zeppelin IV, and a whole bunch of super nerdy jokes.

    To be "the best in all aspects," you can make a bard or a fighter/mage/thief. That option is already in the game and will not be affected if we make it so people can dual-class into a kit.

    Kitting INTO a dual-class would not be any more overpowered than hundreds of options ALREADY IN THE GAME. I don't see how adding more options and therefore more replay value is a bad thing under any circumstance. The people who want it will be estatic. The people who don't want it are typically anti-dualing anyway so I doubt they'd really be up in arms over a change they wouldn't utilize.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    @Candramelekh that's the joke. Cleric/Rangers get all Druid & Cleric spells.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    As @Thief_Of_Navarre has already mentioned (I really need to play closer attention).
  • @LordsDarkKnight185 lol bro it's just a game no need for personal attacks, im not sad @ all :).

    Yes essentially anything that is not cosmetic is a cheat.

    Nah man, i wasn't trying to attack you at all. I was just trying to be a smartass and twist your logic abit.
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