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The adventures of BlueBell (an excerpt)

This is an excerpt from the adventures of BlueBell, a neutral-evil sorcerer. I am playing solo with SCS installed and will post more if there’s any appetite for it.

* The Circus (in which our hero loses his insecurity, his vision and his mind, in that order) *

Let the record show that BlueBell had an entirely jolly time at the Circus, giving barely a thought to Nashkell’s problems except to reflect upon the eerie quietness of the place (no queues!).

The most notable encounter took place in a small tent in which a jittery wizard named Zordal threatened a (presumably) innocent girl with a “powerword kill”, proclaiming her to be a dangerous witch. BlueBell considered casting “dispel hypocrisy”, but then recalled that no such spell exists. He did however note the distress in the eyes of this particular damsel and sensed an opportunity for heroics.

BlueBell does not negotiate with terrorists, so the mage was swiftly insulted and the girl swiftly slain. Matters being thus simplified, the two mages engaged one another in an impressive battle of fantastical and occasionally pointless magicyness.

Unsure of this mage’s power, BlueBell instinctively turned to his limited knowledge of protective magic. He had a scroll of armour in the bag but opted for shield instead, so as to gain protection from the inevitable magic missiles. Furthermore, he reasoned that the long duration of the armour spell would make it the ideal accompaniment to his forthcoming slog through kobold-infested mines.

Zordal didn’t apply much pressure initially, opting first for mirror image and then casting dispel magic as his opening offensive gambit. Unfortunately for him the dispel failed entirely (hurray for soloing – I think being level 4 was probably crucial here). During this time BlueBell was able to raise his own mirror images and throw some magic missiles at his mentally-unstable foe. Clearly Zordal had overlooked the importance of the shield spell. BlueBell delayed his next volley of magic missiles in an attempt to interrupt Zordal’s casting, but with three mirror images remaining this was always going to be a gamble. Unfortunately it didn’t pay off. However, Zordal proceeded to summon two kobolds, which was of little concern to BlueBell, who swiftly removed them from the equation with a well-placed sleep spell. Zordal now had no minions and only one mirror image, which meant that his spells could be reliably interrupted by BlueBell’s magic missiles. The battle continued in that manner until Zordal finally moved in for melee. BlueBell was inclined to finish the battle with his dagger if possible, so he gritted his teeth and got all stabby. However, the cunning Zordal had kept one last trick up his sleeve, and caught BlueBell quite off-guard with a blindness spell. This, ofcourse, was just not cricket, so BlueBell simply pummelled his opponent with magic missiles until the world was left with one less crazy mage.

The girl was long-dead, of course, but BlueBell affected a feminine voice and thanked himself on her behalf. He considered feeling one of her ample breasts before departing, but ultimately decided that history may regard such an act as unheroic.

This encounter provided 900 experience points, with which I was most satisfied. The young wizard, feeling rather pleased with himself, then purchased “The One Gift Lost” in the tent next-door, which is a necklace that comes with ten charges of fireball. BlueBell felt that it looked rather fetching, and I decided it would be a useful crutch while waiting to unlock his own level three spells. He was also able to purchase some throwing knives from a local merchant, though his paltry strength limited him to 38.

Still blinded, BlueBell stumbled and groped his way around the rest of the circus. He would later refer to this blindness in explaining the excessive time spent in a nearby opium tent, conceding that he “did think it smelt odd”.


  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Hey @DoomAlone, there are always people interested in journaled playthroughs, including RP details for flavor (such as Bluebell's 'thank you' in girlie voice).

    I for one would like to read more. You might consider posting this in the general discussions area for the time being, as you'll find more readers there.

    Ah, and welcome to the forums! :)

  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Glad to see an evil sorcerer in action.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Does he sell ice cream?
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