Will changes implemented in BG: SD be adapted for BG:EE and BG2:EE?

I apologize if this has already been asked (nothing came up in my search of this page).
The title pretty much ask the question -- are there plans to incorporate the changes (such as to the AI based on the difficulty slider) be incorporated into BG:EE and BG2:EE? I imagine there would be (it'd be rather strange to add a core class to an expansion that lasts for -- 5 levels or so?), but I'm curious if there's been official word.
The title pretty much ask the question -- are there plans to incorporate the changes (such as to the AI based on the difficulty slider) be incorporated into BG:EE and BG2:EE? I imagine there would be (it'd be rather strange to add a core class to an expansion that lasts for -- 5 levels or so?), but I'm curious if there's been official word.
I think it may be connected to the fact Trent Oster acknowledges people's wish to go through SoD with a shaman class character who's beaten BG1. Also, it may be connected to Beamdog's wish people see and try new enhancements to the UI so that more orders for SoD come.
As for a patch for BG2EE, they told they'll be bringing the engine updates to this game as well. But the timing is still unknown.
Legacy of Bhaal mode has been confirmed as coming to both games, along with the "story mode". As bengoshi mentioned, no fixed timeline was given.
However, in the Q&A at the SoD launch event, the three devs all agreed that the goal was to have this done around the launch time of SoD. Doesn't mean it will happen, but that's the goal.