Gnoll Video tries to play. Fails. Still updates baldurs.ini! v.1.3.2070 Android
Member Posts: 5,745
Playing on a Samsung Galaxy 4
1. Head to Gnoll stronghold AR5100
2. Observe screen fade to black before then reappearing.
3. Open balder.ini note that, 'MOVIES', 'GNOLL', '1' has been added.
This does not break the game or even annoy the player in any shape or form. I just noticed it...
1. Head to Gnoll stronghold AR5100
2. Observe screen fade to black before then reappearing.
3. Open balder.ini note that, 'MOVIES', 'GNOLL', '1' has been added.
This does not break the game or even annoy the player in any shape or form. I just noticed it...