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Sorcerer kits - custom spellbook

 TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
I've been experimenting with a sorcerer that can't gain regular spells and gains custom spells naturally per level. To prevent the sorcerer from getting normal spells, I created an effect that applies every level and removes all vanilla mage spells from the caster's spellbook after a delay of 2 seconds (without the delay it doesn't work). So the way it works now is that you *can* select spells but they're gone as soon as you finish levelling up.

Does anyone know of a less messy way of implementing this? Sorcerer spell selection seems to be hard coded.


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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I can't give you permission to use the code, as this is @Aquadrizzt 's baby. It is less messy in that players aren't selecting spells that are subsequently erased. On the other hand, you will have to recreate spell selection for sorcerers that do not have your kit, so it goes a bit farther than a simple kit mod.

    You could give the choice to the player. Create the kit your original way, but, if the player has the TnB component installed, use a spell selection dialog.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @Artemius_I , if you would be interested in having a completely custom spell list, I can help with some code for a spell selection dialog. All you have to do is feed it an associative array with spell codes and levels and it will do the rest. Let me know.
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