What will you do first?

What is the first thing you plan to do when you actually get to play #BGEE
- What will you do first?177 votes
- Create multiple new characters for the fun of of it!  8.47%
- Listen to all the voice sets and try and figure out which ones are the new ones  7.34%
- Jump right into game with a default, pre-made character, and rush to the end as fast as possible  2.82%
- Spend time creting the perfect character, and the perfect build, then slowly play through everything81.36%
I can dream can't I?
I already planned a character, most time will be spend on choosing a portrait perhaps, as there's new options I want to check first before deciding on one. Time to get to learn the GUI and then start. It will be quicker than spending half an afternoon or evening setting up the game with Tutu.
I'm not decided yet if I want to experience BGEE vanilla first, or immediately start of with checking which mods did get updated and are compatible. Though it will be some time for SCS to catch up with the retweaked enging I fear.
Or just, you know. Roll.
Kind of sucks when you get a character with 14/13/13/13/12/14, but that's part of the charm.
1: You only need 10 strength. Can't wear heavy armors anyway, the lighter stuff you can wear gets in the way of spellcasting. Unless you're whomping around with two-handed weapons, 10 will cover any one-hander you want and you can still focus on ranged bows. When you want to hit things in melee, you have access to spells and therefore can utilize "Strength" til you pick up the gauntlets of ogre power.
2: Don't sweat about constitution too much. Don't get bonuses to hp beyond 16 with them anyway. If you wanna get really meta-gamey, you only really need to "roll" a 15 on it because you can get the book that permanently ups it pretty early on.
3: drop your charisma to it's lowest value. 15 is more than you'll ever need. That + Friends = more than you need to reach the max on shop discounts. 15 + tome of charisma + Algernon's Cloak = 18, which is more than enough to get the very, very few rewards in the game where max charisma matters.
4: You might be tempted to totally go balls-out destroying your Wisdom. Normally I'm all for min-maxing but bards are the single only class in the game who actually care about their lore value. 7 wisdom is safe. You lose 10 lore at 7 WIS, but if you dump your tomes of wisdom through the game on yourself you'll get back up to 10 WIS and therefore no longer lose any lore.
Hope that helps.
It's just a loan... I SWEAR
In the second playthrough(if I play it second time), I will go for power gaming. Max stats, dual or multy fighter/mage, use all the tomes for stats, and probably level up after my constitution is as high as possible(so I get more HP). Then I go to BG2 EE.
I think I am going to play Vanilla first
For example, I really want to try Khalid/Jaheria/Monty/Xzar, Coran/Safana, and Dynaheir/Edwin/Minsc