Have you ever noticed any errors in the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series that cracked you up?

Was playing through Icewind Dale today in anticipation for BG:EE. Thought it was funny that the game takes place in 1281 but that Gerth in Kuldahar has a book for sale in his shop on the "Recent History of the North" talking about the year 1367. Whoops. I bet that's a best seller that one.
I played BG the first time using a portrait pack, so Minsc had a beard. I thought it suited him perfectly. Then when I played the game without it he possessed no beard and was bald, I thought it was a glitch. HAR.
Good thing it wasn't my first playthrough, otherwise I'd have been VEEEEEEERY confused!
When I got out of the Candlekeep Catacombs it didnt begin chapter 7.. Reloading and re-exiting didnt help so I had to begin the game all over again. It happened to me only once though..
Whether all of the tales surrounding Bron are true or not, it is known that Bron is believed to have met his end in the Spine of the World mountains, fighting polar worms.
It is know that he is believed to have.... What? heh.
He says this a lot when you first pick him up - in the tunnels of his old clan. Goldfish memory.
It was also funny once when Aerie and Nalia had a conversation in Ust Natha about how pretty the stars looked or something to that effect. Obviously, they couldn't see them while underground.
Also, one time 4 copies of Garren Windspear showed up in his cabin at the same time after I had completed the Firkraag quest. Each one gave me 44,000 quest XP when I talked to him.
An Amnish soldier in the Slums yelled "For the Glory of Amn" once and then proceeded to stab a cat to death with his spear.
(Stop reading this now, unless you enjoy "funny" rambles by "spoony bards".)
Inspired by insights into myself that I have gained by participating in this forum, and from other sources, I know that my happiness in any world is dependent on cats first, and music second.
If I become a bard, I will have music first and no cat, so I can't do that.
That means, my truest game-playing template for my own happiness is to be a cat-companion druid, sorc, wiz, or ranger who gives priority in npc friends to having a bard to fill out the "music" side of the equation.
The sorc or wiz possiblilty only exists in NWN1, which has effective cat familiars for wiz's and sorc's.
The sorc or wiz possibility only exists in BG as either a "chaotic neutral" (bah, alignments, who needs them!) sorc or wiz with a cat familiar, or as a totemic druid who has a 1/4 chance to summon a spirit cat. (And, from my childhood, I had a fascination with giant, constrictor snakes, bears, and wolves, in addition to cats. Hmm - totemic druid - hmm.)
In BG1, this idea would mean that I have to take Garrick, for better or for worse, since he is my only Source of music, being as how I can't be the Musicmaker myself (no cat).
In NWN1, I would need to take either Deekin or that other female bard, whose name I forget. I would need to be a druid or a wiz/sorc to get the critical cat componenent of my happiness.
Ha, isn't it wonderful how D&D can teach you about yourself?
On-topic: What "cracks me up"? Funny insights about myself gained from playing "games", that's what.
"There are two refuges from the miseries of life: music, and cats." -Albert Schweitzer, organist and medical doctor
Well, when I was about to answer the support team, I found out that I had cast a protection from undead from a scroll before talking to Bodhi, and that's why she wouldn't attack !
Completely wasted Bioware's time !