BG - Durlag’s Books Should be Scrolls So they can be Copied/Stored

In Durlag’s Tower, you encounter numerous books scattered around the floors that usually only have one line written in them. Since they are in books, they cannot be copied or stored in a scroll case, and it doesn’t make sense for Durlag to use an entire book to write one line of information.
Suggestion: Change the books to scrolls so they can be copied and stored (and so they make more sense).
Suggestion: Change the books to scrolls so they can be copied and stored (and so they make more sense).
FWIW, it's possible to copy/paste into the journal. Though not possible to copy to the text on the screen.
To that end, I transcribed them all for my journal, so thought I'd share for anyone else. If I've made a mistake, or missed one, let me know.
Obviously, this technically counts as SPOILERS...
These are the ones from the 2nd level of the labyrinth:
Moved ne'er by rage and ne'er by anger,
Cold is the trait'rous doppelganger.
Too young to fight, except to fall,
Here died my son, young Fuernebol.
Oh, Kiel, Clan-prince of this dark tower,
You made your death, your finest hour.
Islanne, my wife, I love you still.
'Twas just your form they made me kill.
Soft walks the trait'rous doppelganger
Into my dear son's practice chamber.
Foul mimic of the mortal man,
'Twas in my shape they killed Islanne.
Taste My Fear
Face My Demons
Seek No Exit
Know No Refuge
Feel No Warmth
Dance With The Dead
Know My Madness
Here fell Kiel the Legion Killer
@gugulug5000, I'm interested in implementing your idea in this tweak mod if you don't mind:
I think the same component could also analyse all items in game that uses "GBOOK01.BAM" ground icon and assign them 'Book' category if:
- item uses 'Miscellaneous' category
- item doesn't have any abilities or effects (in such case 'Miscellaneous' category is needed so that item can be placed in Quick Slot)
- item not listed in ITEMDIAL.2DA and ITEMSPEC.2DA
Can anyone think about potential compatibility issues by doing so? Seems safe to me since it only affects which stores can buy the item and if it can be stored in Book Case, but maybe I'm missing something.
Sounds good to me. Go for it. Seems like an easy thing for Beamdog to implement too.
EDIT: Just glancing over your mod, it looks pretty good to me. I may end up using it and I generally dislike using mods. Beamdog should incorporate a lot of those into the game.