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Tomes given to NPCs?

I usually am pretty lucky rolling my stats for my character so I don't really worry about finding the stat enhancing tomes throughout the game. I know the whole "god" thing lends credence to such bizarrely enhanced stats but I'm usually pretty satisfied with what I roll.
With that in mind, I do find the tomes quite useful for augmenting the stats of select NPCs.
For example, with 3 tomes of wisdom in the game, my priest/druid choice can actually become quite powerful, albeit a diversion from their intended support.
The strength tome can alleviate a maddening frustration with some characters carry/gear abilities "why the hell are you an adventurer again?".
The Intelligence tome can provide that extra 'kick' someone like Dyna can use and makes Edwin bloody godlike.
The Dex tome is like school marms at a tupperware sale as to who gets it.
The Constitution tome, I'll admit, I sometimes use on a fighter type Charname. Regeneration may be cheezy but it's damn convenient on occasion.
The Charisma tome, meh, don't care. Usually goes to Charname as he/she does most of the talking anyway.

I've even played some games without using the tomes, just going with basic stats ( and in some, used the tomes to boost the Charname for BG2 just before closure of BG 1).

There is also a lot of gear in BG that enhances stats of course and so planning a wise combo can be beneficial.

So, curious if others use the tomes for party support, knowing that in BG2 they are useless.
Fun factor is key, I NEVER powergame ( though enjoy the occasional exploit, heh).



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