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Thief stealth skills question

AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
What are the recommended stealth skills for BG 1 and then later for BG2 for a reliably stealthy thief (i.e. Bounty Hunter)?

And as I recall there is no difference in HiS or MS, as the two are totaled and then divided by 2 for a total stealth score, so any reason to favor MS over HiS?


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2015
    Try to get at a combination (between the two of them) of as close to 200 as possible. So it could be 100/100, or something around those lines. In BG2 you've got access to rings of invisibility for the few outdoor areas where you might want it, but it doesn't hurt to add more.

    No reason to favour one over the other.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @bengoshi , I choose you!

    Be warned, from what I hear, bengoshi is actually the Master of a minor thieves guild.

    But seriously, I was reading yesterday that he is borderlined obsessed with no reload thieves.

    Made me tempted to get the title for paladin, until I realized that it isn't really needed as their is less nuance.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    A thief is indeed my favourite class but I would name @Blackraven as the Master of this forum's thieves guild. I summon @Southpaw as well.

    There're rings in BG2 available not far into the game that give +25% to Find/Disarm Traps and +25% to Open Locks. So, I usually don't waste points and don't put more than 75 into both these skills. Before you acquire these rings, you can use potions of master thievery to open locks and potions of power to disarm traps. There're many of these potions in the game. Also, you'll learn to like potions this way.

    Also, taking into account you plan to take a bounty hunter, you should put points into Set Traps. In fact, I would do it from the start, on the first several levels. Even not the most powerful version of traps are useful. You can put only 80 points in this skill because there's a ring in BG2 giving +20% to Set Traps. But if you want, you can go for 100.

    I would put 100 into Detect Illusion (it's a very useful skill, helps a lot against mages, especially if you play with the SCS mod), 80 into Set Traps, 75 into Find/Disarm Traps, 75 into Open Locks. The rest you can put into HiS/MS - it doesn't indeed matter which skill from these two.

    Don't bother putting points into Pick Pockets - you can gulp several potions of master thievery, they stack and you'll easily have many points in this skill to steal from the person you need.

    You'll have many items that give bonuses to HiS/MS, so invisibility won't be a problem.

    If you want to play as a bounty hunter, concentrate on traps. Use them as often as you can.

    Also, don't forget that the tome of DEX that you'll get in BG1, will improve your DEX and thieving skills. Check's_Gate:_Races_and_Stats for exact bonuses 19 or 20 points in DEX give.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    I really want to make an evil assassin. Will I have enough points for that stealth strat and still be the only thief in my party in BG1?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    hey @Dragonspear, check my post here here if you like. It gives some tips for building an Assassin.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Blackraven thanks, exactly what I was looking for
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    Thanks @elminster, @bengoshi, and @Blackraven for the tips. My stealth and set traps are where they need to be in my current dwarven bounty hunter run (even a bit higher than recommended above), so now will work on find traps and begin to build detect illusions for the remainder of BG1 and prepping for BG2.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026


    I really want to make an evil assassin. Will I have enough points for that stealth strat and still be the only thief in my party in BG1?

    Not really. Regrettably, for Assassins in BG1, you can usually pick one of two routes
    1) Invest into lockpicking + trap disarm and stay on range with a Shortbow + Venom arrows
    2) Invest into sneaking + possibly Traps, but you'll need another Thief to disarm traps and pick locks.

    I played both. 1) works well in a party, 2) also semi-alone or in smaller parties, provided you have another multi-/dual-classed NPC (Imoen, Shar-teel, Monty)
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