
I just tried to install IWDification( http://www.gibberlings3.net/iwdification/ ) and everything workes well and fine in BG2ee but I can't seem to get it to work in BGee
I get the new spells and they work but none of them have descriptions and show up like this:

Since I'm not getting this in BG2ee I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong or missing something, anyone used this mod before and had the same problem but managed to fix it? Anyone knows what's wrong?
I was really looking forward to a full playthrough with additional druid spells and I would love to get it to work in BGee
I just tried to install IWDification( http://www.gibberlings3.net/iwdification/ ) and everything workes well and fine in BG2ee but I can't seem to get it to work in BGee

I get the new spells and they work but none of them have descriptions and show up like this:

Since I'm not getting this in BG2ee I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong or missing something, anyone used this mod before and had the same problem but managed to fix it? Anyone knows what's wrong?
I was really looking forward to a full playthrough with additional druid spells and I would love to get it to work in BGee

Try downloading the latest version of WeiDU here, then
1) unzip and just move weidu.exe in your BG:EE main folder (you don't need the other files in the archive)
2) uninstall the mod
3) delete the file setup-iwdification.exe
4) rename weidu.exe as setup-iwdification.exe
5) reinstall
Thank you so much! How come it worked in bg2ee though?
In that case, WeiDU automatically updates the older ones to match the version of the most recent of those present in the folder.
Moving that file is not required if WeiDU is up to date, and you should always keep WeiDU up to date, because the older versions aren't just unable to properly locate dialog.tlk, they have other bugs too.
Will use the updated version of weidu when I'm finished with my current run.