BelleSorciere said:I saw a review on GOG saying that the skins are removed if you log out, but I haven't seen anyone else say this so that's all I know.Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner.
I saw a review on GOG saying that the skins are removed if you log out, but I haven't seen anyone else say this so that's all I know.Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner.
typo_tilly said:Definitely best to wait a few weeks. Their Shadowrun releases had a few problems, but this sounds worse.
Definitely best to wait a few weeks. Their Shadowrun releases had a few problems, but this sounds worse.
Also, it doesn't crash during cutscenes for everyone.
Also, I've seen people say the skins remain in the game when you're offline.
@BelleSorciere @typo_tilly @moody_mage @Vallmyr
@BelleSorciere @typo_tilly