Preparing for the Bhaalspawn Saga (recklessheart)

Inspired by @Ygramul 's, and the many pro players that have been posting their stories there, I thought that I might do the same thing for myself when I next run Baldur's Gate! It might be a somewhat tame or unexciting run for most, as I do not use any mods. I do mix up my parties though, so you might see some new combos after the run gets underway. 
I need some techie help before I can begin, however! Simple, straightforward things (I hope), but I don't know where to source the solutions aside from here, so here goes:
1) How do I take screenshots in BG:EE and where do I find them once they have been captured?
2) Does ANYBODY have the portraits for Imoen, Jaheira, Edwin, Viconia and Minsc as per their BG2 renderings, which I can use for BG1EE? I vastly prefer them, and although this isn't critical, it would please me, haha! Where can I find them, and how do I activate them for BG1EE once I do?
3) Can we somehow reclaim the BG2 paper dolls in EE? If it happens that I create a female character, I would very much prefer to have the BG2 Cleric and Mage paperdolls for humans. I'm pretty sure this one is impossible, but I'll throw it in there!
Thanks in advance for those that can help. I'll insight/like/agree with everything you say forever more if you have my solutions (unless it is anti-Nalia or anti-Jaheira. You should all know by now that that will simply not fly with me!).

I need some techie help before I can begin, however! Simple, straightforward things (I hope), but I don't know where to source the solutions aside from here, so here goes:
1) How do I take screenshots in BG:EE and where do I find them once they have been captured?
2) Does ANYBODY have the portraits for Imoen, Jaheira, Edwin, Viconia and Minsc as per their BG2 renderings, which I can use for BG1EE? I vastly prefer them, and although this isn't critical, it would please me, haha! Where can I find them, and how do I activate them for BG1EE once I do?
3) Can we somehow reclaim the BG2 paper dolls in EE? If it happens that I create a female character, I would very much prefer to have the BG2 Cleric and Mage paperdolls for humans. I'm pretty sure this one is impossible, but I'll throw it in there!
Thanks in advance for those that can help. I'll insight/like/agree with everything you say forever more if you have my solutions (unless it is anti-Nalia or anti-Jaheira. You should all know by now that that will simply not fly with me!).

They'll be .BMP's, so you'll want to convert them to .JPG's before you upload them.
Download the EE-Keeper
Run the program. Choose BG1EE on the panel. Then File-Open Saved Games (open your save with Jaheira, Edwin, Viconia and Minsc).
Then choose a party member you want, click "Change Portrait" - find all BG2 portraits - their names start with "N" - NJAHEIRM, NEDWINM etc.
Then save your edited file.
In the game, load an edited save.
3. Not sure about BG2 paper dolls in EE, but you can change the apperiance of your party member with this program too - just click the apperiance tab.