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Maliel, the Bhaalspawn (recklessheart)

Raised in the library fortress of Candlekeep, Maliel took greatly after his foster father, Gorion, and by following his example, Maliel was able to persevere throughout his early adolescence and learn the ways of Arcane magic. It was, however, in these developmental years that the young Half-Elf took an inclination away from admiring his foster father wholeheartedly: he began to develop a sense of individuality, which I suppose is the inherit impulse of all Half-Elves, for they are neither one nor the other of their parents (nevermind their foster parents), and so much learn to be themselves. To be oneself is not an easy thing, but Maliel has not yet begun to learn why it must be so for him.

He began to sneak out of the library early from time-to-time: he developed a curiosity for the things that he thought were being hidden from him by his foster father, and for the things that other sages brought to the library. Could it be that these developed Mages possessed items and scrolls more helpful to his Arcane development than that which the library offered him with great restriction? In addition, the young Maliel became so confident in his aptitude for all things intellectual, that he began to tinker with snares and devices, believing that he was just as capable of learning how to master these things as he could master magic. As he began to depart from his teen years, egotism subsided from recklessness, but he was no less a confident young man who possessed the talents of both a Mage, and a Thief (image 1).

So when the day came that Gorion asked Maliel to gather his things and meet him for a journey, Maliel was not at all anxious. "Good, and it is high time," thinks the Half-Elf, believing that this is the sign that Gorion has grown as impressed by Maliel's talents as Maliel is proud of them. He gathers his things, and prepares to say his farewells to the faces he has come to know within Candlekeep - for Gorion has told him nothing of when they will return.

The day goes by, and he undertakes tasks for friends and familiar faces - no, not all of them he calls friend. Phlydia is a kind soul, and he will miss her; perhaps one day he will see Firebead Elvenhair if Gorion chooses to take them to Beregost? Maliel hopes so, for he is certain that Firebead withholds magic that it could be to his benefit to learn. Hull he shall not miss, being a rather dull conversationalist as he is. About Imoen he is ambivalent: she is fun, adventurous, and good-natured, and he likes these qualities. If she applies herself a bit more, she could surely make more of the natural intelligence that she has and which he thinks sometimes might dare to match with his. But surely no: surely there are very few similarities between he, the chosen foster child of Gorion the Sage, and the girl Thief Imoen that would be left behind to carry out Winthrop's chores.

Threats are made. Violence against him. But for the companionship of his Pseudodragon familiar (of whom he is certain Gorion has no idea), Maliel might be dead. He has the eye to match any Elf, he thinks, with a dart, and he is not without practice using a short sword, but these men mean to harm him beyond a sparring match.

Maliel gathers his things in a new-found haste, and goes to meet with Gorion.

(( This is my first documented run of BGEE, though not my first run of BGEE, and certainly not at all my first run of BG! I have not played a multi-class for years and years, and so this struck me as a potentially interesting choice. We shall see how it goes.
This run is not modded, and continuity errors might be perceived between the run of BGEE and BG2EE, depending on how hardcore you choose to be. I hope you enjoy it for what it is however, for that is all I have ever tried to do with Baldur's Gate, and that has not always - or often - involved a canon party, or a need to rationalise every twist and turn in the long-term game.
All of that said, stay tuned to hear more of what befalls Maliel as he takes flight from Candlekeep, and what experiences he has - and with whom he has them! ))


  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    edited October 2015
    Working for Degrodel to acquire the Helm of Balduran is no easy task, and so at the conclusion of the task when the Mage attempts to dismiss Maliel and his party with force, Maliel opts for further employment of his superior intelligence and guile to correct Degrodel's arrogance: using a magical item known as Algernon's Cloak, Maliel compels Degrodel to recant the error of his ways by battling alongside them against the planar and transmutative forces that Degrodel has summoned. The battle is successful, and concludes with the demise of Degrodel, and Maliel's secure acquisition of the Helm of Balduran. "If it were invariably going to result in force," thinks Maliel, "I ought to have taken the helm for my own and concealed my tracks from this Mage going forward."

    Further time spent in the city involves aiding the Flaming Fist, as well as expanding upon the repertoire of magical items already in Maliel's possession. Soon, the party has proven itself to be a force too dangerous for most to reckon with, but when the infiltration of the Iron Throne redirects the party's course to Candlekeep, Maliel anticipates that the trouble ahead with prove itself less than meek. Rieltar, and the leaders of the Iron Throne responsible for the troubles in the region await in the very library where Maliel became educated in the Arcane ways.

    (( I apologise that I have slowed down on the posts! I'm attempting to synopsise the minor events in between, and return to the main plot. Much of my playtime on Baldur's Gate, I find, involves doing the side quests that are available all across the map, though these are rarely worthy of full documentation, I think! ))
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    In the libraries of Candlekeep, the party of Maliel, foster child of Gorion, finally confronts and defeats the leaders of the Iron Throne. Stealth, and the skills of a Thief have taken Maliel far, but he realises as he stands before Rieltar and his lackeys that these talents which he has acquired throughout the course of his adolescence - now honed like knives after over a month of adventure - would be wasted if he would now over-exert his use of them at the negligence of his magical might. He unleashes his spells, and the full strength of his party to cleanse Candlekeep and the Sword Coast of the malevolent presence of these men. Maliel understands that in the time since Gorion's death, and particularly now that he travels away from Imoen, he has become a harder person: walking readily into unexplained assassination attempts hardens a man, does it not? Ambitious, at times egotistical, and forever driven forward with a solemn need to survival, Maliel still knows good from evil, and he is not regretful to inflict rightful force against these men if it will diminish evil's presence.

    Maliel stands accused of the deed - rightly so, however he harbours the suspicion that he would have been accused of it anyway. Edwin holds the same opinion, though derisively rejects the idea that he shall be held in containment for long by the unambitious Mages of the keep. It is all Maliel can do to hope that Edwin is correct, for his abilities as a Thief are no match for the wards of the fortress.

    The party are liberated from their captivity, though they descend to new dangers in the catacombs below Candlekeep. It is there that Maliel finds new and powerful magicks - scrolls and tomes that might aid the party as they give chase to their new, true foe, Sarevok. The Half-Elf has been taught to exercise caution by his recent captivity in the place he once called his home, however. Caution drives him first in the direction of old ruins (Maliel, and the entirely of his party acknowledge the irony as they go), where he might find a great deal more magic with which he can lay low Sarevok, and correct the damages that he - the murderer of Gorion - has inflicted upon Maliel personally, and upon the Sword Coast.

  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    The party descend deep in Durlag's Tower, and ultimately they are triumphant. The valour of the Paladin, Ajantis, is tested; the skill of the Mages Maliel, and Edwin, is tested; Yeslick's faith in Clangeddin becomes a needful bastion of strength and supplication for the party, as they move deeper into a realm that feels as though it were the womb of fear itself. Together, as six, the party stand and do battle with a myriad of foes, the worst of which could and would have slain any other adventuring party with the mettle to meet it. Though Maliel claims utter confidence that they shall defeat it when they come face-to-face with the former adventuring party to arrive this deep in the tower - seemingly reduced to one woman alone, named Clair De'Lain - the battle that rages between the party and the Demon Knight is not without struggles, and pockets of doubt which become isolated amid the flurry of magic and blood that is cast throughout the room in the fearsome fight.

    The party quits the tower with new magic in their hands, but it is the experiences of the tower which have truly bolstered their resolve. To Edwin it is arrogance, and to Yeslick it is the solemn reassurance of his duty, but in one way or another every companion departs the tower with an awareness of their own strength, and a newfound will to direct that strength towards those that have acted against them for so long.

    Through territories known and heretofore unheard of, the party travels north again towards Baldur's Gate. They are brought astray of Wyrm's Crossing to visit the village known as Ulgoth's Beard, compelled thence by news that one of the items with which they walk belongs with a descendant of Durlag who resides in the village: surely if the party had thought to neglect the duty of returning this dagger, Yeslick would have wholly forsaken their cause. In Ulgoth's Beard, they are subjected to new dangers. They battle with Mages on a remote, enigmatic island; they war with a cult that sought to bring the Demon, Aec'letec back into the Material Plane; and they are washed ashore on an island where Lycanthropes make their dwelling. In all instances, despite the likelihood of their demise, the party triumphs.

    But now the months have passed. Maliel has been entangled longer than he would have liked in these accidental dealings, though there was no getting off the Lycanthrope-ruled island in a faster way. All haste must now be made to Baldur's Gate, where Sarevok's schemes undoubtedly have been moving forward to the detriment of Maliel's safety - and the safety of all who who live on the Sword Coast from Baldur's Gate to Amn.

    (( Things are going very well! Ajantis and Khalid were petrified in Durlag's Tower, owing to the Basilisks that I completely forgot about! I had an over-abundance of Stone to Flesh scrolls, thankfully, so this was dealt with there and then. Faldorn's Dread Wolf summon proved to be critical for defeating the Basilisks thereafter, being immune to their gaze. She arrived in my party proficient with darts, and alongside Maliel using the same weapon, they have been quite effective. Her acquisition of level 5 magic has been useful, also. All in all, she's not bad!
    Maliel's multi-class is starting to yield some better results now, although I suspect it will continue to bloom in Shadows of Amn, and reach it's peak after he is done with the events surrounding Baldur's Gate and the Iron Throne. He has the second most kills in my party, shy of Khalid, who has been with us since the beginning and made quite a reckoning with his longbow.
    I was surprised that I took no screenshots during the installment adventures of TotSC! That was an oversight on my part, for which I apologise. There were no dire circumstances nor epic battles to report though, really, with the exception of the battle with Aec'Letec, which was easier than I recall - perhaps only by virtue of Faldorn's ability to memorise 3 'Death Ward' spells. ))
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    edited November 2015
    The final battle finally comes. Deep beneath Baldur's Gate, following a maze of traps and dangerous foes which a Thief Guild employed as an escape route, Maliel and his party give chase to Sarevok, who quits the scene when Maliel's party overcomes his conspiracy in the Ducal Palace. The path set out before Maliel and his party is not a safe one - it has never been since he left Candlekeep. Nevertheless, Maliel is armed with all the knowledge and experience that he has earned since the first, fateful night that he saw Sarevok cut down his foster father, Gorion.

    Not only Elf, not only human, and not only these two things, Maliel is one of Bhaal's children: one of the Bhaalspawn. There seems to be a constant clutching at the back of his mind, be it from one nature of his existence or the other; fingers behind his eyes that point and direct his attention with an underlying will that he does not always request, nor always desire. Thus far he has done good, and accomplished deeds that shall change the lives of people on the Sword Coast for the better, but must he fight or embrace that which he is? Sarevok has embraced the blood of the God of Murder, yet Maliel must fight him. Their fates, perhaps, need not be the opposite of one another. One thing is certain, however: their fates are mutually exclusive. While one lives, the other shall always be threatened, and chaos will spread. Between them there must be a reckoning.

    And there is. Whatever power Sarevok thought he had earned, it was not the greater of the pair. Sarevok's companions may be mighty, but Maliel's are still mightier. Eventually Sarevok is slain. Gorion is redeemed, and for now - however long 'now' might last - Maliel's life is not at risk, and things seem to be at peace. The war between two Bhaalspawn is at an end, and so the war between Baldur's Gate and Amn need never begin.

    Ajantis goes south to report his achievements to the Temple of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart in Athkatla. Faldorn imparts a vague farewell to Maliel, and she also takes her leave, following the call of Nature that beckoned her begrudgingly towards the city and to the assistance of Maliel in his quest, and which now leads her elsewhere. Edwin, aloof and unconcerned, remains in Baldur's Gate for a time, though Maliel knows not what to do or for how long. The Half-Elf is not mournful to part with the Red Wizard, but he dwells nevertheless on how responsible it might be for him to leave Edwin to his own machinations without supervision. He supposes, however, that there is nothing he can do to prevent Edwin from nursing his private schemes, even if he did endure the Conjurer's company further. Maliel then says farewell to Yeslick, who bereft of clan or purpose decides to return to Durlag's Tower and perform the holy rituals of Clangeddin that might put to rest the mournful spirits of the place.

    Maliel agrees to join Khalid in travelling south again to Beregost, where they will reunite with Khalid's wife, Jaheira, who they hope shall have recovered in full from the near-mortal wounds she received many tendays prior to their showdown in Baldur's Gate with Sarevok. On Wyrm's Crossing, the pair encounter Imoen, and happily the young Thief redirects her course to rejoin Maliel's company.

    Who knows what good deeds the four shall accomplish in the future? Who knows what allies they will meet, and troubles they shall encounter? Despite the trials that lie behind him, Maliel knows that the immortal yearnings of his blood shall continue to mark his days with difficulty. It is his hope that these difficulties do not mar his spirit, nor hound him to madness, and hopefully they will not continue to prove as perilous as his vendetta with his 'brother', Sarevok.

    Little does Maliel know that Sarevok was only the first great danger in what was to be a rather long, incredible story of danger and divinity...

    (( Done! An enjoyable run, and one which incorporates two party members that I have never previously used: Faldorn and Yeslick. Remarkably, this was the easiest showdown with Sarevok I think I have ever had. Faldorn's 'Call Woodland Beings' Nymph managed to paralyse Sarevok in the early stages of battle - this was a great mercy, as a Dispel & Stinking Cloud trap incapacitated Maliel and left him helpless at the end of Sarevok's blade but for a few rounds of 'Stoneskin'.
    Edwin's 'Spider Spawn' spell played the next major part, poisoning and destroying Sarevok whilst he was still being held by the Nymph's spell. Khalid used an Arrow of Dispelling and then made short work of Sarevok's Mage lackey, and Yeslick's 'Zone of Sweet Air' cleared up the Stinking Cloud trap so that the party could have some novelty potshots at the paralysed Sarevok. Ultimately, though, the Phase Spider summon did x5 Sarevok's HP in poison damage before the 'Hold Monster' spell wore off and the scripted event ran to make Sarevok fall dead and end the game. Easily handled, yet ironically Maliel played no part in assuring the party's victory, haha!
    And now onto the most fun part of the entire saga: Baldur's Gate 2, Shadows of Amn! ))
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Congrats on beating Sarevok and good luck to Maliel in BG2!

    Thanks for wonderfully written updates!
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