Need help entering naskal mines

Hi, i dont get to enter naskel mines.... What quest have i forgotten? I have not Been to bandit camp Cause the guys in second Floor in tavern in bergost is not there. I have Been pretty much all over including durlags tower....
Playing as shapechanger single run.
Playing as shapechanger single run.
The guy in the Beregost's tavern and the Bandit Camp are available only after completing the Naskel Mines, not before it.
I killed all the people in the thief guild cause i was running fast true the game and didnt want to talk so much xD After i came back from candlekeep im supposed to be met by Husam. He aint there, I talked to Tamoko, went to flaming fist, found nothing but hostiles there, and im supposed to meet some1 at elfsong tavern. What do i do now?
If you're still lost there's a list of places you should visit:
- The last floor in the Iron Throne tower.
- Undercellar.
The rest should go more smoothly.