Lost my familiar in the Cloakwood Mine.

I had played BG years ago but had never played a Charname Wizard, so up until this latest playthrough I'd never had a familiar. In my latest game I'm playing a multiplayer custom party and the Thief/Illusionist had a pseudo-dragon familiar. Having never had a familiar before, I didn't know you could put him in the backpack and had been maneuvering him out of battles the entire game. Anyway I had just killed Davaeorn and after flooding the mines my party popped out in Cloakwood and I quicksaved. Unfortunately I hadn't noticed till I got back to town that the pseudo-dragon is gone. He's not dead apparently since the protag hasn't lost any constitution, but he's nowhere in Cloakwood and of course I can't reenter the mines, and I can zone out without the "You must gather your party" spiel. I was wondering if anyone else encountered this and will this cause problems later down the line? I could restore to an earlier save but it'd be about a dozen hours back >.<
I'd suggest to follow BillyYank's advice and teleport back to the area where you've last seen your familiar to make sure it's still alive. The area code should be "AR1803".