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Lost my familiar in the Cloakwood Mine.

I had played BG years ago but had never played a Charname Wizard, so up until this latest playthrough I'd never had a familiar. In my latest game I'm playing a multiplayer custom party and the Thief/Illusionist had a pseudo-dragon familiar. Having never had a familiar before, I didn't know you could put him in the backpack and had been maneuvering him out of battles the entire game. Anyway I had just killed Davaeorn and after flooding the mines my party popped out in Cloakwood and I quicksaved. Unfortunately I hadn't noticed till I got back to town that the pseudo-dragon is gone. He's not dead apparently since the protag hasn't lost any constitution, but he's nowhere in Cloakwood and of course I can't reenter the mines, and I can zone out without the "You must gather your party" spiel. I was wondering if anyone else encountered this and will this cause problems later down the line? I could restore to an earlier save but it'd be about a dozen hours back >.<


  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    I think I'd try using the console to go back to the last mine level you were on, and see if he's still there.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    There is a known bug that removes the familiar status from familiars after being dire charmed by enemies. In this case the familiar won't follow you automatically across maps anymore, but it still doesn't count as dead. I don't think that you can summon another familiar in this case.

    I'd suggest to follow BillyYank's advice and teleport back to the area where you've last seen your familiar to make sure it's still alive. The area code should be "AR1803".
  • MontagueMontague Member Posts: 7
    I don't think the dragon got dire-charmed, he was well out of range of the fight with Davaeorn and he was with the party right up until I spoke to the miner at the river plug. In the end I decided 12 hours isn't such a big deal and reloaded. Thanks everyone.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I remember playing the original BG2, and I had the first dream sequence while my familiar was loose. When I woke up the familiar was stuck in the dream. It was a bug, but quite funny.
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