SCS Denak saved vs. web with a 5?

So I'm doing my best to play SCS again without becoming ridiculously frustrated when NPCs do stuff that I can't seem to explain, but this one has me stumped.
I wandered too close to these fellas and started their dialog and couldn't do enough damage initially, so I cast invis and ran off to rest. 8+ hours later when I scouted them out again, he wasn't visible but I assumed he was still right near his buddies where I had left them earlier. So I walked back a bit and fired a web from off screen.
Denak rolled a 5 on his save vs magic and was not held. Am I not understanding how the save rolls are displayed, or is there something going on here that I just don't know about, or what? How did that roll avoid web, considering its save penalty and my assumption that Denak is not, in actuality, level 21 so that his save is a 4.
I wandered too close to these fellas and started their dialog and couldn't do enough damage initially, so I cast invis and ran off to rest. 8+ hours later when I scouted them out again, he wasn't visible but I assumed he was still right near his buddies where I had left them earlier. So I walked back a bit and fired a web from off screen.
Denak rolled a 5 on his save vs magic and was not held. Am I not understanding how the save rolls are displayed, or is there something going on here that I just don't know about, or what? How did that roll avoid web, considering its save penalty and my assumption that Denak is not, in actuality, level 21 so that his save is a 4.
And then Denak saved vs. web with a 3.
Come on now. There's no evidence of a blur or anything else that'd boost his saves cast in my little combat log either, and now that I killed him, he didn't even drop any gear that could have been boosting his save. Someone please enlighten me
Some bg1 enemy spellcasters have like save vs spells/wands so low that they (almost) always succeed, like the infamous Shangalar.