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SCS Denak saved vs. web with a 5?

So I'm doing my best to play SCS again without becoming ridiculously frustrated when NPCs do stuff that I can't seem to explain, but this one has me stumped.

I wandered too close to these fellas and started their dialog and couldn't do enough damage initially, so I cast invis and ran off to rest. 8+ hours later when I scouted them out again, he wasn't visible but I assumed he was still right near his buddies where I had left them earlier. So I walked back a bit and fired a web from off screen.

Denak rolled a 5 on his save vs magic and was not held. Am I not understanding how the save rolls are displayed, or is there something going on here that I just don't know about, or what? How did that roll avoid web, considering its save penalty and my assumption that Denak is not, in actuality, level 21 so that his save is a 4.


  • fischsemmelfischsemmel Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2015
    Heh. I just continued the fight that I began which prompted this post. For whatever reason Denak has just stood still casting a few buffs on himself while I threw web and silences at them. His buddies seem to have run out of potions from my earlier attack cause they're all dead to fireballs now without having seen any of them in visible range yet.

    And then Denak saved vs. web with a 3.

    Come on now. There's no evidence of a blur or anything else that'd boost his saves cast in my little combat log either, and now that I killed him, he didn't even drop any gear that could have been boosting his save. Someone please enlighten me :(
  • fischsemmelfischsemmel Member Posts: 40
    Maybe it's just not my day. I was just interrupted by flaming fist mercs EIGHTEEN TIMES IN A ROW while invisible and trying to rest in Beregost :)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    Maybe it's just not my day. I was just interrupted by flaming fist mercs EIGHTEEN TIMES IN A ROW while invisible and trying to rest in Beregost :)

    That's nothing special. I've been interrupted by flaming fists more than 100 times in a row while resting in Beregost.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    The solution, as always, is simply to uninstall SCS.
  • fischsemmelfischsemmel Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2015

    The solution, as always, is simply to uninstall SCS.

    Solution to what? I asked if anyone could explain how this worked, how an NPC mage that casts 4th level spells max (that I saw, certainly not higher than 5 though) is able to save against web with a roll of 3.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Maybe he gulped a potion of magic shielding beforehand?
    Some bg1 enemy spellcasters have like save vs spells/wands so low that they (almost) always succeed, like the infamous Shangalar.
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  • fischsemmelfischsemmel Member Posts: 40
    Eekeeper did show he had a save vs magic of 3 iirc, but he still shouldn't have made a Dave against web if he rolled a 3. Does the number that appears in game for a save indicate the effective number (I.e. he actually rolled a 5 and the 3 that was displayed included the Dave penalty on web)?
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    here how saves work in the dialogue box; if you see a number, that is the number they passed with, so for example, if Denak makes a save vs death 3, that means he passed while rolling a 3, now if I recall who denak is, I believe he is part of the red wizard of thay group in area below larswood, and even in the original vanilla game his saves were also ridiculously low, even though a wizard at level 20 or so will have a save vs spell 6 or so, sometimes as @subtledoctor said, some npcs have illegal stats, like for example in the vanilla bg1, khalid at level 1 had save vs spell 12, and when he grew up a level it would go to 17, drizzt has a save vs death 1 ( even though legally a level 16 character will sometimes be as high as 6) sarevok in the end, all of his saves are 0 or 1 or something like that, and drizzt again, is a level 16 character but yet is base thac0 is 0, when it should be 5, so yeah the craziness with Denak is "legit" (as in that was intentional), maybe that is the reason why he pumps out 1200 xp unlike his friends who only dish out 300 and 600
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