Dear Beamdog, about that Kensai character model...

A humble request to the game designers: could you please give us a different character model for the Kensai? Something along the lines of the current Monk model maybe? Or perhaps some along the lines of a "Jedi" or cloaked character model - without it looking like a mage.
I've tried using a Monk character model (via EEKeeper), but the result is unsatisfactory. If my Kensai uses a two-handed weapon, the character animations naturally default to those of a Monk's.
A big thanks for the work you've all done thus far - you've succeeded in eliciting the deep feelings of nostalgia in an old player.
I've tried using a Monk character model (via EEKeeper), but the result is unsatisfactory. If my Kensai uses a two-handed weapon, the character animations naturally default to those of a Monk's.
A big thanks for the work you've all done thus far - you've succeeded in eliciting the deep feelings of nostalgia in an old player.
As for additional character models, if they're possible they're always welcome.