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Any mod adding tomes

fildurfildur Member Posts: 2

Just going to download iwdee after playing bgee to the ground. Great fun!
My playstyle is strange, i dont want to use keeper or any "cheat" in my mind. But i would love a mod that gives a small random chance for tomes or put some tomes into the game behind badbad monsters.

Do that kind of mod exist? (Not something that make you absurdly owepovered, just maybe like bg1 1 of each or so at "hidden" well guarded places).

Thanks in advance and best regards


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    unfortunately the only tome I know of is the charisma tome in the trail of the luremaster side quest, but remember there are potions of transference, which will be a minus in one ability score and a plus in another, one of my favourites is the holy transference potion which gives -1 dex and +2 wis, which is great for divine spell casters
  • fildurfildur Member Posts: 2
    Ty! Hoped there was some mod i had missed out there. Is it possible to alter random loot chanse and give bosses 1/1000 or so to drop a random tome? Had for me atleast made it more exciting to loot the bodies :-) !?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    There are already plenty of tomes in the game. For example, there's "Rock Eaters, They are Not," "The Folly of Fury," and the "History of the North" series.
    fildur said:

    Ty! Hoped there was some mod i had missed out there. Is it possible to alter random loot chanse and give bosses 1/1000 or so to drop a random tome? Had for me atleast made it more exciting to loot the bodies :-) !?

    If the chance is that low then they'll basically never drop tomes at all. How many playthroughs do you think you'd have to do just to get one random tome if the bosses have a 1/1000 chance of dropping one? Maybe if every enemy in the game had a 1/1000 chance of dropping a tome it would be fine.
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