BGEE review @HWI

We got a new review!
From what I've checked, it is one of the greatest reviews, others are more like blog posts than reviews ;-)
From what I've checked, it is one of the greatest reviews, others are more like blog posts than reviews ;-)
Most of the review seems to be purely descriptive, in a review I want more than that. Also spoils a really late game quest (Durlag) as well as the main plot.
Yes, that is why the chapter is called "The main story" etc. Ppl don't need to read that, on the other hand others may be somewhat interested to see if it is so interesting they should buy it after all. I know plenty ppl who already thin it is good game, but don't want it because of how much playtime it needs. Well, if they discover it is not just good, but the best, including the story, they may finally get it even if they will play it a year one hour a day
What else do you want in a review thant information about (description of) the product? If you are looking after storytelling, you are in the wrong place.
For example, if I was writing about combat in BG I would mention the variety of monstrers with different abilities and resistances, the party vs party fights and the fact that filler combat is thankfully fast.
With world building it would be the coherence of plot and setting, the little details in form of NPC dialogue and the hand drawn backgrounds. Negatives I would mention are the narrow corridor dungeons (ice island, firewine) and the sometimes unfair ambushes when travelling.
Regarding main plot it would have been better to just point out the two main threads: iron crisis and being hunted. Then explain why the plot appealed to the reviewer. For example, I like how much the iron crisis is fleshed out with npcs discussing it, political tensions and effects on gameplay by having your weapons break.
As for the point refarding the advantage of ee vs mods, this is true but not relevant. It was a critic of the review not the game. If anything, this affirms that the review should have made the point you did.
Finally, I would expect a higher focus on thr content for an enhanced edition.
Most of the other things are just your opinion what is good and wrong…I see it differently. Have no problem about any narrow coridors - its just part of the game, you have to learn deal with it.
Af for these being my opinions, reviews are always subjective. A good review does not avoid opinions, but explains them in a way that the reader can decide if he agrees with the praise or criticism. For example, I could understand a reviewer being critical about the lack of complete voice acting even though I personally see it as a plus.It helps see me where he is coming from.
As for the narrow corridors, I have no trouble with them tactically.But the pathfinding in them is a pain. Honestly did not think anyone would disagree with that.
I am also confused about your "I listed". Is the review by you? It did not sound like that in the OP, but maybe you missed a t?
But, I agree that this is more of an overview than a review.
Yeah, here: But I see now. Well, I have not played those "Many games", not fantasy RPGs though…so I don't really know
Paladin: if that is just "overview", what are these? News posts? They say even more surface crap and are a fraction of the size of my article…all four from BGEE main website
And please don't put any words in my words. I never said the reviewer (who, surprise, turned out to be you) did not play any other games. I was focussing solely on the content on the review. And I feel my point is still valid, because it is still a bare list of facts. For example, Pillars of Eternity does have many status effects, but since they last only a very short time they have little impact compared to BG. The early Wizardry games had petrification, but no real defense against it.
I miss the information why the elements you list make up a good game. Take the criticism in the spirit that it is offered; hints what would make the review better in the opinion of at least one person who read the thing.
In the same spirit one more thing: screenshots should really be in the same language as the review, especially in the cases where the item examples are supposed to high-light the comment about items having well-written background stories. Otherwise I think the History & books section is one of the better ones.