Bandit Camp SCS on Insane Difficulty

I feel kind of silly. I didn't realize when the alarm gets called that not only does the whole camp aggro you, but the guys inside of the main tent aggro as well!! I literally had to level my party to level 4/5 (Sorc, Dorn, Rasaad, Neera, Imoen, Viconia) before I even had a chance of winning this fight.
I gave Dorn as much AC and missile AC that I could, and had him aggro everything. I had a 12 charge fire wand that I passed back and forth between my sorc and Neera to put out as much damage as possible as fast as possible, while at the same time trying to get in a few horrors and sleeps (unfortunately the SCS archers at the bandit camp are immune to sleep, so I depended on horror to hit them).
When the big baddy named enemies showed their face, I had Viconia spam command on them as fast as she could, and barraged them with more fireballs and magic missiles from my two mages. That's usually when I'd have Rasaad come in and pop his sun soul ability.
It took me I think 4 attempts to get this strategy to work, but it finally did, although I took two casualties (Neera and Dorn).
The worst part is is that I didn't realize I was also fighting the main tent baddies at the same time, so after resurrecting my party members at the Temple east of Beregost, I headed back to the bandit camp, and walked into the main tent ready for another fight, except it was empty!
I felt pretty dumb, realizing if I would have triggered the Tazok script I would have been able to fight both encounters separately, and saved myself a lot of pain.
This is my first time playing SCS, so lesson learned I guess!
I gave Dorn as much AC and missile AC that I could, and had him aggro everything. I had a 12 charge fire wand that I passed back and forth between my sorc and Neera to put out as much damage as possible as fast as possible, while at the same time trying to get in a few horrors and sleeps (unfortunately the SCS archers at the bandit camp are immune to sleep, so I depended on horror to hit them).
When the big baddy named enemies showed their face, I had Viconia spam command on them as fast as she could, and barraged them with more fireballs and magic missiles from my two mages. That's usually when I'd have Rasaad come in and pop his sun soul ability.
It took me I think 4 attempts to get this strategy to work, but it finally did, although I took two casualties (Neera and Dorn).
The worst part is is that I didn't realize I was also fighting the main tent baddies at the same time, so after resurrecting my party members at the Temple east of Beregost, I headed back to the bandit camp, and walked into the main tent ready for another fight, except it was empty!
I felt pretty dumb, realizing if I would have triggered the Tazok script I would have been able to fight both encounters separately, and saved myself a lot of pain.
This is my first time playing SCS, so lesson learned I guess!
Probably not really easier, especially if you did not expect it and spent your buffs and spells inside.
I usually try to attack the camp from the north-west corner (that has relatively narrow passages), and when the bandits start coming in waves, let those who can do in my party cast Web spells. Then I use the Necklace of Fireballs from the Nashkel Carnival and own Skull Trap spells onto the held packs of enemies. This way a lot of bandits die simultaneosly letting you deal with the tough survivors.
But this time its really tough on me:
PC Fighter7 -> Shadowdancer[6], 1 Attack/Round yay
Minsc Longbow/Katana +0 ( my masterwork 2 hand sword broke down
Imoen Thief3->Mage
Safana, throwing daggers and darts and bad AC, useless but I want to see her SoD content
I could easily handle the bandit trash with web and stinky cloud, but those named guys are unstoppable.
I will probably retreat and do Ulcaster first, the fiery wand could be useful. And maybe the hedge wizard has a arrow protection scroll for my mages.
Such fun
1. Does the difficulty (hard) influence the spawn rate at this point, or just in SoD?
2. Any good builds for Safana ?
I've never done the bandit camp on SCS without infiltrating as a bandit, then killing whatshisbutt and booking it. Never tried to clear them straight up.
I was high level, but that was because the various bounty hunters turning up randomly as you moved maps were so hard, I had found I really needed to be high level to cope with them.
So by bandit camp, had a wand of fireball and Edwin/Zan able to chuck out webs and grease and fireballs like no tomorrow. All the "ouitside people ran into them and all the "inside" people as well, off screen in a lot of cases, and were instakilled with fire and arrows.
Consequently, the only way I knew half of what was killed in about 3 mins of play was the log scrolling up the screen.
It took far, far longer to pick up the loot.
So then proceeded to the big tent, and found it empty, actually everything empty. Much confusion, so had to scroll up the log screen to find out where the hell everybody had gone, oh, they are all dead already.....
Would have been a much more epic battle had those in the big tent stayed where they were and having to do that fight as "normal" but with SCS/insane.
See this video for a guide on SCS bandit camp except on Legacy of Bhaal not Insane difficulty setting.