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#17211 Monks should be immune to the effects of disease

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,500
edited November 2015 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.3.2064)
The attack of Wraith Spiders applies a cumulative strength-draining effect to their victims for five turns if they fail their save vs. spells. Since the attack also applies the "Diseased" portrait icon, I'd consider it a disease effect.
Monks, who are gaining immunity to all diseases at level 5, should be immune to this effect. Currently, monks are only gaining immunity to the portrait icon, which makes this issue even more confusing.
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    A big thx to you, argent77 !! You seem to be on a patient and rational crusade to note and notify ALL the incoherences you find (you too!) while playing with the beamdog implementations!... I can only admire your patience; long time i renounced to do that alas (/time, /patience, cool nerves!^)) ), and too many similar things that made me totally cringe a long time ago... talking about a totally messy basics game core mechanisms/logics implementations (to the point you just don't know if that's a totally messed up implementation..or a new 'feature' wanted.. not even talking about the problems you don't immediately notice in plain quick fights -like that one..-, but can understand/(see the problem) only later..trash the fun too if you wanted to play by the rules with care lol)!.. i am just totally amazed that the majority of nowadays players seem to find all that 'fine' (either they don't know the rules, or they just don't care.. O_o ).... damn ! congrats for your efforts at least.. makes me feel some kind of positivity ; at least there are always a few people caring for those kind of 'details' it seems : thx2! And maybe.. _maybe_, they will know how to implement all that correctly in 'the next patch'.. always a 'next patch' (sigh)... but maybe some hopes for the next one (if there now..1 year without one for bg2ee for ex..and NOT that there was/is a shortage of now well _already_ reported materials -again- for that ^..)..thx to people like you at least: thx 3! )
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