Neera - problems with the first battle against the "bandits"

I'm playing through BGEE again after a long absence due to illness. I want to include Neera in my party but I am having a problem when she should be joining me. My problem is with the battle the with red Wizard and his goons after I first meet her. I can kill the so called bandits ok, but every time the bloody Morninglord joins in on their side and just nukes me. I have waited till I am attacked first, and none of my party have attacked him. Sometimes Neera casts an area spell that might include him, but even if she doesn't he still attacks us. Help?
Charm him and send him away prior the fight?
@Yamcha I found a solution that was a little more drastic. I Ctrl-Y ed him (using CLUAConsole) *shock horror* At least I waited till he turned hostile. Most of my party were appalled when he dropped dead, but Kagain laughed his head off. Thankfully all the rest of the Morninglords were totally unaware of the killing and stayed friendly.
I was ultra good and just put all his ever so wonderful gear in a nearby barrel (even though my PC is a hammer wielding cleric). I'm telling myself I didn't kill him, just made it so he never existed in the first place. Besides - I hate people who are morning people - especially powerful, potent, pink persons who are morning people.