Anthother thread begging for info...

Hello all, greetings and well met. After checking this site everyday for the last month, I finally decided to create an account to post on these forums in hopes that talking about not having the game, or any info at all about its release will make me feel better. My wows include coming here everyday in hopes of new information on the the game, but alas, nothing but speculation.
I see that Beamdog is visiting WotC today, that is great, good for you Beamdog.
So I will go now, and download Slitherenes Star Hammer, and hopefully forget about the potential for this game to be released soon. Please, please, please. I beg of you, give us some good news, any news about this game and its current state.
I see that Beamdog is visiting WotC today, that is great, good for you Beamdog.
So I will go now, and download Slitherenes Star Hammer, and hopefully forget about the potential for this game to be released soon. Please, please, please. I beg of you, give us some good news, any news about this game and its current state.
In all honesty I can't actually discourage you here. I found Star Hammer to be actually a pretty good game.
Can't comment on news regarding SoD. Best advice I can give is to keep checking on as well as the news section of the forum for news. Also Bengoshi keeps a thread about everything known here
Star Hammer does indeed seem like the fix ive been longing for, a game that gets better with every play, its also what ive been imagineing that SOD will do for my sensibilities.