What spell effects stack?

It seems like some spell effects stack while others don't, but sometimes it's not clear what happens. For instance, let's say my wizard casts Protection from Evil and Blur on herself, and my Cleric casts Bless and Chant on the whole party. Then I fight an evil foe.
My wizard gets:
Saving throws: +2 from PfE, +1 from Blur, +1 from Chant.
Attack rolls: +1 from Bless, +1 from Chant.
The evil foe gets -2 to attack rolls from PfE and -1 from Chant.
If all of this stacks, she gets +4 to saving throws and +2 to attack rolls. Otherwise, it might be +2/+1, or something in between. Same for the evil foe.
So what is it?
My wizard gets:
Saving throws: +2 from PfE, +1 from Blur, +1 from Chant.
Attack rolls: +1 from Bless, +1 from Chant.
The evil foe gets -2 to attack rolls from PfE and -1 from Chant.
If all of this stacks, she gets +4 to saving throws and +2 to attack rolls. Otherwise, it might be +2/+1, or something in between. Same for the evil foe.
So what is it?
In the particular case you mention, PfE + Chant + Bless + Blur ... yes, all of those stack. Getting well buffed-up for a major fight can make a huge difference!
Something I'm doing for every major fight is Prot from Evil 10 Radius + Defensive Harmony + Mass Invisibility which increase everyone AC in the party by -8!
Is there any (non obvious) exception to the rule that you can think of?
Holy Power and Champion's Strength partially stack. The Strength bonuses don't stack, since they set the target's STR to 18/00, and Holy Power does not improve the caster's THAC0 with multiple castings, but Holy Power does give more HP with extra castings, and Champion's Strength further improves THAC0 if cast multiple times.
An Arrow of Dispelling from a clone can let you remove the negative side effect of Champion's Strength, which is to disable the caster's spellcasting.
Also Assassin/Blackguard poison apply their effects to all hit by an Arrow of Detonation.