It is possible to use wands and scrolls with any character with int 9?

Ok. I just read, after bitching for years that thiefs don't get the ability to use scrolls, that any character can use scrolls with int 9.
Is this true? I don't remember it being that way, when I first played BG, when it was released.
Is this true? I don't remember it being that way, when I first played BG, when it was released.
For example, the Wand of Fire can be used by wizards and bards. The Wand of Heavens can be used by clerics and druids. The Wand of Missiles can be used by nearly everyone with INT 9 (except for Wizard Slayers).
As for the scrolls, arcane scrolls can be used by arcane casters, divine scrolls - by divine casters, and special green scrolls by nearly everyone with INT 9 (again, except for Wizard Slayers).
in vanilla SoA minsc couldn't use scrolls, but I don't quite remember vanilla bg being the same, but in any case, SoA brought in the ability score thing, and since bgee uses the SoA stuff, that is the way its going to be