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Killing Imoen Before Leaving Candlekeep

GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
If you time it right just before clicking on Gorion to leave you can one shot kill Imoen.

"Heya It's Me Imo---THUNK!!!!--OHHHHH!!!!-gurggle....."

I did this one time as a Paladin with ** in Bows and upon returning to Candlekeep i think Chapter 5 or so the Gatekeeper was hostile and since he has 100% MR its impossible to charm him. Literally no way to get in, had to restart.

Does that make me a mean Paladin or just a prank playing older Baal Spawn Brother?
Post edited by Gloomfrost on


  • RedcoatRedcoat Member Posts: 31
    Well, considering that, according to the game's lore, Bhaalspawn cannot be resurrected after they die (never mind that this doesn't apply to Imoen during the game), I'd say that goes beyond a mere "prank."

    What I would call a prank is watching Viconia at the mercy of mob about to burn her at the stake, then ruining the mob's fun by killing Viconia myself!
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    You guys are so ruthless :<
  • SargielSargiel Member Posts: 35
    That's priceless Gloomfrost! I used to just ensure I got out of Candlekeep without that walking annoyance talking to me .. you took it to a whole new level :D
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Well, that would definitely be a *Fallen* Paladin, lol. And there is now the Blackguard kit to play...

    But to start as a paladin in Candlekeep and then go bad literally before leaving the starting gate is a bit of a logical leap.

    To become a paladin requires dedicated training. Notwithstanding that there is no such order within the walls of Candlekeep. But even if a knight regularly visited and trained the PC within the keep, the mentor's order must determine if the knight is Good and Lawful before accepting him.

    It's hard to envision an evil character being able to pull off a con at being Good, and then, bam, "fooled ya! I'm really evil!"

    I guess Gorion still might try to keep his evil ward out of the hands of Sarevok. But if he's already gone so horribly evil like that then why not just let Sarevok kill him?

    Just trying to think through how playing a Blackguard is supposed to work from an RP vantage, given the story.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited September 2012
    A Paladin has prescience (or i do i forget which) knowing Imoen was a Bhall spawn i eliminated her Evil taint, just had to do it after leaving Candlekeep. :) Oh and killing possible party members has no impact on reputation.
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134

    One of the things I noticed whilst playing through was that the Imoen inside Candlekeep and the Imoen you meet outside Candlekeep are actually different people! I know this sounds like a weird thing to say, but hear me out on this:
    On one of my 'mucking around' playthroughs, I used the ctrl-Q cheat, which adds NPCs to your party. I did this to the Imoen in Candlekeep to see what would happen when you meet her again outside of Candlekeep, and found that this Imoen has completely different stats, and although looking like a thief, it said her class was a mage! What's more, when I went out of Candlekeep and had the whole Gorion death scene, another Imoen walked up to me at the beginning of chapter one, and so I had 2 Imoens in my party!

    Also, if I'm not mistaken, if you kill Imoen inside Candlekeep, she'll still meet you after Gorion's death, despite just being killed. If this happens to other characters, they stay dead for the rest of the game, I believe - one, I accidentally killed Cernd, and when I got to the Druids' Grove to 'meet' him, all I found was his corpse on the floor.

    So really Gloomfrost, you did the right thing by killing the imposter Imoen - who knows, it could have even been a doppleganger! Or maybe you killed the real Imoen, and the one which accompanies you through your travels is actually a doppleganger! It would explain why she can be resurrected, despite being 'Bhaalspawn'…

    So maybe they were planning on making her a thief/mage from the very beginning?
  • HoebaggerHoebagger Member Posts: 46
    Lemernis said:

    But to start as a paladin in Candlekeep and then go bad literally before leaving the starting gate is a bit of a logical leap.

    What had happened was after spending years and years trying to follow the path of righteousness, CHARNAME finally felt like he was able to quiet this unspeakable rage that would occasionally work its way out of his heart. Although he was following the way of the Paladin, it was more out of necessity than true service to the cause of justice.

    Despite his hard work, that rage began to manifest itself towards those who did injustice in the world. Instead of unnecessarily hating others, he instead had a reason: they were unlawful. This resulted in him seething for days about even the smallest slights that broke order.

    When he saw Imoen, who constantly disturbed the order that he tried so hard to protect, all of this rage became focused on one single individual. This was the first step into CHARNAME becoming a Blackguard, though he had not heard of them at this time.

    Instead he continued to live this lie that he was a paragon of Law and Goodness. Deep down he knew what he had done was wrong and it ate away at him throughout his travels. He was a failure. The people closest to him growing up had died. When he returned later to find the guards hostile it was more than he could take.

    He then immediately wished to go back and change that instance where he killed Imoen through "reloading" and he abandoned his current life in order to make things right once again.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    The first part of that does work for a Blackguard.

    I suppose that Gorion could still want to protect him, deceived that he is true blue (or believing that good will win out if Gorion picks up on his ward's inner struggle).

    But I suppose the same issue applies not just to Blackguards but also to any other evil alignment and class combo. How is it that Gorion protects and nurtures an evil assassin, for example?
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    Such sadism...
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Doesn't Gorion just turn hostile and insta-kill you when you hurt Imoen in front of him?
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    lansounet said:

    Doesn't Gorion just turn hostile and insta-kill you when you hurt Imoen in front of him?

    Maybe he found Imoen as annoying as everyone else?
  • RoutsRouts Member Posts: 7
    I think they were always on the fence about Imoen being a thief or mage. Now knowing the difference in starting makeup between the two confirms it. Probably means they had another opening story line planned and went with the one we now know.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Silly Paladin - You should be killing Firebead Elvenhair. He's probably named that cuz he scalps elves. And that protection from evil spell he casts on you? It lasts like 5 seconds. He doesn't want to protect you from anything! You're just his Identify-Scroll-Gettin-Biatch!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Your paladin uses a bow? Imoen probably just died of embarrassment.

    1. Read Permidion_Stark's post
    2. See 16 Likes
    3. Don't get what's so funny
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT!!
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    Quartz said:

    3. Don't get what's so funny

    How many paladinesque characters have you come across that are not either sword&board or two handed sword users?
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    Quartz said:

    3. Don't get what's so funny

    Same here.
    Jolanthus said:

    How many paladinesque characters have you come across that are not either sword&board or two handed sword users?

    I've always used a bow with my Paladins. Sword & shield / 2 handed sword for melee. Bow for ranged. Easier to kill enemies with 6 in your party at range before enemies get to you.

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Jolanthus said:

    Quartz said:

    3. Don't get what's so funny

    How many paladinesque characters have you come across that are not either sword&board or two handed sword users?
    Well ... okay I guess my Paladins suck then. :( Mine use Composite Long Bow and Two Handed Sword.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    It's each player's game to enjoy however he or she likes!

    That said, my pallies always wield melee weapons, and eschew the bow. Just my personal preference.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited September 2012
    If paladins are loosely based on knights from the middle ages (especially as represented in literature) You can expect them to use battle as test of their courage and prowess, eschewing the bow as somehow unworthy.
    Think of Crécy and Agincourt; the flower of French chivalry massacred by those dastardly English peasants with their longbows, clearly not cricket!

    edit - of course I say "you can expect," I don't mean "this is the way they must be played!"
  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324

    Hahahah it reminds me this video:

    Heh, reminds me of my own "mucking around" playthroughs. Except I made a level 50 Monk (thanks, BGTutu and XPCapRemover!) and Ctrl-Qed Gorion. Still got one-shotted by Tethoril, the filthy jerk.
  • RedcoatRedcoat Member Posts: 31
    I doubt you'd be able to kill him. He has a -20 AC, 100% resistance to everything, a saving throw of 1 for every type, and 981 HP.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Redcoat said:

    I doubt you'd be able to kill him. He has a -20 AC, 100% resistance to everything, a saving throw of 1 for every type, and 981 HP.

    Huh. I could kill him with one arm tied behind my back ...

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