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Spin-Off: Play BG1 as Sarevok

ElandirElandir Member Posts: 35
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I was thinking about a Baldur's Gate spin-off.
I'd like to play as Sarevok.
I always wondered where he got his armor,
how he formed his own group.
Imagine the fight with Gorion,
his climb to power, the romance with Tamoko,
until the inevitable defeat by his brother.

Now think about Irenicus.
Imagine how interesting it is to play from his point of view ...

When he loses his immortality.
When her sister becomes a vampire.
The conquest of Spellhold.
The attack on Suldanessellar.

They could be two memorable spin-off.

What do you think About?
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    edited September 2012
    I think that a spin-off is the only possible way to have a bg3, because it would make no sense to continue the bhaalspawn saga after ToB
    Post edited by Sophia on
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    But maybe I'd prefer a spin-off with a more obscure, unknown character than Sarevok or Irenicus, just because we already know their stories pretty well :)
  • TenYaibaTenYaiba Member Posts: 212
    It would be interesting indeed to go through those experiences in detail. But would a game, where player choice is respected and a number of plot details are left up to the player (As has been established as the precedent for the Baldur's Gate games) be the correct medium?

    It feels, to me at least, that books would be the natural expositional medium for a story that we intersect with already as a player. I don't think that a story that has so many details about it dictated to us in another game would make for a good interactive media, but would make for a fantastic read, in my opinion.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    A mod could be made that allows the player to do that. But it would be a gargantuan undertaking for no pay. I don't see any modding team loving this idea so much that they would devote literally years of their life to it. They all have their own pet projects (as it should be).

    I'd love to see Beamdog design a EE toolset and develop a system by which truly excellent custom mods could be sold as DLC with authors receiving a cut of the sales. In a scenario like that, if a mod idea such as this appears to be a popular enough idea it would at least stand a slim chance of getting designed.

    For a professional game, I don't see a company *not* making a game that doesn't allow the player to create his or her own character.

    My guess is that BG3, if there is one, will be set into the future well after the BG protagonist has died, and one of his descendants will be at the center of a tale that in some vital way involves the legacy of the Bhaalspawn plot.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    I think BG3 should continue the Bhaalspawn story, staring CHARNAME's son (mother not disclosed) and CHARNAME as the Lord of Murder (good or evil depending on how you won BG2ToB.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    Ward said:

    I think BG3 should continue the Bhaalspawn story, staring CHARNAME's son (mother not disclosed) and CHARNAME as the Lord of Murder (good or evil depending on how you won BG2ToB.

    Problem with this scenario would be that things moved forward in the FR (both world and pantheon) and would be extremely hard to justify having a new Lord of Murder show up overnight. Not to mention that a good Lord of Murder would make no sense whatsoever - who murders out of kindness?
  • TenYaibaTenYaiba Member Posts: 212
    Mercy-Killing :D
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I'm still half hoping that it might be possible to set BG3 prior to the Spellplague, maybe only one or two generations after ToB. Versus over one hundred years in the post-Spellplague world of 4e.

    Next month we'll see the release of Ed Greenwood's "Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms," an official WotC FRCS that will be on the book shelves around the time of BG3. I'm hoping that Ed's approach mirrors the reportedly high degree of customization to Edition Next, which will be the current ruleset at that time.

    What I'm reading about Edition Next is that it will provide a framework for players to design the ruleset, versus telling them what the rules are.

    And as for the FR setting, Ed Greenwood has always said that the Realms can and should be customized by the DM, according to preference.
  • taletotelltaletotell Member Posts: 74
    I would like a prequel about Sarevok and Gorion. Two different ones that tell about their life and times. Sarevok's would be so dark and tragic and Gorion's so desperate and hopeful. Hey would make great books for sure, which is why they would make great additions to be BG game family.
    Irenicus not so much. He was a whiny wealthy powerful elf who was manipulated by his own greed and that of his sister, inspite of his girlfriend's cajoling. He sucks. He is just a snob gone too far.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012

    I would like a prequel about Sarevok and Gorion. Two different ones that tell about their life and times. Sarevok's would be so dark and tragic and Gorion's so desperate and hopeful. Hey would make great books for sure, which is why they would make great additions to be BG game family.
    Irenicus not so much. He was a whiny wealthy powerful elf who was manipulated by his own greed and that of his sister, inspite of his girlfriend's cajoling. He sucks. He is just a snob gone too far.

    That's what I want as well. I would love that. It's such rich material. Bhaal's scheme to resurrect himself, I mean. And more depth about Gorion and Sarevok's mentor Winske P.

    Lucas showed how successfully prequels can be with the Star Wars series. This would be rather similar in feel, I think.

    A prequel would have to be supportable by Ed Greenwood's new FRCS and Edition Next, though. But here's hoping it will be!
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @Koson A good Lord of Murder made sense at the end of ToB. You know at the time.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    Well, per canon Gorion's Ward, Abdel Adrian, chose mortality and relinquished Bhaal's essence to be locked away in the plane of Mount Celestia. (He could also have chosen to be a god of good and righteousness, but did not.) I think any BG3 story set post-ToB will start with that premise. If it is to relate in some meaningful way to the existing story, that is.
  • jpierce55jpierce55 Member Posts: 86
    To the op, good idea.

    Lemernis, I don't agree, the book and the games don't relate close enough to follow the book on a sequel, and the game actually has a more develped story line, a rare thing indeed. I have the opinion it would need to be a prequel. I am wondering if there is any chance of them getting BG3 The Black Hound.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    jpierce55 said:

    To the op, good idea.

    Lemernis, I don't agree, the book and the games don't relate close enough to follow the book on a sequel, and the game actually has a more develped story line, a rare thing indeed. I have the opinion it would need to be a prequel. I am wondering if there is any chance of them getting BG3 The Black Hound.

    Where I'm coming from is that the intellectual property rights to the story are owned by WotC/Atari/Hasbro, and Philip Daigle has said expect BG3 (if there is one) to be consistent with whatever WotC is promoting. That doesn't necessarily mean that they won't allow a game to deviate from canon. But what I stated is WotC canon for the story. Sure enough, though, since the novels were actually pretty dreadful they'll probably grant some leeway for a BG3 project.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    I had this idea a long time ago, right after i finished ToB many moons ago and it would have been adaptable to both good and evil paths depending on whether you as aplyer kepts your godlike powers or relinquished them. Story is also based on the premise that Jaheira's romance was the chosen path.

    In this case, the Charname kept his powers, so the story takes place some some 25-30 yrs after ToB ends. Charname and Jaheira had a baby and obviously, Jaheira being a harper, chose to dump Charname like yesterday's garbage when he chose to keep his powers. After many adventures, the climax would obviously be Good son fighting evil Charname. It was something i never really put much time and effort into actually writing, just something that kinda flashed by as an idea for a bg2 sequel in those days.
  • jpierce55jpierce55 Member Posts: 86
    Lemernis said:

    jpierce55 said:

    To the op, good idea.

    Lemernis, I don't agree, the book and the games don't relate close enough to follow the book on a sequel, and the game actually has a more develped story line, a rare thing indeed. I have the opinion it would need to be a prequel. I am wondering if there is any chance of them getting BG3 The Black Hound.

    Where I'm coming from is that the intellectual property rights to the story are owned by WotC/Atari/Hasbro, and Philip Daigle has said expect BG3 (if there is one) to be consistent with whatever WotC is promoting. That doesn't necessarily mean that they won't allow a game to deviate from canon. But what I stated is WotC canon for the story. Sure enough, though, since the novels were actually pretty dreadful they'll probably grant some leeway for a BG3 project.
    What would be cool is IF they would let Bhaal return. Some stranger things have happened in the new Realms, others have come back that should not be able to. Bhaal AND the former pc both return displaced from the past.....
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2012
    We all know that Sarevok is defeated and subdued by Charname, and that Irenicus is ultimately thrown into the "lake of fire" in the deepest level of Hell because of Charname. I don't see any story potential at all, unless it's a prequel that shows their mutual descents to the Darkside, a bit like Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III.

    Antagonists in stories serve only the ultimate purpose of being the antagonists. Unless the story being debated includes a redemption theme (again, Star Wars), they are doomed at creative birth.

    This whole idea of Sarevok or Irenicus as literary anti-heroes is a story dead-end in my opinion, fantasized about by people who secretly are evil irl and want to be in a story where the antagonist destroys the hero and ascends to ultimate power and cruel dictatorship over all of creation.


    As far as any potential BG3, it has to start with a first level Charname. The original Charname will have either become the evil God of Murder, or have resumed his or her mortal life and then lived and died. There can be all kinds of cameos and references, and appearances by long-lived original NPC's. I'm almost certain that the "canon" story will remain a "hero triumphs over superpowerful villain" trope.

    There is a reason why powerful stories involve a Hero triumphing over impossible odds to defeat Evil. Even with stories that feature Anti-heroes as protagonists, the Anti-hero always becomes a sympathetic representation of "the Good", whether by His/Her will or not.

    If anyone can cite an example of an archetypal, powerful human story where the "Villain" is actually the protagonist and wins the story, forever to rule with cruel joy in his/her control and ability to subjugate all of man/womankind with his/her demonic power over all of reality, I'd love to study your reference.

    As I have said before, evil people suck. (Sorry for the confrontational language there - I just have *very* strong emotions about the old "cosmic good vs. evil" trope. And I believe that how you express yourself into that "battle" in a game has an effect on the "battle" in real life. Completely irrationally, I know. Unless maybe there are realities yet to be discovered in quantum physics that make our thoughts and imaginations actually relevant to wave collapse functions in the physical, mundane universe. I guess I am a "spiritual atheist", if there can be such a thing.)
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited September 2012
    Beamdog can't change existing content, but what if they made a new adventure playing through BG1 in Sarevok's perspective? I think you should be able create a new PC to play Sarevok's role, so you don't have to play as Sarevok specifically. The adventure could revolve around recruiting his lieutenants, setting up the whole iron crisis, having to deal with a group of adventurers who impede his progress (namely CHARNAME's party from BG), etc. Or even have him deal with multiple bands of adventurers who opposes him at different stages of his plan, ones the original CHARNAME didn't know about. With some creativity on the dev's part, you can probably even play as a good character, with good motives behind what he does. If good effort is put into the project, with lots of good side quests and new interesting NPCs and such, I don't see any reason why the playthrough can't be as deep or rewarding as the original game.

    This could be a DLC at some point in the future. Since most or all of the areas and maps required are already available, hopefully this can be a viable endeavor for Beamdog to create a good module without requiring an overwhelming amount of work.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited September 2012
    I always thought there should've been "spin off" games for the individual NPCs in the BG series - especially when a BG3 failed to materialize.

    I especially liked the idea of a game called "Kivan's Quest," in which you could play as the gallant and bitter ranger in his ongoing quest for revenge and serenity.

    Another possibility would've been a BG "prequel," in which you play as the hero who hunted down and killed Bhaal (but not before he had left a score of mortal progeny in his wake, hehe). Who knows - maybe that will be Beamdog's goal for BG3?
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I never read that topic. Maybe one of the mods can merge these threads, or just delete this one.

  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    ajwz said:

    New adventure : Play BG as Elminster.
    - Wander up to random people and tell them to go exactly where they were going anyway.
    - Piss off when shit starts to hit the fan.

    Ho there wanderer! Stay thy course for a moment to indulge an old man.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    On a side note, I always felt the ideal setting for a BG3 would've been IN BETWEEN SoA and ToB. The ending vid of SoA seems to imply that there is going to be a final showdown between the PC and the Cowled Wizards, but this was not explored in ToB, which seemed to be thrown together hastily just to bring the saga to a close before Black Isle shut down.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Dragon Age: Origins did something similar with "The Darkspawn Chronicles" - it was actually quite fun! Maybe a standalone DLC for BG:EE?
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    @Tanthalas please merge the threads, or just delete this one. Though the original thread should have used a more specific title than just "spin-off".
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    As an aside, I'm rather troubled by how many comments on possible directions for BG3 include the term "return" or "continue" - do we really want the BG series to fall victim to the law of diminishing sequels? Let's leave the Bhaalspawn Saga behind and start a new story!
  • jpierce55jpierce55 Member Posts: 86
    shawne said:

    As an aside, I'm rather troubled by how many comments on possible directions for BG3 include the term "return" or "continue" - do we really want the BG series to fall victim to the law of diminishing sequels? Let's leave the Bhaalspawn Saga behind and start a new story!

    I don't care what FR storyline is created/followed if they do it right!

  • I especially liked the idea of a game called "Kivan's Quest," in which you could play as the gallant and bitter ranger in his ongoing quest for revenge and serenity.

    Oh gods no! Not your idea, just the title. All i can think of now is "Simons Quest"
  • CheOffshoreCheOffshore Member Posts: 27
    jpierce55 said:

    shawne said:

    As an aside, I'm rather troubled by how many comments on possible directions for BG3 include the term "return" or "continue" - do we really want the BG series to fall victim to the law of diminishing sequels? Let's leave the Bhaalspawn Saga behind and start a new story!

    I don't care what FR storyline is created/followed if they do it right!
    My thoughts exactly!

    Maybe drop the whole Baldur's Gate name find a new city and location to start in, so long as its the same gameplay and quality of story :) I'd happily play "Vaasa and Damara" or "Eltabbar" just to get a change of scenery ;)
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