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Possible DLC



  • GueulEclatorGueulEclator Member Posts: 175
    edited September 2012

    I hate every single one of you.

    The problem is that they were introduced AS a joke race. They were supposed to be a mildly racist optional part of Warcraft 3. They had absolutely no lore or story beyond Blizzard just thinking it was funny. Their inclusion presents an undeniable lack of creativity on Blizzard's part.

    Sorry, red button for me. I used to love the Warcraft games. I still do but, WoW is annoying now.

    Being present as a playable character that joins your army in the RPG-style single player Orc campaign seems serious enough to me. It's not as though the brewmaster was Mr. Bean poking his head into a serious British drama. He was present in the story as a real character that helped the player fight off the Kul Tiras invasion fleet. He even had a side quest, if I remember right.
    Yeah, there was a drunken panda in WC3 who's main occupation was to make new kinds of alcohol to get completely wasted. Now that was awesome.

    What we got in WoW is fat, chubby pandas monk who practice kung fu...Panda who practice kung fu with childish, exaggerated moves... Kung Fu pandaren... Kung-fu panda.

    They are obviously appealing to kids in MOP. Someone even made a video comparing the combat in kung fu panda and the Pandaren monk : it looked like the exact same thing. Add to that that they promised pokemon like pet combat... And you know where WoW is going.
  • KouTheMadKouTheMad Member Posts: 77

    I hate every single one of you.

    The problem is that they were introduced AS a joke race. They were supposed to be a mildly racist optional part of Warcraft 3. They had absolutely no lore or story beyond Blizzard just thinking it was funny. Their inclusion presents an undeniable lack of creativity on Blizzard's part.

    Sorry, red button for me. I used to love the Warcraft games. I still do but, WoW is annoying now.

    Being present as a playable character that joins your army in the RPG-style single player Orc campaign seems serious enough to me. It's not as though the brewmaster was Mr. Bean poking his head into a serious British drama. He was present in the story as a real character that helped the player fight off the Kul Tiras invasion fleet. He even had a side quest, if I remember right.
    Yeah, there was a drunken panda in WC3 who's main occupation was to make new kinds of alcohol to get completely wasted. Now that was awesome.

    What we got in WoW is fat, chubby pandas monk who practice kung fu...Panda who practice kung fu with childish, exaggerated moves... Kung Fu pandaren... Kung-fu panda.

    They are obviously appealing to kids in MOP. Someone even made a video comparing the combat in kung fu panda and the Pandaren monk : it looked like the exact same thing. Add to that that they promised pokemon like pet combat... And you know where WoW is going.
    you clearly haven't seen some of the other stuff, like the Sha and Mantids, or the fact we will be going after Garrosh soon.
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