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Possibility of Transfering save game from PC/MAC to Ipad/Android

IrencusIrencus Member Posts: 1
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
Hi, I love the only i couldn't find anything about the possibility to transfer your save game from my PC to tablet so I can resume my game when I am on the road?


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    This is an intended feature and will likely incorporate cloud based saves. This will be happening but may not be ready for the 18th September release and will likely be updated in a post release patch.
  • GrruduGrrudu Member Posts: 7
    Hope this feature will be available as soon as possible !
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    All versions of the game will be compatible with eachother. So yes, saves can be transfered even from your fridge, to your toothbrush ;)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I believe it's in the FAQ actually...
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571

    Finally, some BG while I make a sandwich or listening to battle music while I brush my teeth...

    herp derp
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