Leveling Up in Candlekeep anyone ever do that?

I can understand if your playing a Paladin or fighter class dashing-out of Candlekeep for the Constitution Tome before level 2, but if your not playing one of those classes you can level up quite a bit in candlekeep. You can easily get your reputation to 18 after falling to 1 by selling all those plate armors in the inn to Winthorp. Anyone else ever do that?
I don't understand why you'd dash out of Candlekeep for the constitution tome. Bonus HP due to constitution is retro-active. The d10 you roll per level doesn't change, but boosting your constitution post leveling up will still net you +1 HP per level you'd already gained.
What you do is wedge yourself as far as you can into the cap between the guard barracks and the building next to it. You can chuck rocks or shoot arrows at the limitless guards that spawn and no one else sees you. It doesn't cause anyone besides that guard to aggro. They aren't even that dangerous because Watchers have really pitiful strength and Thac0. As long as you have some semblance of thac0 through strength yourself, beating their AC from the plate armor isn't too difficult.
You lose a lot of reputation every time you kill a guy, but if you cart a full stack of plate armor back to Winthrop and make sure to sell the whole 16 slots to him at once, you'll make a ton of money. Hoof it over the priest of Oghma in the top right of Candlekeep and bribe him to up your reputation. You should still have plenty of monies left getting your rep back up to 10 or so.
@theJoshFrost i think killing the watchers in candlekeep is only 125xp each one. Yes its tedious but fun to have some levels before leaving with Gorion.
Again sandman is right sell all 16 slots at once to winthrop for max money.
@Gloomfrost: No problem, man. Besides, if you are worried about max rolls, BG:EE will run through the BG2 engine and will likely have a difficulty which always gives you max HP per level. Should make that a lot easier for people who'd rather reload til they got it.
With Tutu, which has Find Familiar, I would polymorph my imp into a brown bear and then start the "training" with Jolanthus and Erik, and let the brown bear slaughter them both while I stand out of harm's way (otherwise, once you hit one of them, the fight is over and they disappear). It gets you 175XP each and the longbow from Erik.
Just before leaving Candlekeep with Gorion, I'd head back over to the Inn and take care of Firebead, this time with my imp polymorphed into a sword spider. The continual poison damage usually takes care of his spells and I hurl darts at him until he croaks. I then make off with 2700XP and the Traveler's Robe until I see Firebead's double again in Beregost.
Why are you spending so much time fighting the Candlekeep guards, when you could just kill Firebead? That's 2,500 XP all at once.
Of course, it doesn't yield you the cash crop that the guards give you with their armor. But in the end, what's more important: your reputation, or hitting level 3 before you kill Reevor's rats?
Another thing you can do is de-nature the stupid lady who loses the book. Phylidia? I can't remember her name exactly off the top of my head.
But just go and charm person on her, run her down to the same spot I mentioned for fighting watchers. Cast spell, then move during the animation so it fizzles. Rinse and repeat til she's out of spells, then murder her. Because robes!
I actually don't like killing Firebead in Candlekeep because then I miss out on quest XP for handing him that book in Beregost. THEN I murder him in Beregost.
@Aosaw: why not do both?
try again
Kill them all let Bhall sort them out!.....wait there is BG2 still
try again
Kill them all, I'll sort them out!
Or you could kill Firebead, export, import and wham... XP!
Charname: 'I had a really weird dream last night Imoen... I was looking for you at the inn and Winthrop said he'd seen you talking to old FIrebead. When I asked him about you he grinned and grew fangs and leapt at me. So I rushed for the hearth, grabbed the hot poker and stabbed him. As he was dying his face turned into Gorion who told me off for going to the barracks by myself... He was so angry, wouldn't hear any excuses, I actually thought he'd hit me so I ran out of the inn, and I woke up. Strange huh.'
Imoen: 'Must have been something you ate. Told you I can't cook. No idea why Puffguts keeps making me cook.'
Charname: 'Must have been that. I'm off to the barracks. See ya.'
Imoen: 'See ya.'
I can (and sometimes) do that now. As you said, sometimes it makes sense for a character to have some xp, sometimes with the background it doesn't. What's to say Shadowkeeper will work perfectly from day 1 in BG:EE?
God of Murder indeed...
I have your best interests at heart!
Be Lawful Evil.
I'd say the dust mephit is the best familiar for BGII ToB. It's immune to fire and can cast glitterdust, stoneskin, and prismatic spray.
Thanks but it was an example.
My priority probably won't be XP but meeting the new chars asap, even if it means running through the wilderness with a 4hp mage on the Benny Hill theme song. :P