Walk Speeds - I'm a little concerned

I remember trying TuTu once but was really turned off by the walk speeds , they seemed just to fast. With BG:EE being based on the BG2 engine will it feel like i'm running super fast? Will monster speed match player speed or can i simply walk away from all melee combat?
Will Barbarians innate speed, Boots of Speed, and Haste stack as well?
Will Barbarians innate speed, Boots of Speed, and Haste stack as well?
Since BG:EE is being reworked to accommodate the ToB engine, this should no longer be an issue.
First having Khalid do naked furry bear hugs. Now feeding Imoen to the wolves? Is there any canon party member OTHER than Minsc that you like?
So anything that boosts walking speed is ok by me.
You're right I forgot he likes Boo, he puts up with Minsc because there can be no Boo without Minsc. As far as the rest of the canon party......
Well I'm waiting for him to say that he told Jaheria to tank Firkragg with just Barkskin.
I know it wasn't reflected in the game but it was in the spell description if I recall.
@CaptRory Yeah; that years off the life span penalty was one of the biggest reason to roll a non-human (esp an elf) if you were thinking that far ahead. Of course, then the problem is, does the arbitrary elven mage level limit even let you get high enough to cast 9th level spells? (thinking of wish here...)
Lemme dig out the book: Haste ages the target one year, limited wish ages the caster one year 'per 100 years of natural life span', wish ages the caster 5 years (interestingly no 'per 100 years line here) and resurrection ages the caster 3 years and requires the caster to have complete bed rest for one day per hit die of the target. Restoration ages the caster AND the target two years.
Cadderly Bonaduce would have a few select words about this..
I don't think in a story driving role playing gave, moving attention away from exploration and onto combat is the right move.
@bigdogchris I couldn't agree more. One of the things I loved about the original game was that there were big, empty wilderness areas. They didn't have any quests, and just a few monsters, but their presence really added to the immersion.
BG2, by comparison, feels almost claustrophobic.
I had forgotten bears walk slow. I have played BGT with so many mods over the years that my bears actually move the same speed as charname and friends and are not a easy kill.
@elminster I won't kill animals too. I have a practice to charm them if they attack. Then I leave.
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during the playthrough.