If Baldur's Gate were a drink what would it be?

Some doors should never be opened but what do you people think?
I'd say Baldur's Gate is some exquisite wine that just keeps getting better with age. Bwahaha.
Some doors should never be opened but what do you people think?
I'd say Baldur's Gate is some exquisite wine that just keeps getting better with age. Bwahaha.
I love it, but I keep having it all to myself and now I'm just throwing up, I can't wait for the extended edition to come out so I can stop drinking alone and share it with some friends.
What's on his face bro?
Hard choice.
Fortunately Baldur's Gate has never quite had that effect on me, even though I do play it quite obsessively.
(Friend released without charge and suffered no long-term effects. He and girlfriend still together. Hasn't touched absinthe since)
I`m thinking a Nøgne Ø - Dark Horizon
or possibly a Mikkeller beer geek brunch weasel Cognac Edition