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[MOD] FG Cleric Kits - Now with BG:EE 2.0 Compatability

FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
edited April 2016 in General Modding
And we're back (a mod's story). Now with proper accreditation but if the authors of Divine Remix say to take this down then down it goes.

Small mod that has the following components:

1) Consistency Pass Tweaks:
Currently only consists of ensuring that the vanilla priest kits' special spells scale properly into level 20 in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 Only

2) Priest of Baervan - Now comes with alternate version!

PRIEST OF BAERVAN: Usually found far abreast from heavily urban areas, followers of Baervan Wildwanderer seek to protect nature from evil creatures. They have a particular affinity for forest plants and creatures, especially raccoons.

– May cast Animal Summoning I once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast [Naturewalk/Sanctified Growth] once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

NATUREWALK: This spell grants one person protection from ground and nature based movement impairing effects such as webs, entangling, and grease. This spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster.
SANCTIFIED GROWTH: Upon casting this spell, a small field (10-ft. radius) of overgrowing plants appear in an area around the caster for 5 rounds. This spell grants Sanctuary to any ally standing inside of it however they are unable to attack, cast spells, use abilities, or use items while inside and for a short time after leaving.

– Race restricted to gnome.
– Alignment restricted to good.

3) Priest of Baravar - Now comes with alternate version!

PRIEST OF BARAVAR: Baravar Cloakshadow is the gnome god of illusions and deceit. Certain that protection can only be certain under a heavy veil of secrecy and phantasms, followers of Baravar are hard to find and often not what they seem.

– May cast [Blur/Wraithform] once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast [Shadowcloak/Colour Burst] once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

SHADOWCLOAK: This spell lasts 1 round per 2 levels of the caster starting from 1st level. It gives the caster improved invisibility, mirror image, and non-detection
COLOUR BURST: This spell sprays multicoloured lights from the caster. All enemies within a 30-ft. radius are blinded for 5 rounds, and all enemies within a 15-ft. radius are also stunned for 1 round. A Saving Throw vs. Spell will negate both effects and is made at a -1 penalty. This penalty increases by 1 every 5 levels of the caster.

– Race restricted to gnome.
– Alignment restricted to neutral good, chaotic good, and chaotic neutral.

4) Priest of Clangeddin - Now comes with alternate version!

PRIEST OF CLANGEDDIN: Clangeddin Silverbeard is the dwarven deity of battle and war. Whether through careful tactics or berserk fury followers of Clangeddin fight for honor, glory, and the future of dwarfkind, especially against the hated giants.

– May cast [Armor of Faith/Stoneskin] once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast [Ehontar/Battlestorm of Clangeddin] once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

EHONTAR: This spell grants all allies in a 30-ft. radius a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage, and saves for five rounds, while all enemies in the area receive -1 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and saves for five rounds. The magnitude of both effects increases by 1 every four levels starting from 5th level until 21st level (resulting in a +5 bonus to allies and a -5 penalty to enemies total).
BATTLESTORM OF CLANGEDDIN: Affecting the caster as well as one extra target every 6 levels (starting at 6th level), this spell grants a stacking bonus of 1/2 attack per round with every successful melee attack they make. The spell lasts for 5 rounds after which all bonus attacks are lost and leaving those affected winded for 5 rounds, suffering a -2 penalty to Armor Class, to-hit rolls and damage rolls.

– Race restricted to dwarf.
– Alignment restricted to lawful good, neutral good, and lawful neutral.

5) Priest of Aerdrie

PRIEST OF AERDRIE: The patron goddess of the Avariel, Aerdrie Faenya is the elven goddess of birds and weather. Her followers are fascinated with flight, both literal and metaphorical, natural or aided, and are good friends with the airborne.

– May cast Zone of Sweet Air once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast Air Barrier once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

AIR BARRIER: All allies within a 30-ft. of the caster repels any normal projectile hurled or launched back to its source, and move at double their speed. This spell lasts 5 rounds, and its effects persist even if the allies leave its radius.

– Race restricted to elves and half-elves.
– Alignment restricted to neutral good, chaotic good, and chaotic neutral.

6) Priest of Arvoreen

PRIEST OF ARVOREEN: Arvoreen is the halfling god most aware that the peace that halfling settlements enjoy needs to be actively protected. His followers act as sheriffs, guardians, and field commanders for halfling communities.

– May cast Remove Fear once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast Glyph of the Sentinel once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

GLYPH OF THE SENTINEL: The caster of this spell inscribes a magical inscription onto a target space. Any enemy which comes into a 20-ft. radius of the glyph cause it to activate, forcing all enemies in the radius backward, and knocking them off their feet for 1 round. All allies in a 40-ft. radius of the activation receive a +2 bonus to their strength, and are hasted for 5 rounds. The caster receives one glyph every 6 levels beyond the 6th (2 glyphs at 12th level, 3 at 18th level, etc.

– Race restricted to halfling.
– Alignment restricted to lawful good, neutral good, and lawful neutral.

7) Priest of Gruumsh

PRIEST OF GRUUMSH: It is said that Gruumsh lost one of his eyes in a duel with Corellon Larethian. While disputed by his followers, Gruumsh remains a brutal god that favors hate-filled strength and vicious expansion in orcs, especially against elves.

– May cast Ray of Enfeeblement once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
– May cast Eye of Hatred once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

EYE OF HATRED: This spell summons a copy of Gruumsh's missing eyeball. The eye can travel in any direction as long as the spell lasts, can be detected, and is blocked by solid barriers. The eye has a 15-ft. sight radius but constantly lowers the armor class and saves of every enemy in that radius, starting at -1 at first level and increasing the penalty by 1 every six levels therafter.

The powers of the eye cannot be enhanced by other spells or items, and is ended via a successful Dispel Magic spell (either on the caster or the eye itself).

– Race restricted to orc and half-orc.
– Alignment restricted to evil.

There's still some things left to do and some things that I have to look at. This includes:
- Divine Remix: Sphere System compatability - I can't really do this at the moment with the current Divine Remix being borked when installing the sphere system. I'll take a look at a previous version but Sphere System compatibility isn't a priority for me at the moment.
- Divine Remix style Stronghold fixes - So you know how Divine Remix kits get special bits of dialogue during the Unseeing Eye quest? That's currently beyond me right now so I need to look into that.
- BAM touchups (for example Clangeddin holy symbol clips the item frame). Also for some reason the bam shows in the quick slot menu but in the description interface.
- Other minor things, other major things
Post edited by FailGeek on


  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    May have been an idiot. Mod removed while I sort something out.
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    I guess some would call it over cautiousness? I was cross referencing things with Divine Remix to make sure that they would be really consistent and when I was looking over both mods as I was updating my own I realized I ended up lifting some of the tp2 coding whole sale. Not files or anything, those I made on my own or modified existing files. Stuff like kits were things I did some of my own research for using Faiths and Avatars, Demihuman Deities and some other resources.

    It's the weidu coding that I ended up copying and I'm uneasy with doing so without permission and I don't know how to do the stuff I did without just copying it, so I just need word from the authors as to whether I can copy it.
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  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    I can't speak for the mod authors of Devine Remix, but generally it is OK to use parts of tp2 code of other mods if providing adequate credits, so I wouldn't be too scared to provide your mod before getting the official agreement. (I think more or less every modder copied some tp2 content from other mods in some part of his/her modding time. Usually with asking, of course.)

    Clear Don'ts would be changing the Devine Remix content by your mod, or use actual mod content without agreement of the original author.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,522
    I want to add that several modders have put their work under a public license or added remarks in their readme about reusability of their content. As jastey already mentioned, if you're unsure and the amount of code isn't too big it's OK to use it if you credit the original authors adequately.
  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    Thanks for the advice. I'll do a proper credit and link if I put it up again, with the addition that if they ask me to take it down I'll do it immediately. Would that be enough?
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2016
    Small update: I've got permission now. So that's cool. I've also been distracted by other projects. Not so cool but will be cool when they go up when I'm done with them; simple work turned out to be not so simple. I've been working on updating this mod but I need some advice when it comes to certain things (because I have very little actual decision making skills), and those new things are NEW KITS:

    Halcyon of Aerdrie
    – May cast Zone of Sweet Air once per day every 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).
    – May cast Air Barrier once per day every 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use).

    AIR BARRIER: Mass Protection from Normal Missiles.
    Since this project initially started as an expansion of Divine Remix for other NPCs I thought I should add Aerie's other god of choice (I'm assuming here; she primarily references Baervan, but Aerdrie is the patron of the avariel).

    The unique spell is a bit underpowered for the situationalness of Zone of Sweet Air (it's very specific in the spells it counters, and I don't remember if the spells it counters were cast often by enemy spell casters). I was thinking if it REFLECTS normal missiles instead of NEGATING them then that would be powerful enough to balance them out. I don't have the sourcebooks so I can't check but a Mass Reflect Normal Missiles spells would work out to be a 6th level spell by my very rough estimation (Protection from Normal Missiles + 2 for upgraded effect + 1 for mass area). It's not like Normal missiles are popular outside of the early stages of the series (though it would lead to breaking BG1 unless I shortened the duration of it massively).

    Truesword of Arvoreen
    – Undecided. Maybe Remove Fear, or (Strength/Strength of One/Champion's Strength). Haste would be stepping on the Holy Strategist's niche.
    – IUNNO.
    So I know this kit exists in NPCKits but that kit is also a unique fighter kit for Mazzy and this one is a common cleric kit. As a cleric however this would not have access to swords so that's a thing. If I make a unique spell that summons a sword that they are allowed to wield then that would be stepping on Vanilla Helm's powers (even if it would be /really/ fitting considering Arvoreen has Weapon Shift, Sparkling Sword and Blazing Sword spells).

    Maybe make the unique spell as a divine mixture of the spells not chosen for the every 5 level spell, but that would be kind of boring.

    Something of Deity
    - Deity related common spell every fifth level
    - Deity related unique spell every tenth level
    Do you people have any clerics you would like to see me make? I know this mod has been focusing on Non-human ones so far, but I can make other deities.

    @subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad has the Faiths and Pantheons mod. Do you have any particular deity you want me to do for it? It'll follow strictly the vanilla formula though.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    FailGeek said:


    @subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad has the Faiths and Pantheons mod. Do you have any particular deity you want me to do for it? It'll follow strictly the vanilla formula though.

    Non-human deities are great. I say, go with what you want, but if you're feeling these guys, I say go ahead. But one that would be fun:

    - Gruumsh. I'm not sure what 2e sourcebook he would be in, if any. I would assume that he would grant truesight and rage...something like that.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Truesword of Arvoreen
    – Undecided. Maybe Remove Fear, or (Strength/Strength of One/Champion's Strength). Haste would be stepping on the Holy Strategist's niche.
    – IUNNO.
    So I know this kit exists in NPCKits but that kit is also a unique fighter kit for Mazzy and this one is a common cleric kit. As a cleric however this would not have access to swords so that's a thing. If I make a unique spell that summons a sword that they are allowed to wield then that would be stepping on Vanilla Helm's powers (even if it would be /really/ fitting considering Arvoreen has Weapon Shift, Sparkling Sword and Blazing Sword spells).
    In FnP, clerics can wield swords. So, you can allow them to, say, specialize in short swords in the FnP version.

    In Demihuman Deities, Trueswords can sneak as a thief, detect evil, cast strength, lay on hands like a paladin, invoke courage, cast glyph of warding. They also have access to the nonweapon prof set snares.

    - Hide/sneak: may be doable with some trickery, but it would be easier to give them the use of an invisibility spell

    - Set snares is doable. I can explain how to do it if needed

    - all of those spells are doable.

    - Avoreen has quite a few sword conjuring spells, like Weapon Shift and Blazing sword. Firesword, or something similar, might be a good special.
  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50

    Non-human deities are great. I say, go with what you want, but if you're feeling these guys, I say go ahead. But one that would be fun:

    - Gruumsh. I'm not sure what 2e sourcebook he would be in, if any. I would assume that he would grant truesight and rage...something like that.

    Gruumsh is in Monster Mythology. He's got a small section (and by small I mean a page) for him but there's enough there that I can hammer it out to something. Gruumsh gives extra to Hit against elves, a self-target Aid spell, a self-heal powered by murder and a spear blessing. And is also Lawful Evil, but has shamans that are any evil.

    The fact that he has one eye though and demands the same for his shamans is something I find distinctive. Maybe do a Wizard eye like spell but one that has smaller vision but a small debuff aura, so you can have a moving debuff zone ('Hateful Gaze' or something - I'm terrible with names). That may make it more annoying and finnicky but it does grant him something unique.

    Actually, that sounds fun. I'm doing it.

    In FnP, clerics can wield swords. So, you can allow them to, say, specialize in short swords in the FnP version.

    In Demihuman Deities, Trueswords can sneak as a thief, detect evil, cast strength, lay on hands like a paladin, invoke courage, cast glyph of warding. They also have access to the nonweapon prof set snares.

    - Hide/sneak: may be doable with some trickery, but it would be easier to give them the use of an invisibility spell

    - Set snares is doable. I can explain how to do it if needed

    - all of those spells are doable.

    - Avoreen has quite a few sword conjuring spells, like Weapon Shift and Blazing sword. Firesword, or something similar, might be a good special.

    Oh I know how to do set snares (I had that on an earlier revision of Baervan's kit - Divine Remix spheres version; may need to find out if anything has changed recently considering that was 1+ years ago). I just need something that sounds unique to them, even if it's not PnP friendly.

    Weapon summoning is (even if only superficially) covered by the Priest of Helm's Seeking Sword spell and I don't like having two kits with similarish unique spells. They get Glyph of Warding too though, so I may do something with that. Maybe a party friendly one, or one with multiple targets, or even one that casts a buff spell on the party if triggered.

    My previous kits' spells are kind of...dull I guess, being existing spells that were downgraded (Naturewalk is a worse and shorter Free Action), upgraded (Ehontar being Chant, but with SCALING) or mashed up together (Shadowcloak is what it is), so I kind of want to do something more interesting this time. Maybe with a caveat to revisit the previous kits to make spells that are more flavorful for them.
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50

    Set Snares is easy, you just need to give the kit the innate ability. But remember, you need to control the % change of success. I give this to Stalkers in my mod, I set it at 40% at level 1 and then increase it by 3% each level after that. To do that, I make 2 custom spells, one setting at 40% and one increasing by 3%, and apply them every level up to 21 in the kit's clab.2da file

    Ah, so granting Set Snares is still the same, good to know.

    You could make Naturewalk a permanent passive ability. I think that's what I did for my Baervan kit.

    I may do that when I do full compatibility with F_N_P, so that each kit would eventually have 3 versions:

    Vanilla Kit - 1 common spell per 5 levels, 1 unique spell per 10 levels
    F_N_P Kit - Slight unique adjustments to make deities distinct.
    Divine Remix - 2 unique features (passive or active), Deity Weapon summon, 5 spells that can be cast once per day.

    The Divine Remix version will have to wait until DR gets updated. F_N_P version is on a slow burn like the rest of my mod projects, until I get some free time after Easter.
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    @subtledoctor Will do. Not dead. Just working slowly at it right now.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Installed this mod, gave the Baravar kit do Quayle and he didn't get any of the special abilities. Can't even find them on EEKeeper. What are theirs resource code?
  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    Should be FGKBC1A and FGKBC1B. If he's not getting the abilities, they may not have installed correctly. Give me a few days. I'm working on a new version and I should have an alpha of it up during the weekend.

    (The delay is because of getting the BAMs for holy symbols. There's no clean source for them so I've been forced to use GIMP which I am....not proficient in. The alpha will have placeholder BAMs for the Holy Symbols, and only basic kits [very basic FNP compatbility, no Divine Remix - Spheres compatability])
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  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    FailGeek said:

    Should be FGKBC1A and FGKBC1B. If he's not getting the abilities, they may not have installed correctly. Give me a few days. I'm working on a new version and I should have an alpha of it up during the weekend.

    (The delay is because of getting the BAMs for holy symbols. There's no clean source for them so I've been forced to use GIMP which I am....not proficient in. The alpha will have placeholder BAMs for the Holy Symbols, and only basic kits [very basic FNP compatbility, no Divine Remix - Spheres compatability])

    @FailGeek If I am given an existing holy symbol image, I could probably throw together some Holy symbols for a later version or for a beta, (hopefully they are a little bigger than the 32x32 for icons).
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    @subtledoctor You know in hindsight, I really don't know. I like having things organizationally similar to each other and I figured that if I do it this way I would make it so I only have to change a few little things and it would make things easier. For the basic stuff it was easy, but as each kit kept on getting more and more exceptions to the base it just got more and more complicated.

    I'm making it simpler for the newer version. It'll make my eye twitch every single time I see things that aren't exactly the same as the other things, but it'll work and it'll work better.
  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50

    It's not fully compatible with Faiths and Powers as yet - the spheres need to be properly added, and the FNP version of the kit has to be made (which are a bit less cookie cutter than vanilla kits).

    It's not compatible with Divine Remix Spheres yet either.

    @Raduziel - Okay, try v0.9.1.0. Should be better-ish I hope. I've created a few characters with it and leveled them up via console and it looks like they have their appropriate abilities. If you have any issues, please post them.

    @IchigoRXC - Not ignoring you! I just wanted to have a go on my own for my stuff this round trying to be a strong independent modder, armed with GIMP. Thank you for the offer though, and I may take you up on it in the future.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @FailGeek don't worry about it, Grammarsalad is keeping me busy, adding spell icons quicker than I am making them haha.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @FailGeek Where is the download link? Couldn't find in this topic and I'm failing to find it through Google. Really can't remember where I've downloaded it last time.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
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  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    @Raduziel - I attached it to the main post.
    @subtledoctor - Cool. I can put them on the backburner for now.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    Works like a charm now (tested both Quayle and Yeslick).

    Thanks and good work!
  • FailGeekFailGeek Member Posts: 50
    @Raduziel Excellent. Glad you're enjoying the mod.
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