How to play an evil party?

So, this may seem like a bit of a n00bish question, but I've never played an evil party before, and reading through this forum over the last few days has my curious. When BG:EE comes out, i want to try a game with an evil party, but how do you play an evil party without your reputation plummeting to 1 early and getting assaulted by the Flaming Fist every time you move, or getting too high of a reputation that you entire party just ups and leaves?
tl;dr: how do you maintain a low but not too low reputation to effectively run an evil party?
tl;dr: how do you maintain a low but not too low reputation to effectively run an evil party?
Oh! And if you want to be a Villain with Good Publicity you'll need a high charisma to keep all the evil teammates in line.
Here's your son, madam. No strings attached.
Though I would like your soul.
Let your conscience be your guide, just like all good people.
Am I doing it right? :P
Sword how can I make money fast?
"Find someone rich and kill them. Then find someone richer and kill them too. Hack and Slash your way to fortune woohoo"
This small boost in reputation will allow you to do something hideous and unforgivable later, like kill Drizzt, pick Aldeth's pocket or spoon with Viconia.
1) Donate to Temples to keep Rep Up -- Crucial
2) Give Your Main a Decent Charisma Score - I play a Fighter with an 18.
3) Give the Gauntlets of Dexterity to Kagain - Meat Shield
4) If you Choose to Keep Viconia, Give her the Gauntlets of Ogre Power - Supplemental Fighter
5) If you don't Choose to Keep Monty, Dual Shar-Teel to a Thief at Level 7. (7/8 Fighter/Thief).
6) If you don't Choose to Take Viconia, Dual Xzar to a Cleric at Level 6 (6/8 Necromancer/Cleric).
Here's what I like to do (Pre-EE)....
Play a Fighter as Your Main Character -- 18/00 Strength (Natural), 18 Con, 18 Dex, 18 Charisma
Edwin - Primary Mage -- 18 Intelligence
Xzar - Secondary Mage, Dual to a Cleric -- 18 Intelligence (Int Tome), 16 Dex, 19 Wisdom (Wis Tome x3)
Montaron - Fighter/Thief -- 18 Dexterity (Kiel's Buckler), 18/00 Strength (Gauntlets), 16 Con (Con Tome)
Shar-Teel - Fighter -- 18/58 Strength, 18 Dexterity (Dex Tome)
Kagain - 16 Strength, 18 Dexterity (Gaunts of Dex), 20 Contstitution
Edit -- With the BG:EE addition of Dorn, I'll likely drop Monty for him and Dual-Class Shar-Teel at level 7 to a thief as discussed above.
1. Be aware that you will receive less XP and less gold, but you'll be compensated by having the most powerful single-class NPCs in your party. Shop carefully.
2. Many sidequests result in a reputation increase regardless of your RP/alignment. You should still do them, because you get rewards anyway, but that should help you balance out your evil acts until you're in the comfortable 7-10 reputation range.
As others have said, donate to temples to get your rep back up, when needed. Also, there are plenty of quests (too many, perhaps) that will raise your rep once completed.
Some very good advice here, except I usually don't like waiting that long to dual characters (takes to long to get their original traits back). For example, I usually dual Shar-Teel anytime from level 3 onward, after I've given her an extra prof point in long sword - imagine a backstab from that!
PS, is Xzar able to dual from the start, or does he need a tome to get an extra wisdom point?
I always try to keep my reputation in the 6-9 range. That way, I'll get the evil innate abilities from the dream sequences, but I won't have to deal with being hunted by the Flaming Fist everywhere I go.
EDIT: I'm curious, what would you do if for some inane reason you wanted to include Eldoth? I'm thinking of doing an Evil run wherein I include him because I like to mix things up a bit. Don't get me wrong, your tactics are awesome but I know firsthand they are very, very powerful.
So I kind of want to try to include Eldoth, give him the Gauntlets of Dexterity so that he can pwn with the Longbow of Marksmanship with his Poison Arrows. Problem is, then Kagain can't have them. And a lot of other dilemnas. So what would you suggest? (Keeping in mind I'm going to play a Thief. Need it for BG2.)
The bracers alone confer +2 ranged thac0 bonus, which is exactly the same as you'd get from raising his DEX to 18 with the Gauntlets.
If you're putting in Eldoth, you'll have to eventually join with Skie and kill her off to keep him in the party. Then you'll need to decide who you're dropping. You have a few options. Kagain is a possibility. He's a rock-star but with low dex, he'll suck. Alternatively, Dorn might also have low dex (yikes). But unlike Dorn, Kagain can get higher mastery of weps (axe). So it kind of comes down to personal preference. You also have two wizards so you might just drop the Xzar/Monty combo entirely and add back in Viconia who has high-dex and can tank. You'll lose some wizard fire-power, but you will have some bard spells to make up for it, and you'll still have Edwin. Here's how it would look possibly:
MAIN (Fighter/Thief) - Dual or Multi-Class - Tank/Archer
Shar-Teel (Fighter) - Tank
Dorn or Kagain [You Choose] (Fighter or Blackguard) - Fighter Type
Viconia (Cleric) - Can Tank, High Dex, Low AC
Eldoth (Bard) - Archer/Some Spell Firepower
Edwin (Conjurer) - Spell Firepower
Roleplay you evil character with the evil paths on the quests, that's what i do, the lost of reputation points are a reward for me, so any rep loss by random kill is just a cheese tactic, the same as CLUAConsole more gold to donate to temples would be to raise reputation.
If you lose rep points only in quests, you gonna see that this way it's much more enjoinable to play evil.
So I'm thinking that for my party:
Shar Teel - tank
Kagain or Dorn - other tank
Edwin - uber mage
Monty - Thief / Fighter
Xzar - 6 necromancer / 8 cleric.
I won't need viccy if I'm a druid. Or maybe Safana and all 3 of the melee NPCs instead of monty + xzar.
3 spellcasters, and 3 melees with a multi rogue sounds fine.
I'm purposefully going to play a gimp shapeshifter with 17 str, 15 dex, 15 con, 10 int, 15 wis, 15 Cha that can much later in BG2 dual to a fighter.