BG:EE Torchlight 2 Guild Wars 2 Hearts of Iron 3 Star Wars Jedi Academy Supreme Commander 2 The Walking Dead Empire Total War Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm also currently beta testing a few games, wasting time on a facebook game and I have a girl friend... I need a TARDIS for Christmas!
Maybe just Diablo 3 -- after all, some items I sold through its real money auction house paid for my pre-order of this game... and I still have cash left over to pay for BGII:EE, assuming it's not that much more expensive.
BG:EE Torchlight 2 Guild Wars 2 Hearts of Iron 3 Star Wars Jedi Academy Supreme Commander 2 The Walking Dead Empire Total War Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm also currently beta testing a few games, wasting time on a facebook game and I have a girl friend... I need a TARDIS for Christmas!
I'll be playing: Far Cry 2 Mass Effect 3 (if I still haven't finished by then) Dishonored Fallout 3 Call of Duty Medal of Honor I'm hoping to at least finish Medal of Honor, Mass Effect and Far Cry before it comes out. I could easily push them to the side (I'm nearly done with ME anyway and played through Fallout twice already) for BG. I'm hoping to get a significant portion of BG finished (if not at least one playthrough completed) before Dishonored comes out. That will be the biggest obstacle until November when Black Ops 2 comes out. Finishing BG by November shouldn't be ANY problem at all.
Torchlight 2
Guild Wars 2
Hearts of Iron 3
Star Wars Jedi Academy
Supreme Commander 2
The Walking Dead
Empire Total War
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm also currently beta testing a few games, wasting time on a facebook game and I have a girl friend... I need a TARDIS for Christmas!
When I play a videogame, I play it until I complete it (or get bored with it). Only then I move on to the next game.
Cool! Another HOI3 dude!
Far Cry 2
Mass Effect 3 (if I still haven't finished by then)
Fallout 3
Call of Duty
Medal of Honor
I'm hoping to at least finish Medal of Honor, Mass Effect and Far Cry before it comes out. I could easily push them to the side (I'm nearly done with ME anyway and played through Fallout twice already) for BG. I'm hoping to get a significant portion of BG finished (if not at least one playthrough completed) before Dishonored comes out. That will be the biggest obstacle until November when Black Ops 2 comes out. Finishing BG by November shouldn't be ANY problem at all.