Updated world map

Where can I find an updated world map? I'd like to compare with my in-game map to check if I've explored all the areas already. I've seen a lot of world maps online, but they all seem outdated. My in-game map looks slightly different to all of them.
Bad thing is I have already visited all areas
A map of Faerun from http://kotaku.com/5926530/a-tribute-to-old-video-game-maps:
what the hell o.o never realized most of the areas look like they are designed to connect directly to one another.. wonder if it was supposed to be open world without map travel before. is really weird to see when there are multiple hour travel times between two areas that appear to be right next to one another :S
Am I the only one who wants to walk from the Elfsong in the east to the estate of Duke Entar Silvershield in the north-west and back down to the Flaming Fist Headquarters in the south-west without having to go onto the world map?