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Hey Trent! PLEASE PLEASE throw us a bone, what's the new XP Cap?!

GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)

Only official word on the XP cap i can find is you saying "Our plan is to raise the level cap a bit in #bgee to allow for the new content."

With the game so close to release please please please please please tell us the cap so we can start planning our characters! Thanks!
Post edited by Gloomfrost on


  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Guess well have to wait till he or one of the DEVS actually wakes up! :)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    [troll]Wow. Waited an entire 30 minutes before a follow-on post! [/troll]

    The only change in cap, as it were, will be for the BG1 portion, as it's using a different game engine. I haven't seen anything to put us past the BG2 max of 8,000,000
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208

    might not be a bad idea to put @trentoster somewhere, and i'm pretty sure i misspelled his name.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    not meaning to troll, honest, just had a little too much Coke a Cola and and really Old School Excited. Seriously no offense or etiquette breaking was intended.
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    It'll be raised "a bit" from the current 161k, so I would guess 1-2 levels more? I too would like to know for sure though. Definitely not going to be pushing into the millions; they plan on BG2:EE and making it so your character can start that extra-overpowered is unlikely.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited September 2012
    @Aosaw LOL i bet your right about the sleep thing, it's crunch time for all involved.

    @leyshjonoe so hoping for 8 million xp cap would be a tad to high ;)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I'm guessing *waves finger in the air* it'll be around the 250K-300K mark at most.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @gloomfrost lol, no worries, i think people on here just like to rib others a lil, you didn't break any rules or etc.

    me, i would have commented about you talking to yourself, but the moment is passed.

    @layshjonoe well, ol' jon steals all your stuff, and more later on, should be easy for him to steal some of your experience? and that's why i don't understand why people like jon, he's nothing but a thief, and not an interesting villian in the least. sarevok was much much much better. :)

    I hope i can now get to lvl 10/10/10 as a fighter/cleric/mage :)
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Does it really matter whether or not they tell us? Since they said CLUAConsole will still be implemented, first thing you can do when you get the game is go in use cheats and set your XP to 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, and see what it ends up being. Done.
  • KhamillKhamill Member Posts: 226
    @Awong124 But maybe he wants to hear Trents voice or read his text ha?..hmm.. what?..hmm?
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    @Awong124 don't use cheats, and yes it would be really exciting to play my characters out now, researching what classes i can come up with the xp cap. Different strokes for different folks and this would make a lot of people happy!
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    @Gloomfrost Is that a quasi-moral stance? Or are you just too lazy to bother (I don't mean that in an offensive way, just that some people don't want to go through the hassle of modifying the ini file)? I don't see how using cheats to find out information is the same as using cheats while playing an actual game. If it's a moral thing, then you're just being impractical for no gain.

    @Khamill We shouldn't judge, I think we all currently have a hard-on for Trent.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited September 2012
    I see no reason to raise the XP Cap, beyond what ToTSC allows, for the content shipping with the game. If future DLC is released, that adds new content where an XP cap raise is necessitated, then so be it.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    You mean there are people out there who don't immediately install the XP cap remover? There's a reason it's one of the first mods to be released after a game...
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642

    I see no reason to raise the XP Cap, beyond what ToTSC allows, for the content shipping with the game. If future DLC is released, that adds new content where an XP cap raise is necessitated, then so be it.

    I think the new NPCs come with some new content that probably awards some XP. We don't know how much, but maybe it justifies changing the XP cap.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    i agree about not cheating, lol after the 10th playthrough or in later years when i just want to do a quick run, sure, but no cheating. breaks the immersion, even for test purposes.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    I guess I am someone who doesn't have the same luck with my software. I usually end up using shadowkeeper or the console to correct something during a run through. The last full game I did, the prostitute who gives you information on the murders in the bridge area disappeared for some unknown reason. I looked up the right # and popped her back into the game to continue the quest.

    Anyone who has done the Jaheira romance probably has needed to clear through a couple of those bugs.

    I am also interested in the new XP cap. With a great RPG like the BG series, I enjoy the new content offered by mods as well.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    I mod my game heavily always, but mostly to make it more PnP, thus more 'rule-abiding'. Breaking the rule there's an xp cap to beat the game within, is not my cup of tea. So it's definitely interesting to know what the xp cap is, i.e. what's the new rule, instead of changing xpcap.2da at will.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556

    I mod my game heavily always, but mostly to make it more PnP, thus more 'rule-abiding'. Breaking the rule there's an xp cap to beat the game within, is not my cup of tea. So it's definitely interesting to know what the xp cap is, i.e. what's the new rule, instead of changing xpcap.2da at will.

    I view the XP cap remover as a mod that makes things more faithful to PnP ;)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I meant that I was trolling a little in fun. As for 8,000,000 - that is for the whole trilogy. I'm looking ahead to BG2:EE (coming next). Anyway, without exploits, you'll end up about 1 level higher than you did in original BG+TOTSC.

    The big question for me is how much XP the new areas add.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    edited September 2012
    At 200K, Druids hit 11th level (and gain a new level of spells).
    At 220K, Thieves and Bards hit 10th level.
    At 225K, Clerics and Monks hit 9th level.
    At 250K, Fighters/Barbarians and Wizards/Sorcerers hit 9th and 10th level, respectively. The spell casters don't gain a new level of spells.
    At 300K, Paladins and Rangers hit 9th level and Palafins get spells.

    They almost certainly won't raise the XP cap past 375K, because I think (I could be wrong) at that level, wizards gain a new spell level. They'd have to sprinkle new scrolls throughout all the loot.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    I'm sure @Hertz meant to say "At 220K, Thieves and Bards hit 11th level". That would give the thieves another trap.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    Maybe. Looking at XP tables on a smartphone screen is kinda hard. :)
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    I wouldn't have thought about it except that I once played a swashie and dualclassed him at lvl 10 before Imoen could open the cage. Only lost 1K xp and Imoen could cover the traps in the the dungeon.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    The exp levels are already sort of softcapped. If you keep a full party you can't get much more than 250-270k for your main char for a complete playthrough (do all quests, clear all zones) unless you do some fairly extensive area-revisiting and spawn hunting. So upping the cap beyond that would only serve players who go with less than six party members or shuffle them out for exp-heavy zones, quest returns etc. I don't see it happening - might as well just remove it altogether if so.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    Unless, @Shin, there turns out to be more content not yet announced.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    I see no reason to raise the XP Cap, beyond what ToTSC allows, for the content shipping with the game. If future DLC is released, that adds new content where an XP cap raise is necessitated, then so be it.

    The new NPCs come with new quests and areas.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Shin said:

    The exp levels are already sort of softcapped. If you keep a full party you can't get much more than 250-270k for your main char for a complete playthrough (do all quests, clear all zones) unless you do some fairly extensive area-revisiting and spawn hunting. So upping the cap beyond that would only serve players who go with less than six party members or shuffle them out for exp-heavy zones, quest returns etc. I don't see it happening - might as well just remove it altogether if so.

    Since I frequently play with a lower number of characters, it is a bit annoying when you stop accruing experience. I took to playing without the XP cap and not leveling the character past the max he/she could achieve under the cap so that I wasn't penalized when coming into SOA. Having 320k to start BG2 instead of 250k, for example, isn't game breaking and is closer to P&P. It is also well behind what other NPCs have if I didn't play them in BG1.

    With the new quests, areas, etc. as Schneidend notes, the cap needs to be raised or there will be a lot of people stagnating by the end of BG:EE.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I doubt they raise it a lot.

    I always felt 161k was an arbitrary number to arrive at. It doesn't rest well on anything. There was always a bunch of spillage XP, halfway to the next level or not enough to let you dual-class comfortably. Notably, mages couldn't dual-class at 7 and still regain their abilities. I always wished it was just a little bit higher so I could get to 7 with a mage then dual-class to cleric or vice-versa, just because I'd get more use out of Xzar and Dynaheir.

    Even if they only bump it up to like 200k, I'll be happy.
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