Another lurker here, coming out of the shadows to say thank you for this mod. I'm happy to see one of the EE NPCs expanded upon - especially Dorn, who has a permanent spot in my evil parties - and I hope to see mods for the others eventually.
However, I have noticed a few typos and awkward phrases as I played through the mod. Do you want some feedback on them? English isn't my first language, thus my punctuation skills leave a lot to be desired, but I can point out some of the errors I've noticed. Ex. form should be from, etc.
Other than that, I'm happy to see a new version out and quickly skimmed through the new abduction dialogue and epilogues. More content is always welcome and I'm ecstatic to finally have a Bodhi/vampire scene for Dorn. I was slightly peeved that it was missing in game.
A few final questions. Have you considered adding PID dialogues? Not flirts necessarily - though those would make Dorn fit seamlessly with the NPC Flirtpack and most NPC mods - but perhaps talks that the PC can initiate? I know not everyone likes PID dialogues, as they weren't present in the original games until mods created them, but I personally enjoy having the option to start some of the talks in the game. It feels less one-sided that way.
Are you expanding your mod to write some BGEE and/or Siege of Dragonspear content? I know Neera has a BGEE expansion and I still hope to see something similar for the others. Given the state that SoD is in, having a few mods that nod to it seems prudent.
I mean, Dorn did kiss CHARNAME. Shouldn't that reflect at some point in his BG2EE romance arc?
Thank you for the mod (again) and for reading my ramblings. As this is my first time posting, I hope I didn't mess up the formatting too much.
"Finally decided to say your `peace`, then." Sayeth the smitten charname to the ex-backguard after he sulks like a magnificent, brooding and pain in the butt Byronic hero. Sorry, my sense of humour is a tad on the lame side Said quote is obviously from Trinit sexpansion and the only spelling mistake I noticed. And frankly, I couldn't care less if there were more errors. Dorn is Dorn, and he speaks and spells however he Damn well pleases. Who's going to spell check a 7 ft tall, black armoured, infernally charismatic and formidable sex on muscled legs half orc warlord? Trinit is an absolute gem to invest time and energy into this mod that a few spelling errors here and there are so not a big deal now, I'm off to enjoy my favourite, improved BG romance of all time; yes, step aside aerie, jaheira neera, so long, adios, ta ta, goodbye, don't write :P
If I came across as condescending before, I apologize. I certainly never intended to. I only offered to point errors out in case the modder wanted to hear about them and/or fix them.
5. If you notice grammar and similar errors, point them out to me please.
My offer was to help, I didn't mean to criticize.
As for the mention of other characters, I didn't say Trinit had to expand on them. I said that, with this mod, I'm pleased to see the new EE NPCs getting some love. In this case it is only one character expanded upon, but I'm happy to see progress on that front. Dorn happens to be my favourite new NPC too. Hopefully other modders will rise to the challenge and complete expansions for the rest.
At any rate, I'll see myself out and I hope I haven't upset anyone.
Curse my spelling I meant Trinit`s expansion not sexpansion! Dorn does indeed give charname some serious lip action in BG2 ee. In fact, he finds himself in throes of such strong passion at the sight of the ruined pandemonium that was once suldanesalar that he has more than just a hot and heavy kiss on his devious mind. Sorry if that was a spoiler btw. The man is incorrigible; and given his twisted tastes and Dominant, unconventional, raw and passionate personality; destruction seems to provoke him in more ways than one. No half measures for this half orc, nope. Anyway I'm starting a new game just so I can experience this new version of Dorn expansion. I'm crazy curious about his new content in watchers keep. I wonder about my newly liberated fallen blackguard`s reaction to the foulest denizens of the abyss and the on going blood war. Maybe he'll go to town on these devils and demons or indulge in a card game with Aesgereth the Cambion and have a blast with Tiefling Head`Less _ahem_ Haer`Dalis. Trinit`s Dorn expansion beckons! Onward!
If I came across as condescending before, I apologize. I certainly never intended to. I only offered to point errors out in case the modder wanted to hear about them and/or fix them.
5. If you notice grammar and similar errors, point them out to me please.
My offer was to help, I didn't mean to criticize.
As for the mention of other characters, I didn't say Trinit had to expand on them. I said that, with this mod, I'm pleased to see the new EE NPCs getting some love. In this case it is only one character expanded upon, but I'm happy to see progress on that front. Dorn happens to be my favourite new NPC too. Hopefully other modders will rise to the challenge and complete expansions for the rest.
At any rate, I'll see myself out and I hope I haven't upset anyone.
Oh hun you weren't condescending :P I hope I wasn't patronizing you're fully entitled to your opinions and I wasn't having a go at you Hmm, you know, I've never been inclined to free Dorn; would just waste Azothet at the gorge and move on, but as Trinit said his mod makes way more sense if Dorn is divested of both infernal patrons. His inclusion of Bodhi abduction certainly piqued my deepest curiosity. Our liberated half orc sugar would certainly make it easier for Bodhi if he wasn't under the protection of a demonic patron. Yup, definitely starting a new game in order to experience this abduction, though a vampiric Dorn with that phenomenal strength will definitely be a challenge I reckon.
@IdeasofMarch Thank you. I'm not used to posting online much, so I was worried I caused insult without intending to.
mm, you know, I've never been inclined to free Dorn; would just waste Azothet at the gorge and move on, but as Trinit said his mod makes way more sense if Dorn is divested of both infernal patrons.
I usually don't care to free him from both/either patrons either. Since there's no reward for it (at least not without counting mods), you end up losing Dorn's Blackguard powers and dealing with a weaker character - and there's nothing to show for it. Story related or otherwise.
I read the design decision behind it, and I can appreciate the choice (aka. bad move), but it does end up feeling redundant. At least with this mod, there's some consolation (I can't think of a more suitable word, sorry) for making said choice.
I can rationalize it in character - CHARNAME wants Dorn's loyalty to be solely to them, they don't need the constant unknowns that come with Dorn's patron's demands, etc. But if, in future, Trinit decided to expand the mod again, I would like the option to keep a patron and continue Dorn's romance.
Certainly it will affect the romance, and Dorn might not trust or rely on CHARNAME to the extent he does here, but I feel it would make for an interesting few talks. And, of course, a confrontation can be added later.
Which, again, makes me sound ungrateful I guess. I'm not. I'm happy to see the expanded content and appreciate all modders for sharing their time and hard work (and creativity).
Now, to stop hogging this tread, I just want to state that if Trinity does want me to point of the typos I found, I'd be happy to share them here or message them. I believe that if you enjoy someone's work, and want to encourage others to continue, you should offer what help you can.
@IdeasofMarch sexpansion... what a freudian slip XD just a warning, don't hope for too much in watchers keep, interjections quite minimal if i remember correctly
@EekanImp yes please, report any and all typos and awkward phrases, either here on through PM (only now that Ideasofmarch mentioned it, i realized i confused "peace" with "piece" :facepalm: ) i would really appreciate it
anyway, no plans for PIDs yet, but i understand why you want them. The same goes for the dorn that keeps a patron. I agree this state could have a few more talks, but for now it functions well as it is IMO. perhaps someday in the future.
I also didn't plan on expanding SOD and content (honestly, i only played through SOD once and i didn't even have dorn in party. this kiss you speak of is a news to me, actually :P ).
and i agree with your reasoning of free dorn vs patroned one, i consider role-playing benefits to be a good reward for mechanically bad choice (none was present in original). i hope you will find this a sufficient motivation/reward too
From what I remember of my second SoD playthrough (the only one with Dorn present) his romance arc wasn't extensive. Not that any of the arcs were - which, given Siege of Dragonspear's length, was to be expected.
With that mentioned (and if you don't mind spoilers):
I would have liked seeing a mention of the kiss scene prior to entering Avernus. And, even more eagerly, some recognition for the 'jail visit' talk. That one was perfectly Dorn. Having a mini-romance in SoD, and not having any mention of it in BG2EE, just makes playing it through somewhat meaningless.
Unfortunate about the PID dialogues. Though, again, I know they aren't for everyone. Not to mentioned it takes considerable effort to write and code it. I'm happy enough to see new mods for Baldur's Gate and won't nitpick over nice-to-haves.
I'll send you a PM with the typos I can still recall. Actually posting still makes me nervous.
From what I remember of my second SoD playthrough (the only one with Dorn present) his romance arc wasn't extensive. Not that any of the arcs were - which, given Siege of Dragonspear's length, was to be expected.
With that mentioned (and if you don't mind spoilers):
I would have liked seeing a mention of the kiss scene prior to entering Avernus. And, even more eagerly, some recognition for the 'jail visit' talk. That one was perfectly Dorn. Having a mini-romance in SoD, and not having any mention of it in BG2EE, just makes playing it through somewhat meaningless.
Unfortunate about the PID dialogues. Though, again, I know they aren't for everyone. Not to mentioned it takes considerable effort to write and code it. I'm happy enough to see new mods for Baldur's Gate and won't nitpick over nice-to-haves.
I'll send you a PM with the typos I can still recall. Actually posting still makes me nervous.
I hope little ol`me didn't discourage or make you in any way uncomfortable and nervous? Not a veteran poster here either. As a medical receptionist and former office worker you'd think figuring out the intricacies of utilizing this internet forum would be a breeze hey...but there you have it. Long time reader of these forums, I Just joined in order to thank Trinit. It's just a bonus Tasteful and exceptional mods like his come for free. I'd seriously pay to get my hands on this expansion of it was a commercial item.
Re watchers keep, it's all good, Trinit. Big or small; any interjection is better than none. Since I assume I've somehow made a sort of blunder and made EekanImp feel awkward about publicly posting typos grammatical errors and what-have-you, I'll see myself out instead.
On a final note, I've never played SOD so I can't comment on the Dorn content in that game.
Sorry for topic derailment. Anyway as I mentioned to EekanImp, don't mind PID but imo it might make sense Dorn would be the kind of man accustomed to take charge and prefer to initiate anything from casual conversation to sexual intimacy. Then again he's not butch, has bucketloads of confidence and high charisma besides. He doesn't need to prove his brutal strength and battle prowess and definitely isn't out to impress anyone except the Bhaalspawn charname so he may allow Player initiated sugar but either way the mod is splendid
Haha you got me there An enormous and deadly half orc black knight endowed with 19 strength and 16 charisma with major attitude encourages, nay, commands you to be direct! Yessir, aye aye sir. Right away. Did you want me to spit polish your sword you say? (Would that be Rancor, Abyssal Blade or Ir`revrykal?) Gawd..i apologize for being crass ... How would your charname respond? And be direct!
@EekanImp i know what you mean, lack of continuation between games is a problem (at least SOD to SOA).
i guess the easiest way to address this would be to re-write the introductory dialogue. Perhaps I'll do that someday soon. I already got the introductory files included in mod anyway, might as well do something more with it.
Mod updated with EekanImps corrections and suggestions Should be much better now. Thanks again for all the work you did @EekanImp , credit for this update is yours!
When I try to install this I keep getting ERROR: internal label [851] appears 2 times in processed DLG [DORNJ] ERROR: postprocessing [DORNJ]: Failure("cannot resolve label") q
The mod installs without errors on vanilla BG2EE for me. With the newest available patch. Do you have any other mods installed that might conflict? What version of BG2EE are you using?
@duckieninja that is indeed weird. I tested the mod multiple times and it worked fine (once on a fresh install and once with few another mods installed). I also checked dlg file and the label 851 is used only once... if you have no other mods installed, maybe you could try re-download the mod?
like EekanImp asked, what version of bg2:ee are you using? and what mods do you have if you have them?
Right. I'm spending my sunny Sunday re installing the mod and freeing dorn and playing this thing right up until the bodhi kidnap scene because I just have to experience this abduction or my fallen cavalier will explode right out of his chinked armour I'll have to power thru the whole thing of course but once I've satisfied my curiosity and work life permitting, I'll indulge in a nice long slow playthru.
Trinit at the risk of sounding Paris Hilton should I be starting a new game in order to experience the new content? Or should I carry on from where I left off from the Gorge last week with the new version installed? Thanks Champ
@IdeasofMarch if you started your playthrough with mod installed, you should be fine (you'll just miss on a few minor corrections in the first few talks). otherwise i recommend starting a new game.
no need to start again (or even reinstall the mod) if you're asking about yesterdays update. it's just a minor update to bring weidu up to newest version, in case people have trouble installing the mod
@trinit I just tried to install this on my BG2EE game (most recent version) and it came back with an error message ("Cannot resolve label"). It may have something to do with the 40 other mods I also have installed, but I can send you the debug file if you want
@Ratatoskr589 yes please, send me a pm with debug file and i'll take a look. i'm almost sure the conflict must e with one of the other mods, just not sure which.
mod has been updated to version 2.3 and i've hopefully corrected the internal labeling issue that prevented the installation of the mod for some people. it seemed to affect people with large amount of mods installed.
it was reported as "ERROR: internal label [851] ... Failure("cannot resolve label")" issue. if you had this problem, now it should be resolved.
i updated the OP with the "KNOWN BUGS" and solutions section! it's one for now (and hopefully remains that way), but it will be updated as new solutions/bugs are found
Thanks for all the work on this! All sounds brilliant. Dorn is my favourite character so this is awesome. Looking forward to doing a play through using this mod
I am enjoying the heck out of this mod! It took a bit to see some new dialogue and once I did, I felt like it was my birthday + Yule all rolled into one. MOAR DORN CONTENT FOR EVERYONE. Bless you for writing this mod, truly.
@trinit So there's this odd bug I've found. It's not game breaking, and to be honest it's mostly just hilarious to me, but I thought I'd mention it to see if anyone knows what's up.
After getting one of the new talks in the Underdark (I was trying to kinda speed up the storyline until I got past the asylum) and I noticed suddenly Dorn was acting like he wanted to talk to charname. If I give him a move command, after a second or two he ignores it in favour of following charname and trying to initiate dialogue by turning charname toward him... but doesn't start dialogue.
Sometimes I get an issue where I can't Save/Quicksave because "Cannot save when in Dialogue Mode". Similarly, sometimes I have to spam the Rest button "You cannot save at this time" (presumably because Dorn is trying to initiate dialogue) before they will camp.
Dorn simply follows charname around like a lovesick puppy and stays on his heels all the time, except in combat. XD It's a good thing my charname isn't a thief this time; anytime I try to sneak charname somewhere, there's a huge clanking Blackguard roaming helplessly behind him. Quite funny to me, and again, it's only a minor annoyance, but I thought I should mention it.
A bit more info: -I am running a couple other mods at the moment, Banterpacks and Romantic Encounters -I've had Dorn complete all his personal quests (he's free of his patron) -Dorn will still initiate dialogue when it's time, both original and new content- it's just, he's acting like he's trying to do that every second of the game when out of combat, too!
Anyway. A++++ mod, I love the writing so far, I am desperate for more, I love you for making this!!
However, I have noticed a few typos and awkward phrases as I played through the mod. Do you want some feedback on them?
Other than that, I'm happy to see a new version out and quickly skimmed through the new abduction dialogue and epilogues. More content is always welcome and I'm ecstatic to finally have a Bodhi/vampire scene for Dorn. I was slightly peeved that it was missing in game.
A few final questions. Have you considered adding PID dialogues? Not flirts necessarily - though those would make Dorn fit seamlessly with the NPC Flirtpack and most NPC mods - but perhaps talks that the PC can initiate? I know not everyone likes PID dialogues, as they weren't present in the original games until mods created them, but I personally enjoy having the option to start some of the talks in the game.
Are you expanding your mod to write some BGEE and/or Siege of Dragonspear content? I know Neera has a BGEE expansion and I still hope to see something similar for the others.
Thank you for the mod (again) and for reading my ramblings.
As this is my first time posting, I hope I didn't mess up the formatting too much.Said quote is obviously from Trinit sexpansion and the only spelling mistake I noticed. And frankly, I couldn't care less if there were more errors.
Trinit is an absolute gem to invest time and energy into this mod that a few spelling errors here and there are so not a big deal
My offer was to help, I didn't mean to criticize.
As for the mention of other characters, I didn't say Trinit had to expand on them. I said that, with this mod, I'm pleased to see the new EE NPCs getting some love. In this case it is only one character expanded upon, but I'm happy to see progress on that front. Dorn happens to be my favourite new NPC too.
Hopefully other modders will rise to the challenge and complete expansions for the rest.At any rate, I'll see myself out and I hope I haven't upset anyone.
Dorn does indeed give charname some serious lip action in BG2 ee. In fact, he finds himself in throes of such strong passion at the sight of the ruined pandemonium that was once suldanesalar that he has more than just a hot and heavy kiss on his devious mind.
Sorry if that was a spoiler btw.
The man is incorrigible; and given his twisted tastes and Dominant, unconventional, raw and passionate personality; destruction seems to provoke him in more ways than one. No half measures for this half orc, nope.
Anyway I'm starting a new game just so I can experience this new version of Dorn expansion. I'm crazy curious about his new content in watchers keep. I wonder about my newly liberated fallen blackguard`s reaction to the foulest denizens of the abyss and the on going blood war. Maybe he'll go to town on these devils and demons or indulge in a card game with Aesgereth the Cambion and have a blast with Tiefling Head`Less _ahem_ Haer`Dalis.
Trinit`s Dorn expansion beckons! Onward!
Hmm, you know, I've never been inclined to free Dorn; would just waste Azothet at the gorge and move on, but as Trinit said his mod makes way more sense if Dorn is divested of both infernal patrons. His inclusion of Bodhi abduction certainly piqued my deepest curiosity. Our liberated half orc sugar would certainly make it easier for Bodhi if he wasn't under the protection of a demonic patron. Yup, definitely starting a new game in order to experience this abduction, though a vampiric Dorn with that phenomenal strength will definitely be a challenge I reckon.
I usually don't care to free him from both/either patrons either. Since there's no reward for it (at least not without counting mods), you end up losing Dorn's Blackguard powers and dealing with a weaker character - and there's nothing to show for it. Story related or otherwise.
I read the design decision behind it, and I can appreciate the choice (aka. bad move), but it does end up feeling redundant. At least with this mod, there's some consolation (I can't think of a more suitable word, sorry) for making said choice.
I can rationalize it in character - CHARNAME wants Dorn's loyalty to be solely to them, they don't need the constant unknowns that come with Dorn's patron's demands, etc. But if, in future, Trinit decided to expand the mod again, I would like the option to keep a patron and continue Dorn's romance.
Certainly it will affect the romance, and Dorn might not trust or rely on CHARNAME to the extent he does here, but I feel it would make for an interesting few talks. And, of course, a confrontation can be added later.
Which, again, makes me sound ungrateful I guess. I'm not. I'm happy to see the expanded content and appreciate all modders for sharing their time and hard work (and creativity).
Now, to stop hogging this tread, I just want to state that if Trinity does want me to point of the typos I found, I'd be happy to share them here or message them. I believe that if you enjoy someone's work, and want to encourage others to continue, you should offer what help you can.
@EekanImp yes please, report any and all typos and awkward phrases, either here on through PM
anyway, no plans for PIDs yet, but i understand why you want them. The same goes for the dorn that keeps a patron. I agree this state could have a few more talks, but for now it functions well as it is IMO. perhaps someday in the future.
I also didn't plan on expanding SOD and content (honestly, i only played through SOD once and i didn't even have dorn in party. this kiss you speak of is a news to me, actually :P ).
and i agree with your reasoning of free dorn vs patroned one, i consider role-playing benefits to be a good reward for mechanically bad choice (none was present in original). i hope you will find this a sufficient motivation/reward too
With that mentioned (and if you don't mind spoilers):
Unfortunate about the PID dialogues. Though, again, I know they aren't for everyone. Not to mentioned it takes considerable effort to write and code it. I'm happy enough to see new mods for Baldur's Gate and won't nitpick over nice-to-haves.
I'll send you a PM with the typos I can still recall.
Actually posting still makes me nervous.Not a veteran poster here either. As a medical receptionist and former office worker you'd think figuring out the intricacies of utilizing this internet forum would be a breeze hey...but there you have it. Long time reader of these forums, I Just joined in order to thank Trinit. It's just a bonus Tasteful and exceptional mods like his come for free. I'd seriously pay to get my hands on this expansion of it was a commercial item.
Re watchers keep, it's all good, Trinit. Big or small; any interjection is better than none.
Since I assume I've somehow made a sort of blunder and made EekanImp feel awkward about publicly posting typos grammatical errors and what-have-you, I'll see myself out instead.
On a final note, I've never played SOD so I can't comment on the Dorn content in that game.
Then again he's not butch, has bucketloads of confidence and high charisma besides. He doesn't need to prove his brutal strength and battle prowess and definitely isn't out to impress anyone except the Bhaalspawn charname so he may allow Player initiated sugar but either way the mod is splendid
Gawd..i apologize for being crass ...
How would your charname respond? And be direct!
i guess the easiest way to address this would be to re-write the introductory dialogue. Perhaps I'll do that someday soon. I already got the introductory files included in mod anyway, might as well do something more with it.
The mod installs without errors on vanilla BG2EE for me. With the newest available patch. Do you have any other mods installed that might conflict? What version of BG2EE are you using?
I also checked dlg file and the label 851 is used only once... if you have no other mods installed, maybe you could try re-download the mod?
like EekanImp asked, what version of bg2:ee are you using? and what mods do you have if you have them?
I'll have to power thru the whole thing of course but once I've satisfied my curiosity and work life permitting, I'll indulge in a nice long slow playthru.
no need to start again (or even reinstall the mod) if you're asking about yesterdays update. it's just a minor update to bring weidu up to newest version, in case people have trouble installing the mod
it was reported as "ERROR: internal label [851] ... Failure("cannot resolve label")" issue. if you had this problem, now it should be resolved.
@trinit So there's this odd bug I've found. It's not game breaking, and to be honest it's mostly just hilarious to me, but I thought I'd mention it to see if anyone knows what's up.
After getting one of the new talks in the Underdark (I was trying to kinda speed up the storyline until I got past the asylum) and I noticed suddenly Dorn was acting like he wanted to talk to charname. If I give him a move command, after a second or two he ignores it in favour of following charname and trying to initiate dialogue by turning charname toward him... but doesn't start dialogue.
Sometimes I get an issue where I can't Save/Quicksave because "Cannot save when in Dialogue Mode". Similarly, sometimes I have to spam the Rest button "You cannot save at this time" (presumably because Dorn is trying to initiate dialogue) before they will camp.
Dorn simply follows charname around like a lovesick puppy and stays on his heels all the time, except in combat. XD It's a good thing my charname isn't a thief this time; anytime I try to sneak charname somewhere, there's a huge clanking Blackguard roaming helplessly behind him. Quite funny to me, and again, it's only a minor annoyance, but I thought I should mention it.
A bit more info:
-I am running a couple other mods at the moment, Banterpacks and Romantic Encounters
-I've had Dorn complete all his personal quests (he's free of his patron)
-Dorn will still initiate dialogue when it's time, both original and new content- it's just, he's acting like he's trying to do that every second of the game when out of combat, too!
Anyway. A++++ mod, I love the writing so far, I am desperate for more, I love you for making this!!