as for the bug, it's definitely weird, especially if you already finished all of his quests... it sounds like there is a variable with his quest messed up somewhere.
If you can, please zip and send me your savegame so i can take a look. meanwhile, you can try killing and ressurecting dorn (ctrl+y and then ctrl+r on his portrait if you have cheat keys enabled)
anyway, i'm glad that at least talks are proceeding as intended (i recommend you hold off going to bodhi before you reach the end of romance track, otherwise there will be a chunk of content missing).
@trinit Thank you for the extended Dorn Romance mod. I’ve been enjoying it thus far, but have just run into the same situation the @cndrow describes. My party consists of myself, Dorn, Minsc, Jaheira, Viconia, and Haer ‘Dalis. As soon as we entered the Underdark, Viconia commented about being back home. After her comments, Dorn started a dialog asking “What is this place you have brought me to, CHARNAME?” There are no options to reply or continue, only the END DIALOGUE box at the bottom. As soon as I end the dialogue, Dorn begins acting exactly as cndrow describes. I have completed Dorn’s quests and he is a fallen blackguard now. I have no other mods currently installed.
@cndrow@LiamChgo I managed to fix the bug. it was caused by the extra code that pointed to talks that don't exist so it was my fault really.
what you should do is uninstall the mod and install the new version (download from OP). If possible, i would recommend you load the save just prior to entering the underdark for the first time, just to be sure.
a side note: when you exit underdark, try talking to dorn manually after you speak with elhan if romance track doesn't fire by itself. sometimes you have to push things along, especially if cutscenes interrupt romance talk.
@trinit Thank you! The fix works, thus far. There was still the one comment from Dorn when we first arrived in the Underdark, but afterwards it seems to be working fine.
in update 3.1 i cleaned baf files to ensure a better compatibility with update 2.5 and also managed to fix the long-standing bug where dorn would stutter and refuse commands when trying to initiate the Terpfen quest. let me know if you see any other bugs and such.
@trinit Holy crap! v3!? I think I've been on v2 for years now! Gonna dl and check it out next time I play!
Though that's not why I'm really here. Like a few others before me, I wish to thank you for this mod from the bottom of my heart. When I bought EE and met this guy for the first time, something sparked. I was infatuated, but as the story concluded, I felt extremely upset about both epilogues.
Then I discovered your mod. I'm not much into modding, but you, good sir, have rocked my world. I cannot see Dorn without your input now. For me, it's basically canon and I refuse to hear otherwise. You have made this intriguing character charming and sassy, but also sympathetic (even though he'd throw it into our faces) and, despite his badassery, fragile. And I don't mean to get all weepy with stuff like 'oh poor baby's been persecuted, momma's gonna keep you happy and murder the bad people for you' so don't worry, but I appreciate that you've not made this character a rock with a frowny face. I like how frustrating he is and how defensive he can be when things don't go his way. I loved the conversations about his and Charname's past and the sexy-times banter is more adorable than I could have ever imagined possible. Any and all story mods I may instal in the future will forever have to be judged based on this one.
It may say more about me than anything else, but I've been in love with this guy for like 3 years now, and no matter what I do, I can't get over him, and you are a big part of the problem x) However, thanks to you, I've got enough motivation to keep trying my hardest at writing, hoping I can expand Dorn's story (in my own selfish ways) keeping as close as I can to the vision you've improved upon.
So thank you again for giving me countless hours of joy replaying the game with this guy always at my side, the inspiration to work on my own stuff and for giving me an improved version of my virtual husband (I know how it sounds and I'm sorry. I'm 31, but I can't help it...)
@ddtiel thank you so much for the post/feedback, i'm really happy you like the mod! and of course, i look forward to any and all expansions you might write on your own, make sure to tag me if you do it, would love to check it out (feel free to borrow from this mod if you'd like) as for the v3, like i said, it should be much more friendly to use (no more quest bugs and stutters that came from code duplication) but please let me know if anything goes wrong. happy playing!
Oh, it's not a mod, just another fic I'm hoping will be decent enough to overcome the bad rep fanfiction get. However, I will make note that Dorn's character is highly influenced by your mod, and I'll do my best to do it justice.
Thank you, dear sir. I was disappointed to read short--Dorn's original romance is. Seriously, how can professionals do a romance and NOT have a Bodhi abduction? >_>
Is it possible we could get a guide or something? I was unaware I had to rest outside Athkatla for his first love talk after the conclusion of his quest, so who knows how many I missed
@kimmuryiel i think there are only two lovetalks that are rest dependant, the one you describe is actually rest- dependant also in original. but don't worry, if you notice that dorn has been silent for a while, simply try resting (safe bet is an outdoor restable area. athkatla will work i think, but better not risk it with soldier interruptions, could mess up the script).
and no need to worry, you should't be able to miss any lovetalks because of it. romance simply halts until you rest and then continues as normal. if lovetalk is skipped it's probably a bug. happy playing and i hope you enjoy the mod. let me know if you find any (other) bugs and if you have any feedback.
@trinit I don't know if that counts as a bug, since there are plenty of romances (possibly all) have rest-dependent dialogues. I just have run through these games so much to be able to do them very quickly--I can probably do ToB in day or less (and I do Watcher's Keep in ToB); I think 2 or 3 for SoA, but I've never actually timed myself--and since love talks are real-world-time-dependent, it means I could miss some due to timers XD (and setting his "love talk timers" variable to 1 never did anything for me -_-)
@kimmuryiel ah, in that case your best bet is to put "C:AdvanceRealTime(999999)" into the console (without the " characters). in 90% of cases this should fire the next lovetalk. if not, you can try resting, this covers other 5% of the cases. The last 5% of lovetalks are usually dependant on some specific conditions like the character has to be specific level (dorn has to be level 12 before you can trigger his quest) or has to enter some specific area, or trigger quest etc. if you did dorn's blackguard quest, you should be safe. as for his tob talks, none should be missable, i think all are area/quest dependent.
@Icewind_Bear wow, it seems that mod is compatible with EET! I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you manage to install it smoothly and if you have any comments happy playing!
@Icewind_Bear wow, it seems that mod is compatible with EET! I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you manage to install it smoothly and if you have any comments happy playing!
It's a bit of bad timing with the major sites for mods being down these days. My new EET has to wait until they come back online. But better later than never.
@jastey hmmm i see. in any case, someone added compatibility so the credit will remain. hopefully someone will find it useful for their eet playthrough.
@trinit I'm not saying the work is faulty. Yay to EET compatibility! Just the way it's presented (I'm not referring to you here at all) is ticking me off.
Would it be rude to ask if there's a way to have the current version number prominently displayed somewhere? I ask because I use a document to keep track of what version of what mods I have and I don't have a way to easily know whether the version of this mod I have (3.1) is the most up-to-date (since mods for games like BG don't have a mod manager to keep track of that for me...)
as for the bug, it's definitely weird, especially if you already finished all of his quests... it sounds like there is a variable with his quest messed up somewhere.
If you can, please zip and send me your savegame so i can take a look. meanwhile, you can try killing and ressurecting dorn (ctrl+y and then ctrl+r on his portrait if you have cheat keys enabled)
anyway, i'm glad that at least talks are proceeding as intended (i recommend you hold off going to bodhi before you reach the end of romance track, otherwise there will be a chunk of content missing).
As soon as we entered the Underdark, Viconia commented about being back home. After her comments, Dorn started a dialog asking “What is this place you have brought me to, CHARNAME?”
There are no options to reply or continue, only the END DIALOGUE box at the bottom. As soon as I end the dialogue, Dorn begins acting exactly as cndrow describes.
I have completed Dorn’s quests and he is a fallen blackguard now.
I have no other mods currently installed.
what you should do is uninstall the mod and install the new version (download from OP). If possible, i would recommend you load the save just prior to entering the underdark for the first time, just to be sure.
a side note: when you exit underdark, try talking to dorn manually after you speak with elhan if romance track doesn't fire by itself. sometimes you have to push things along, especially if cutscenes interrupt romance talk.
In other news, I updated the mod to v3.0 which adds a few more talks in Underdark. If you're interested, check it out!
let me know if you see any other bugs and such.
Holy crap! v3!? I think I've been on v2 for years now! Gonna dl and check it out next time I play!
Though that's not why I'm really here. Like a few others before me, I wish to thank you for this mod from the bottom of my heart. When I bought EE and met this guy for the first time, something sparked. I was infatuated, but as the story concluded, I felt extremely upset about both epilogues.
Then I discovered your mod. I'm not much into modding, but you, good sir, have rocked my world. I cannot see Dorn without your input now. For me, it's basically canon and I refuse to hear otherwise. You have made this intriguing character charming and sassy, but also sympathetic (even though he'd throw it into our faces) and, despite his badassery, fragile. And I don't mean to get all weepy with stuff like 'oh poor baby's been persecuted, momma's gonna keep you happy and murder the bad people for you' so don't worry, but I appreciate that you've not made this character a rock with a frowny face. I like how frustrating he is and how defensive he can be when things don't go his way. I loved the conversations about his and Charname's past and the sexy-times banter is more adorable than I could have ever imagined possible. Any and all story mods I may instal in the future will forever have to be judged based on this one.
It may say more about me than anything else, but I've been in love with this guy for like 3 years now, and no matter what I do, I can't get over him, and you are a big part of the problem x) However, thanks to you, I've got enough motivation to keep trying my hardest at writing, hoping I can expand Dorn's story (in my own selfish ways) keeping as close as I can to the vision you've improved upon.
So thank you again for giving me countless hours of joy replaying the game with this guy always at my side, the inspiration to work on my own stuff and for giving me an improved version of my virtual husband (I know how it sounds and I'm sorry. I'm 31, but I can't help it...)
as for the v3, like i said, it should be much more friendly to use (no more quest bugs and stutters that came from code duplication) but please let me know if anything goes wrong.
and no need to worry, you should't be able to miss any lovetalks because of it. romance simply halts until you rest and then continues as normal. if lovetalk is skipped it's probably a bug. happy playing and i hope you enjoy the mod. let me know if you find any (other) bugs and if you have any feedback.
if you did dorn's blackguard quest, you should be safe.
@trinit You can name people in your credits as you want, of course, but if you don't know what I am referring to, read this.
Plus it makes so much more sense in TOB instead of the random ??? I got originally.