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The Spear problem.



  • SkydreeSkydree Member Posts: 36
    Demivrgvs said:

    It's kinda off-topic, but if you're asking me I can say that within Item Revisions we have moved the Helm of Balduran later in the game, and replaced it with a slightly less powerful helmet (the Watcher's Helm). That being said, most helmets within IR have a relatively similar power lvl (see here: thus it's not a big deal. :)

    Oh man, that just made my day!

    And as for the spear thing in Cloakwood, I think I didn't write my thinking properly. What I meant is maybe add a +1 spear earlier in the game, because I thought the +1 was only later found in the game. But after checking it out, it seems there is one available in Firewine Bridge. I don't recall it at all, but hey, even after over ten years, I learn a thing or two out of the game. :)

    I like the insight we worked out on the problem guys! Let me add a candy for all of you: Only about 100 hours before launch! :D

    *checks watch*
    *check watch some more*
    *plays Baldur's Gate*

  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    The rate of fire is 1 in the 2nd edition handbook too. I'm going to use a spear in my playthrough, but it's mainly for roleplaying purposes, common sense dictates a heavier weapon.
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