Present your fully drafted kit ideas here

I wonder how many other players draft ideas for new kits like I do. If you do, post them here for others to see and maybe even have an interested modder make them a reality. They can be either ideas taken from PnP or wild creations of your own imagination. They don't have to be balanced, but feel free to comment on ideas for balancing them! Here are my drafts that I have lying around.
Dragon Fist (monk) - a glass cannon, probably the most imbalanced
Spellthief (bard) - a mage/thief like class
Mystic Fire (paladin) - a semi-paladin/mage
Loremaster (bard) - a mage-like bard
Dragon Fist (monk) - a glass cannon, probably the most imbalanced
DRAGON FIST: There is a sect of spiritual warriors said to have the blood of ancient dragonkin running through their veins. These warriors harness the power of their dragon blood to unleash powerful flames from their hands and feet in the same ways monks wield ki. The chaotic instincts and imbalance in the dragon fist's blood often cause practitioners to be destructive and violent in nature, but not necessarily malevolent like their draconic ancestors.
- +1 bonus to Strength.
- +2 bonus to AC.
- +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls against dragons.
- May use the Dragon's Rage ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 6 levels thereafter.
DRAGON'S RAGE: The enraged state lasts for 1 turn. While enraged, the Dragon Fist gains a bonus of +2 to his damage rolls as well as +2 to Strength but a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Armor Class, and becomes immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, level drain, maze, stun and sleep. The Dragon Fist also gains 15 temporary Hit Points which are taken away at the end of his berserk spree, possibly knocking him unconscious. However, upon activation the Dragon Fist has a 50% chance of going losing control for 4 rounds, attacking the closest target in range.
- 5th level: Each successful attack lowers the target's resistance to fire by 2% for 3 rounds. This can reduce fire resistance to below zero.
- 7th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 40%.
- 9th level: May use Breath Weapon once per day.
BREATH WEAPON: The Dragon Fist breathes a gout of flame up to 30 ft. long, inflicting 3d8 points of fire damage on all creatures caught within the 140-degree cone.
- 11th level: Gains 10% resistance to slashing, piercing and missile damage. An additional 5% is gained at levels 16 and 21.
- 12th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 4d8.
- 13th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 30%.
- 14th level: Gains 2% Fire Resistance per level (starting at 28% at 14th level)
- 15th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 5d8.
- 16th level: May use Flame Blast ability twice per day.
FLAME BLAST: The Dragon Fist launches a ball of fire at the target which explodes dealing 3d6 fire damage to everyone around the target within a 15-ft radius. All targets struck must make a save vs. breath weapons or be stunned for 1 round.
- 18th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 6d8.
- 19th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 20%.
- 21st level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 7d8.
- 21st level: May use Hellfire Blow ability once per day. An extra use is gained at 35th level.
HELLFIRE BLOW: The next successful attack deals 10d6 fire damage in a 30-ft radius and knocks all targets unconscious while sending them flying for 1 round. Those who roll a successful save vs. breath weapons take half damage and are not knocked unconscious or sent flying.
- 24th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 8d8.
- 25th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 10%.
- 31st level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage removed.
- Alignment restricted to chaotic.
- May not find traps or use stealth.
- Does not gain standard monk armor class bonus.
- Does not gain magic resistance per level.
- May not use the Lay on Hands ability.
- May not use the Stunning Blow ability.
- May not use the Quivering Palm ability.
- +1 bonus to Strength.
- +2 bonus to AC.
- +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls against dragons.
- May use the Dragon's Rage ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 6 levels thereafter.
DRAGON'S RAGE: The enraged state lasts for 1 turn. While enraged, the Dragon Fist gains a bonus of +2 to his damage rolls as well as +2 to Strength but a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Armor Class, and becomes immune to charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, level drain, maze, stun and sleep. The Dragon Fist also gains 15 temporary Hit Points which are taken away at the end of his berserk spree, possibly knocking him unconscious. However, upon activation the Dragon Fist has a 50% chance of going losing control for 4 rounds, attacking the closest target in range.
- 5th level: Each successful attack lowers the target's resistance to fire by 2% for 3 rounds. This can reduce fire resistance to below zero.
- 7th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 40%.
- 9th level: May use Breath Weapon once per day.
BREATH WEAPON: The Dragon Fist breathes a gout of flame up to 30 ft. long, inflicting 3d8 points of fire damage on all creatures caught within the 140-degree cone.
- 11th level: Gains 10% resistance to slashing, piercing and missile damage. An additional 5% is gained at levels 16 and 21.
- 12th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 4d8.
- 13th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 30%.
- 14th level: Gains 2% Fire Resistance per level (starting at 28% at 14th level)
- 15th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 5d8.
- 16th level: May use Flame Blast ability twice per day.
FLAME BLAST: The Dragon Fist launches a ball of fire at the target which explodes dealing 3d6 fire damage to everyone around the target within a 15-ft radius. All targets struck must make a save vs. breath weapons or be stunned for 1 round.
- 18th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 6d8.
- 19th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 20%.
- 21st level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 7d8.
- 21st level: May use Hellfire Blow ability once per day. An extra use is gained at 35th level.
HELLFIRE BLOW: The next successful attack deals 10d6 fire damage in a 30-ft radius and knocks all targets unconscious while sending them flying for 1 round. Those who roll a successful save vs. breath weapons take half damage and are not knocked unconscious or sent flying.
- 24th level: Breath Weapon damage increases to 8d8.
- 25th level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage lowered to 10%.
- 31st level: Chance of losing control with Dragon's Rage removed.
- Alignment restricted to chaotic.
- May not find traps or use stealth.
- Does not gain standard monk armor class bonus.
- Does not gain magic resistance per level.
- May not use the Lay on Hands ability.
- May not use the Stunning Blow ability.
- May not use the Quivering Palm ability.
Spellthief (bard) - a mage/thief like class
SPELLTHIEF: Spellthieves use skill and arcane magic to drain the abilities of their opponents and turn their foes' own powers against them. Spellthieves love the challenges that adventure brings, and they relish finding unique and inventive ways to use their abilities. Because they have such a wide variety of abilities, spellthieves can adapt themselves to overcome nearly any challenge, but they have neither the overpowering arcane might of wizards nor the brute force of fighters. Spellthieves never cast two spells when one will do, and they excel at using misdirection and deception to overcome seemingly stronger opponents.
- +1 bonus to save vs. spell every 5 levels.
- Has a unique bard song.
Level 1: Recalls a random spell up to level 3 (50% chance of success)
Level 11: Recalls a random spell up to level 5 (50% chance of success) and one up to level 3 (100% chance of success)
Level 21: Recalls a random spell up to level 8 (50% chance of success and one up to level 5 (100% chance of success)
- May use the Steal Magic ability once per day per 10 levels.
STEAL MAGIC: For 2 rounds, the spellthief's attacks steal a spell from their opponent and restores one of their own up to any level equal to half of the spellthief's levels rounded down (e.g. level 12 can steal up to level 6 spells)
- Level 6: Backstab multiplier of x2.
- Level 9: May use the Steal Resistance ability once per day per 10 levels.
STEAL RESISTANCE: For 2 rounds, the spellthief's attacks steal a cumulative 5% of the opponent's magic resistance for 5 rounds.
- Level 10: Gains 5% magic resistance. An additional 5% is gained at levels 25 and 40.
- Level 18: Backstab multiplier of x3.
- Level 30: Backstab multiplier of x4.
- Two less spell slots per level.
- Alignment restricted to non-lawful.
- May only use weapons available to thieves.
- +1 bonus to save vs. spell every 5 levels.
- Has a unique bard song.
Level 1: Recalls a random spell up to level 3 (50% chance of success)
Level 11: Recalls a random spell up to level 5 (50% chance of success) and one up to level 3 (100% chance of success)
Level 21: Recalls a random spell up to level 8 (50% chance of success and one up to level 5 (100% chance of success)
- May use the Steal Magic ability once per day per 10 levels.
STEAL MAGIC: For 2 rounds, the spellthief's attacks steal a spell from their opponent and restores one of their own up to any level equal to half of the spellthief's levels rounded down (e.g. level 12 can steal up to level 6 spells)
- Level 6: Backstab multiplier of x2.
- Level 9: May use the Steal Resistance ability once per day per 10 levels.
STEAL RESISTANCE: For 2 rounds, the spellthief's attacks steal a cumulative 5% of the opponent's magic resistance for 5 rounds.
- Level 10: Gains 5% magic resistance. An additional 5% is gained at levels 25 and 40.
- Level 18: Backstab multiplier of x3.
- Level 30: Backstab multiplier of x4.
- Two less spell slots per level.
- Alignment restricted to non-lawful.
- May only use weapons available to thieves.
Mystic Fire (paladin) - a semi-paladin/mage
MYSTIC FIRE: Knights of the Mystic Fire are paladins dedicated to the church of Mystra, goddess of magic. Aside from traditional virtues of paladinhood, Mystic Fire Knights devote part of their lives in the discovery and study of ancient magic.
- Able to use wands and scrolls.
- +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- +2 bonus to lore per level.
- At level 9 onward, gains two spell slots per spell level.
- May cast the following spells as priest spells:
Level 1: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Shield
Level 2: Mirror Image, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Strength
Level 3: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Remove Magic
Level 4: Minor Sequencer, Fire Shield (Red), Secret Word, Stoneskin
- 10th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 13th level: May cast 'Shatter Spell' once per day.
SHATTER SPELL: Knights of the Mystic Fire are able to smite spellcasters and disrupt their defensive spells as well as their ability to cast magic. For the next 2 rounds, attacks made by the Mystic Fire dispel combat protections and cause spell disruption for one round if the target fails a save vs. spell.
- 19th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 20th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 25th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 30th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
- May not use the following High Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Hardiness, Summon Deva
- May not use Protection From Evil.
- May not Turn Undead.
- May not use Lay on Hands.
Arcane Knowledge
An experienced Mystic Fire Knight develops more knowledge of arcane spells closer to that of an actual wizard. The Mystic Fire Knight gains -1 to spell casting time permanently and learns Spell Immunity, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability and Mordenkainen's Sword as fourth level priest spells.
Extra 1st-4th level spells
Choosing this ability allows the mystic fire to cast one additional Level 1st-4th level spell.
- Able to use wands and scrolls.
- +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- +2 bonus to lore per level.
- At level 9 onward, gains two spell slots per spell level.
- May cast the following spells as priest spells:
Level 1: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Shield
Level 2: Mirror Image, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Strength
Level 3: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Remove Magic
Level 4: Minor Sequencer, Fire Shield (Red), Secret Word, Stoneskin
- 10th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 13th level: May cast 'Shatter Spell' once per day.
SHATTER SPELL: Knights of the Mystic Fire are able to smite spellcasters and disrupt their defensive spells as well as their ability to cast magic. For the next 2 rounds, attacks made by the Mystic Fire dispel combat protections and cause spell disruption for one round if the target fails a save vs. spell.
- 19th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 20th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- 25th level: Gains an extra use of Shatter Spell.
- 30th level: +1 bonus to save vs. spells.
- -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
- May not use the following High Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Hardiness, Summon Deva
- May not use Protection From Evil.
- May not Turn Undead.
- May not use Lay on Hands.
Arcane Knowledge
An experienced Mystic Fire Knight develops more knowledge of arcane spells closer to that of an actual wizard. The Mystic Fire Knight gains -1 to spell casting time permanently and learns Spell Immunity, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability and Mordenkainen's Sword as fourth level priest spells.
Extra 1st-4th level spells
Choosing this ability allows the mystic fire to cast one additional Level 1st-4th level spell.
Loremaster (bard) - a mage-like bard
LOREMASTER: (No background yet.)
+2 spell slots per level
Bard Song 'Recital':
Level 1: +1 INT, +20 Lore
Level 11: +2 INT, +25 Lore, immunity to confusion
Level 21: +3 INT, +30 Lore, immunity to mind-affecting spells
May use 'Empower Spell' starting at level 5.
EMPOWER SPELL: For the next round, the loremaster's spells have no cast time and are cast at 1.5x his spell level.
May only be proficient in quarterstaffs, slings, clubs, crossbows and darts
THAC0 progresses as that of a mage (or just -1 THAC0 per x level, haven't decided)
May not take the following HLAs: Use Any Item, Magic Flute, Set Exploding Trap, Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Enhanced Bard Song.
Unique HLAs:
Arcane Fountain: The loremaster may use his knowledge of magic to cast any arcane spell of his choice. However, there is a 20% chance this spell will fail. The loremaster must take a round to channel, then cast the spell (with whatever casting time the spell has)
Extra 6,7,8 Spell Slots: Same as Mage.
+2 spell slots per level
Bard Song 'Recital':
Level 1: +1 INT, +20 Lore
Level 11: +2 INT, +25 Lore, immunity to confusion
Level 21: +3 INT, +30 Lore, immunity to mind-affecting spells
May use 'Empower Spell' starting at level 5.
EMPOWER SPELL: For the next round, the loremaster's spells have no cast time and are cast at 1.5x his spell level.
May only be proficient in quarterstaffs, slings, clubs, crossbows and darts
THAC0 progresses as that of a mage (or just -1 THAC0 per x level, haven't decided)
May not take the following HLAs: Use Any Item, Magic Flute, Set Exploding Trap, Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Enhanced Bard Song.
Unique HLAs:
Arcane Fountain: The loremaster may use his knowledge of magic to cast any arcane spell of his choice. However, there is a 20% chance this spell will fail. The loremaster must take a round to channel, then cast the spell (with whatever casting time the spell has)
Extra 6,7,8 Spell Slots: Same as Mage.
I started creating my own fighter kit (a samurai) which I was able to put into the game but got a bit stuck with its spells.
I've also got plans for a ninja kit that I'm still fleshing out.
I'll post their descriptions here when I get home to my laptop.
Warpriest - Cleric Kit.
At 3rd level, the Warpriest gains Remove Fear as an innate ability, gaining an additional use every 5 levels.
At 6th level, the Warpriest gains Chant as an innate ability, gaining an additional use every 5 levels.
At 9th level, the Warpriest gains Haste as an innate ability, gaining an additional use every 5 levels.
At 10th level, and every ten levels thereafter, the Warpriest gains an additional 1/2 an attack per round, to a maximum of 3 APR at level 40.
High Level Abilities: Instead of Aura of Flaming Death, Storm of Vengeance and Globe of Blades, Warpriests gain Whirlwind Attack, Smite, and Call of War.
Call of War
School: Invocation
Range: Self.
Duration: 4 turns.
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30 ft.
Saving Throw: None
The Strength, Dexterity and Constitution of all allies within the area of effect, including summons, is increased by 5 for the duration.
Disadvantages: The Warpriest gains one fewer spell slots per spell level.
Arcane Fist - Sorcerer Kit.
The Arcane Fist gains a -1 bonus to AC and saving throws versus Death. This increases by an additional -1 at level 4, and every four levels thereafter.
At level 2, and every three levels thereafter up to level 17, the Arcane Fist gains a +1 bonus to hit (effectively giving 8 THAC0 at level 21).
Arcane Fists gain 2% MR per level.
The Arcane Fist may make 1 unarmed attack each round. Every six levels, this is improved by 1/2 an attack per round to a maximum of 3 times a round at level 24.
The Arcane Fist's unarmed attacks deal 1D6.
At level 5, the Arcane Fist's unarmed attacks are considered +1 Magic Weapons, gaining a +1 bonus to hit, but not damage. This increases to +2 at level 8, +3 at level 11, +4 at level 15, and +5 at level 20. Their second weapon slot also contains a 1D6 unarmed strike that is not considered a magic weapon.
Arcane Fists gain the Arcane Strike I-IX spells automatically. Arcane Strikes all last 1 round/level, have a casting time of 2, and their spell level is in the name. And yes, they stack, which might make this kit nightmare mode to implement, depending how much can be .
Arcane Strike I: Unarmed Attacks gain +1 to hit deal an additional 1D2 magic damage, +1D2 every two caster levels up to level 10.
Strike II: The Arcane Fist may attack with their fists as a ranged weapon, launching bolts of energy from their strikes that hit with the same damage as the punches themselves.
Strike III: The Arcane Fist becomes hasted and becomes immune to hold and slow effects. Their unarmed Attacks gain +3 to hit and deal 1 Fire, 1 Cold and 1 Electrical damage per hit.
Strike IV: The Arcane Fist's unarmed attacks cause 5% stacking spellcasting failure for 1 turn per hit.
Strive V: The Arcane Fist's unarmed strikes cause the victim to suffer a -1 Save Penalty and -5% MR penalty on hit for 1 turn. This stacks with itself.
Strike VI: The Arcane Fist's attacks per round double, and each hit causes the victim to be slowed for 1 turn unless they save vs. spells at -4.
Strike VII: The Arcane Fist's unarmed strikes cast Laloch's Minor Drain on the target when hit. The Laloch's Minor Drain is cast as a level 7 spell.
Strike VIII: The Arcane Fist's unarmed strikes deal 1D20 damage per hit and stun the target for 1 round if they fail a save vs. spell at +2.
Strike IX: The Arcane Fist's unarmed strikes become vorpal weapons, dealing maximum damage per hit, and have a 10% chance of killing their victim on hit.
High Level Abilities:
Arcane Fists do not gain Energy Blades, Dragon's Breath, Summon Planetar or Comet, or additional spell slots.
Arcane Fists gain:
Improved Unarmed Strike I-III - Unarmed Strikes deal 1D8, 1D10, and 1D12 respectively, changing both unarmed attacks.
Avoid Death - As Rogues.
Evasion - As Rogues.
Hardiness - As Warriors.
Arcane Nova:
School: Evocation
Range: Self.
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 30 ft.
Saving Throw: Breath for half.
The Arcane Fist explodes with magical enemy, dealing 20D4 Magical Damage to all enemies within the area and stunning them for 2 rounds. They may save for breath to halve the damage and stun duration.
Flash Step:
School: Abjuration
Range: 60ft.
Duration: Instant/2 rounds.
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: None.
Saving Throw: None.
The Arcane Fist teleports to the target creature. Time Stops for 2 rounds after teleportion and all attacks made by the Arcane Fist in this time deal maximum damage.
The Arcane Fist may only choose one of the following, and IUS III is a prerequisite. The Arcane Fist is automatically granted 3 Pips in Two Weapon Fighting and a +2 to offhand attacks where appropriate:
Monkey Paw Style: The Arcane Fist gains a +5 offhand unarmed strike. This offhand weapon deals 2D20 crushing damage with +5 to hit.
Shadow Fist Style: The Arcane Fist gains a +5 offhand unarmed strike. This offhand weapon deals 1D12 +1D4 cold damage, and receives +5 to hit. When it hits an opponent, they lose a memorised spell slot.
Empty Palm Style: The Arcane Fist gains an offhand unarmed strike. This offhand weapon deals 1D12 damage, and gives a -5 bonus to AC and 20% resistance to crushing, slashing and piercing damage.
Ghost Step Style: The Arcane Fist gains a +5 offhand unarmed strike. This offhand weapon deals 1D12 damage with +5 to hit. When it hits an opponent, the Arcane Fist casts Mirror Image on themselves.
Path of Perfection: The Arcane Fist's primary unarmed strikes deal +5 damage per hit +1D4 magic damage and give +1 APR.
Disadvantages: The Arcane Fist does not gain weapon proficiencies, and may not use weapons.
Arcane Fists gain 1 fewer spells known per spell level.
May not learn spells in the Evocation or Alteration schools. (Aka: No stoneskins, polymorphs, MMMs, Black Swords, most of the best damage spells, spell triggers, contingencies, fireshields, Tenser's, Mordenkainen's Swords, Time Stop...).
Call Eidolon - Once per day, the Spiritsinger may summon forth an Eidolon as an innate ability, choosing from three choices, War, Peace and Shadow. Eidolons function in the same way as Familiars, providing a temporary party mate that follows the party between areas for 8 hours or until slain.
The Caller may summon an additional Eidolon per day at level 3 and every four levels thereafter. All Eidolons are neutral, non-undead entities, and their level depends on the level of the spiritsinger:
Eidolon of War - Level 1 [Mist] Fighter: 16, 16, 16, 8, 8, 8 - 12 HP. Armed with a Longsword and a Longbow, with Specialisation in each and 80 Arrows.
Eidolon of Peace - Level 1 [Mist] Cleric: 8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 16 - 10 HP. Armed with a Club. Knows Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds and Bless.
Eidolon of Shadow - Level 1 [Mist] Thief: 8, 16, 8, 16, 8, 8 - 6 HP. Armed with a Dagger and a Shortbow with 80 arrows, and proficient in both. Skills: Open Locks: 25%, Find Traps: 20%, and one innate use of invisibility.
Level 5: Eidolons have 4 base AC.
Eidolon of War - Level 4 [Mist] Fighter: 16, 16, 16, 8, 8, 8 - 36 HP. Armed with a +1 Longsword (***) and a +1 Longbow (**) with 80 standard Arrows.
Eidolon of Peace - Level 4 [Mist] Cleric: 8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 16 - 26 HP. Armed with a +1 Club and a +1 Medium Shield. Knows Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds x3 and Bless / Hold Person, Resist Fire/Cold, Silence 15', and Slow Poison.
Eidolon of Shadow - Level 4 [Mist] Thief: 16, 16, 8, 16, 8, 8 - 16 HP. Armed with a +1 Dagger and a Shortbow with 80 arrows, and proficient in both. Skills: Open Locks: 50%, Find Traps: 45%, Pick Pockets 25%, and one innate use of invisibility.
Level 10: Eidolons have 2 base AC. Called Eidolons from this level or above are considered Gated, rather than Summoned.
Eidolon of War - Level 7 [Mist] Fighter: 17, 17, 17, 9, 9, 9 - 66 HP. 1 1/2 APR, Armed with a +1 Two Handed Sword (***) and a +1 Longbow (***) with 80 +1 Arrows.
Eidolon of Peace - Level 7 [Mist] Cleric: 9, 9, 17, 9, 17, 17 - 49 HP. Armed with a +1 Club and a +1 Medium Shield. Knows Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds x3 and Bless / Hold Person x2, Resist Fire/Cold, Silence 15', and Slow Poison / Remove Paralysis, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds.
Eidolon of Shadow - Level 7 [Mist] Thief: 17, 17, 9, 17, 9, 9 - 27 HP. Armed with a +1 Dagger and a Shortbow with 80 +1 arrows, and proficient in both. Skills: Open Locks: 65%, Find Traps: 60%, Pick Pockets 5%, 35% Hide in Shadows, 35% in Move Silently, 10% in Detect Illusion. 1 use of poison weapon, 1 use of invisibility.
Level 15: Eidolons have 0 base AC.
Eidolon of War - Level 10 [Mist] Fighter: 17, 17, 17, 9, 9, 9 - 66 HP. 1 1/2 APR, Armed with a +2 Two Handed Sword (*** with * in 2HS) and a +1 Longbow (***) with 80 +2 Arrows.
Eidolon of Peace - Level 10 [Mist] Cleric: 9, 9, 17, 9, 17, 17 - 49 HP. Armed with a +1 Club and a +2 Medium Shield. Knows Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds x3 and Bless x2 / Hold Person x2, Resist Fire/Cold x2, Silence 15', and Slow Poison / Remove Paralysis, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds x2 / Death Ward, Protection from Lightning, Neutralise Poison / Raise Dead, Champion's Strength.
Eidolon of Shadow - Level 10 [Mist] Thief: 17, 17, 9, 17, 9, 9 - 27 HP. Armed with a +3 Dagger and a +2 Shortbow with 80 +1 arrows, and proficient in both. Skills: Open Locks: 90%, Find Traps: 85%, Pick Pockets 5%, 45% Hide in Shadows, 45% in Move Silently, 15% in Detect Illusion. 2 uses of poison weapon, 2 uses of invisibility.
Level 20: Eidolons have -2 base AC and are immune to normal weapons.
Eidolon of War - Level 15 [Mist] Fighter: 18/00, 18, 18, 10, 10, 10 - 108 HP. 2 APR, Armed with a +3 Two Handed Sword that deals +1 bonus fire damage (***** with * in 2HS) and a +2 Longbow (***) with 80 +2 Arrows.
Eidolon of Peace - Level 15 [Mist] Cleric: 10, 10, 18, 10, 18, 18 - 74 HP. Armed with a +1 Club and a +3 Medium Shield. Knows Remove Fear x2, Cure Light Wounds x3 and Bless x3 / Hold Person x2, Resist Fire/Cold x2, Silence 15' x2, and Slow Poison x2 / Remove Paralysis x2, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds x3, Zone of Sweet Air / Death Ward x2, Negative Plane Protection x2, Protection from Lightning, Neutralise Poison, Defensive Harmony / Raise Dead, Champion's Strength, Mass Cure, Greater Command / Heal x2 / Greater Restoration.
Eidolon of Shadow - Level 15 [Mist] Thief: 18, 18, 10, 18, 10, 10 - 37 HP. Armed with a +4 Dagger and a +2 Shortbow with 80 acid arrows, and proficient in both. Skills: Open Locks: 95%, Find Traps: 95%, Pick Pockets 10%, 80% Hide in Shadows, 80% in Move Silently, 75% in Detect Illusion. 2 uses of poison weapon, 2 uses of invisibility.
Spiritsong: Instead of the normal bardsong, the Spiritsinger gains a spirit song. This provides the following bonuses:
Level 1: +1 bonus to hit and damage.
Level 4: +1 bonus to saves and AC.
Level 8: +2 bonus to hit and damage.
Level 12: +2 bonus to saves and AC. 1 HP / round regeneration.
Level 16: +3 bonus to hit and damage.
Level 20: +20% MR and Haste.
Level 24: +4 bonus to hit and damage.
Level 28: +3 bonus to saves and AC. 1 HP / second regeneration.
Level 32: +5 bonus to hit and damage.
Level 36: +4 bonus to saves and AC. 2 HP / second regeneration.
Level 40: +6 bonus to hit and damage.
The spirit song has no effect on non-eidolon listeners, including the spiritsinger.
High level abilities: Spiritsingers do not gain Set Spike Trap, Set Time Trap, Set Exploding Trap, or Improved Bard Song HLAs, instead they gain:
Guardian Spirit: The spiritsinger gains +20% MR, -10 AC and +1 HP regeneration / round while singing.
Call Greater Eidolon: Innate ability, duration 3 rounds +1 round/level - Level 20 [Mist] Paladin: 20, 20, 20, 15, 15, 15 - 160 HP. 2 APR, -5 base AC, 60% Magic Resistance. Armed with a Silver Sword +3 which has a 25% chance to deal a Vorpal Hit (save vs. Death at -2 or die instantly) and a 25% chance to dispel all magic on hit (***** with ** in 2HS) and a +5 Sling (*****) with 80 +4 Bullets. Knows one Whirlwind Attack HLA.
Extra Eidolon Summon: Summon one additional eidolon per day. May be taken multiple times.
Disadvantages: Loses normal bard song.
Pick Pockets progresses at 1/2 normal rate.
A Spiritsinger is restricted to the same weapons as Mages.
A spiritsinger is restricted from the Necromancy and Conjuration spell schools.
Summon Planetar:
- Can have up to 5 or 6 summoned per day.
- 3 APR, 2 THAC0.
- Can cast an array of spells, including Improved Invisibility, Heal, Chaos, Globe of Blades, Holy Word, Symbol of Death, Insect Plague, True Seeing, and Raise Dead, multiple times each.
- Immune to Cold, Electricity and Fire, 75% MR.
- Immune to weapons worse than +3.
- Their +3 Silver Sword has a 25% chance to kill the target if they don't save vs. death at -2, and a 25% chance of dispelling all magic on the target.
Greater Eidolon:
- Can have 1 per day.
- 3 APR, -5 THAC0.
- Can cast Whirlwind Attack, once.
- Immune to Normal Weapons.
- Their +3 Silver Sword has a 25% chance to kill the target if they don't save vs. death at -2, and a 25% chance of dispelling all magic on the target.
The Spiritsinger doesn't get Spike Traps, Time Stop Traps, or a regular Bard Song - the three HLAs that give high level bards the majority of their power. Its a summoning specialist, yet even if the Spiritsinger is singing at the time, the Greater Eidolon is less durable and less versatile than the standard mage's summon. If it was dropped to 10% with a save, making it actually worse than the Silver Sword (, it would arguably be worth dropping it entirely and replacing it with a stronger weapon without vorpal, such as the Psion's Blade +5, while allowing the HLA to be taken multiple times and actually giving it some interesting immunities.
ARCANE ARCHER: Master of the elven warbands, the arcane archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement their combat prowess. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. In a group, they can strike fear into an entire enemy army.
- +1 to hit with any missile weapon at level 1 and every 5 levels afterwards.
- Gains the Enhance Arrow ability.
ENHANCE ARROW: The arcane archer imbues his arrows with magic, dealing one point of magic damage with every missile attack. An extra point of damage is gained for every five levels, up to a maximum of five at 21st level. This is affected by the target's magic resistance.
- 3rd level: May use Entropic Shield once per day.
ENTROPIC SHIELD: A magical field glowing with multicolored hue appears around the arcane archer, providing a -2 bonus to armor class against missile weapons for 1 round per level. This bonus increases to -4 at 10th level and -6 at 17th level.
- 5th level: May use Imbue Arrow ability once per day.
IMBUE ARROW: Using arcane magic, the arcane archer creates three magical arrows that explode upon impact, dealing 1d6 fire damage. The damage is increased to 3d6 at 10th level.
- 9th level: May use Seeker Arrow ability once per day.
SEEKER ARROW: A skilled arcane archer can create an unerring arrow with a +20 bonus to hit.
- 13th level: May use Phase Arrow ability once per day.
PHASE ARROW: An experienced arcane archer can create an incorporeal arrow that penetrates armor, reducing the target's armor class vs. missiles by 2 and missile resistance by 40% for 3 rounds.
- 17th level: May use Arrow of Death ability once per day.
ARROW OF DEATH: A master arcane archer can create a powerful arrow that can instantly strike a foe dead, forcing the target to make a save vs. death or die instantly.
- Hit Die: d8
- Incurs a -2 penalty to Strength.
- Race restricted to elf or half-elf. (humans are a maybe?)
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in weapons other than longbows, shortbows and crossbows.
- May not exceed proficiency (one slot) in any weapon style.
- May not wear armor heavier than chain mail (for elven chainmail)
- May not acquire the following HLAs: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Hardiness.
Unique HLAs:
Arcane Fletcher - The arcane archer may use Imbue Arrow, Seeker Arrow and Phase Arrow an unlimited number of times per day.
Notes on magical arrows:
- All effects from arrows are affected by magic resistance.
- All arrows are treated as +5 weapons (without to-hit/damage bonus)
- Arrows last for 8 hours before vanishing.