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(math help) FMT: Anything better than Crom Mainhand without exploit?

ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
(solo) for FMT?

Looking like Evil FMT can only get 22. Lose out on 4 damage per swing (40 per round) and 3 thac0.
18 base
1 book
2 evil hell trial
1 lum machine

Offhand is scarlet ninja-to to get 10APR. If I were to use Crom in the Offhand, I'd only have 8 apr total.

Theoretically, I should be able to get +1 str from Deck (but I was getting Dex as FMT last time) and +1 from UAI -> Cleric Ring, which would put me at 24. Even then, I'd lose out on 2 damage per swing (20 per round) and 2 thac0, and 3AC/Saves from Deck ring instead.

Mainhand FOA+5 would be best if it wasn't for the Free Action preventing Imp Haste APR. Would like an alternate mainhand for highest damage backstab for Assasination for the LOLs too.

Was thinking perhaps Club of Det or Foebane too? Or should I just say F-it and do Carsomyr/Staff of Ram and GWW :)

I think, unadulterated that Crom/Scarlet Ninja-To is best combo possible and that seems rather boring. Can anyone math me wrong?


  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    summoning @Lord_Tansheron
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    None of those weapons can be used to backstab. Celestial Fury still best bet with Scarlet Ninja-to offhand for backstabbing / Assassination.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    None of those weapons can be used to backstab. Celestial Fury still best bet with Scarlet Ninja-to offhand for backstabbing / Assassination.

    This is certainly a consideration, if you do plan on backstabbing. It should be noted that (iirc anyway), BBoD *can* be used for backstabbing, and a FMT can also exploit Mislead for infinite backstabs. BBoB + Mislead will mince everything in short order.

    Personally, I just don't like backstabbing much and mostly don't bother, but I am an incredibly lazy person and should not be copied in any way.
  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    black blade of disaster is level 9, though right? Can't get it unless you use the EXP cap remover.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Thanks for the corrections, I really am not up to date on the vanilla item stats and go mostly by memory, which gets fuzzy over time.

    There's definitely lots of issues to consider. Switching weapons based on enemies etc. is definitely optimal play, but as I am the laziest girl alive I just don't bother 99% of the time. I do tend to be very offense-oriented though, so I rarely care about defensive effects. A FMT should be pretty much invulnerable anyway.

    The alternative weapons you mentioned are mostly fine, but probably not better than the alternatives. Blackrazor may be an exception as level drain can be a very valid kill condition against certain enemies. The Axe I don't like at all, vorpal hits rarely matter as all relevant enemies are immune (or just not present at that point in the game, like e.g. masses of beholders).

    Didn't know that Foebane's Drain always hit for 4, I was under the impression it's the same as the spell which is 1d4. Good to know! Equating its HP with damage in comparisons is certainly one way to go about it, personally I don't like mixing those things up, doubly so for characters that are already defensive gods like FMT.

    But these issues are all very arguable, and the differences are usually marginal.
  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    I don't like to get too crazy with it, just trying to come up with a build better than my current one. I'm just a monster with this build.

    I hit usually for 32ish dmg a swing on 9 out of my 10 attacks, and then 27ish on my only offhand hit, which has a poison that ticks every second and interrupts casting. the electrical damage also interrupts.i can kill a mage before his stoneskins wear off and he cant cast anything. regen and mirror images + stoneskin are more than enough "healing" so foebane misses out.

    just something doesn't sit well with me on not being able to backstab with crom :blush:
    black blade of disaster is 21-49 damage but rarely hits for shockingly higher backstabs than aruvundal anyways.

    i'm looking for a really fresh solo powergaming experience but i keep coming back to a fricken unstoppable FMT.

  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Don't forget that BBoD comes with its own Grandmastery which cannot be obtained by FMTs under vanilla rules, giving an additional 3 damage, 2 THAC0 and 1/2 APR.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Gotural said:

    Don't forget that BBoD comes with its own Grandmastery which cannot be obtained by FMTs under vanilla rules, giving an additional 3 damage, 2 THAC0 and 1/2 APR.

    Note, though, that if a character already has pips in long sword, there's a bug that won't let you get 5 pips.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    For a solo and also in a party I go with staves and 2Hswords. But I don't look only endgame and raw dmg.
    proficiences: 2 staff, 2 2Hsword, 2 2Hand Weapon and you will have double chance crits very soon.
    You will also have a +4 staff and a +3 2H Sword (immunity to charm and confusion) in the beginning of SoA, and a charge staff for backstabs.
    Dealing both slashing and crushing is useful.
    Later on Carsomyr (dispell on hit and TS, slot savers), the antimage, and the +4 Soul Reaver (lowers THACO ),the antifighter, Ram and upgraded Ram, the backstabber and damage dealer, Gram.
    You use some of the best weapons in every stage of the game, maybe not the best damage dealers as you don't DW, but with very useful effects. In early SoA a failed save against an Humber Hulk is game over, give + 10 THACO (5 hits with SR) at the Demon Prince and he will hit you only on crits, backstab with the charde staff and kill on hit.
    And you spare some proficiences for a ranged one, or Halberd for Ravager (no save vorpal), Dragon's Breath (many types of damage through stoneskin), Wave (less useful I admit). Sharing the benefit of 2Hand Weapon pips.
    With cap remover the option of BBoD and scarlet is also possible, maybe 1 pip in scimitar is useful but not really needed.

    This require some micromanaging, but I can swich to inventory and change weapons in no time.
    Also with this build some HLA are more useful than others, for regular enemies IH is fine, for bosses GWW is needed and with Ravager the chance of vorpal hit is really high, Assassination with Ram is devastating. And very few foe is immune to backstab and vorpal at the same time.

    Powerful in ALL the game and really powerful when needed in late game. This for me is better then optimizing for some more dmg with weapons that you have only a little portion of the game.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    If you want weapons for their special effects, switch them in as needed and don't worry about proficiency points.

    If you want to just deal damage, you can run and grab the FoA+3 and Belm+2 literally as soon as you leave Athkatla. No need to finish the quests, and a thief can sneak in and grab everything you need. That should outdamage the vast majority of options right off the bat.

    Flexibility is always good as an option, but it's rarely exclusionary. You can switch around ad hoc quite easily, to block detrimental effects or benefit from special bonuses. As a FMT you also have proficiency points to spare so you'll do well with a wide array of weapons.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Lord_Tansheron, I agree.
    But with FoA you can not backstab. and if you don't want to micromanage you can not upgrade it at +5. You have "wasted" some proficiences on it.
    Don't get me wrong, proficiences on it are never wasted, but I hope you get my point, there is less synergy.
    With my approach you have best use of the first 6 proficiences, good crushing and slashing weapons, a super backstabbing one and immunity to charm and confusion doing only a minor quest, before even completing it, you get the sword after 2 easy battles. And you have chosen proficiencies for weapons types useful until the end. In end game you will have 2 of the better weapons of the game and a few others with useful effects (and I forgot SoTM) with the same 6 pips of proficiency. You don't need proficiences to backstab, proficiences to deal damage, proficiences to equip weapons with effects, proficiences for early or late game. You spend the pips number 7 and 8 for the +1 APR bow and then Gesen and still have enough for Ravager. Every Weapon you equip you will have 2 pips on it and for the mlee ones other 2 pips useful for that weapon type.
    Is not flexibility, is synergy in flexibility. And is the reason why I like this build for my FMT, even if is not the only effective one.
  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2016

    For a solo and also in a party I go with staves and 2Hswords. But I don't look only endgame and raw dmg.
    proficiences: 2 staff, 2 2Hsword, 2 2Hand Weapon and you will have double chance crits very soon.
    You will also have a +4 staff and a +3 2H Sword (immunity to charm and confusion) in the beginning of SoA, and a charge staff for backstabs.
    Dealing both slashing and crushing is useful.
    Later on Carsomyr (dispell on hit and TS, slot savers), the antimage, and the +4 Soul Reaver (lowers THACO ),the antifighter, Ram and upgraded Ram, the backstabber and damage dealer, Gram.
    You use some of the best weapons in every stage of the game, maybe not the best damage dealers as you don't DW, but with very useful effects. In early SoA a failed save against an Humber Hulk is game over, give + 10 THACO (5 hits with SR) at the Demon Prince and he will hit you only on crits, backstab with the charde staff and kill on hit.
    And you spare some proficiences for a ranged one, or Halberd for Ravager (no save vorpal), Dragon's Breath (many types of damage through stoneskin), Wave (less useful I admit). Sharing the benefit of 2Hand Weapon pips.
    With cap remover the option of BBoD and scarlet is also possible, maybe 1 pip in scimitar is useful but not really needed.

    This require some micromanaging, but I can swich to inventory and change weapons in no time.
    Also with this build some HLA are more useful than others, for regular enemies IH is fine, for bosses GWW is needed and with Ravager the chance of vorpal hit is really high, Assassination with Ram is devastating. And very few foe is immune to backstab and vorpal at the same time.

    Powerful in ALL the game and really powerful when needed in late game. This for me is better then optimizing for some more dmg with weapons that you have only a little portion of the game.

    To be fair, you can get 2 pips in longswords, 2 in dual weapon, and 2 in scimitar early in SOA. You can use Namarra and Daystar for pretty much the entire game for massive damage in general and against undead (and they both backstab) PLUS sunfire for aoe killing even if you're mainhanding namarra. You can then get belm > scarlet ninja to and finally you have enough pips late game from Crom (before TOB) and a spare pip for dual weild spec or whatever else you see fit. Longswords are great for backstabbing and less micromanagement and you get some pretty nice ones if you need immunities through the planar prison. I might potentially do a 2h FMT though, seems like i could be fun.
  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    Just shadowkeepered my FMT on it's TOB final save and I'm getting 6apr with carsomyr, similar damage as Crom's swing TBH, even a little less. Backstabs with Staff of Ram were similar to Arguvundal +5... I hate my tendancy to powergame and min/max. Maybe i'll just solo a bard or blade through haha.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @ahhyep, your build with long swords and scimitars has a good synergy and is powerful trough the whole game, still mine is a little better.
    To use the Sunfire you don't have to be proficient at all, the benefits of my build are of a type that you can benefit if you are proficient, like immunities as you are fighting or dispel or drain on hit, only the TS of Carsomyr is "static".
    And I have my 2 proficiency points in 2H Weapon (double chance of crits, always useful and for a backstabber even better, DW don't have that advantage.
    6apr with carsomyr, similar damage as Crom's swing TBH, Carsomyr and GWW do better.
    I still have proficiencies for a ranged weapon and a vorpal one, and I hit always with MH THACO.
    I told little better, more synergy. Also you build and other ones are really good, at this level of optimization a relevant advantage is simply not possible.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027

    Didn't know that Foebane's Drain always hit for 4, I was under the impression it's the same as the spell which is 1d4.

    Your memory is not so fuzzy. Foebane was able to inflict 1d4 additioanl points of damage. ToB used a static damage of 4 points for the wizard spell and 1d4 for the innate spell (you gained 4 HP in both cases). It was changed by the unofficial BG2fixpack and those modifications were propagated to the EE version.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Interesting! Always good to know such things.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited February 2016
    If I have CF in my main hand and scarlet in my offhand I usually don't have a long range weapon equipped because of the off hand weapon slot being utilized. As a result you have an extra main hand weapon slot that you can use for backstab while still keeping CF equipped. I use melf's minute meteors, magic missile, or general magic for long range attacks.

    I use spectral brand as my backstab weapon. You already have it covered with you proficiencies for scarlet and it is a +5 weapon with great damage and it has a special ability that allows you a bonus of +10 to your thaco for 3 rounds which will guarantee a successful backstab. It can also summon a sword that will distract the enemy and allow you to disappear and backstab again with ease. Just start off the battle with a backstab from spectral brand and then easily switch to CF for your 10X attacks with 25 strength and you don't have to mess with your inventory because both weapons are quick weapons that are equipped at all times. Works nice for me.

    Spectral Brand does 1D8+5+1D6 cold damage and has a speed factor of 1. It's a decent weapon that you are already specialized in. Proficiency points are few and far between so it works the best for me.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @the_sextein, good points. In using the same pips for the OH and the backstabbing weapon there is a good synergy.
    I could answer that until the third floor of Watcher's Keep you don't find a good backstabbing scimitar, when the staff of striking is available right at the beginning and much more useful when the FMT has only a 3 x multiplier. I could also tell that in my build switching from carsomyr to ram is as easy as switching from CF to SB and equipping gesen bow when needed and keep it equipped as long as is useful, in combination with the sword or staff, is not so micromanage heavy. And it is more damaging and effective, if equipped with the right arrows (normal, enchanted or elemental as needed), then MMM, that also prevent yourself from using another weapon as long as they are active and consume a spell slot and deal fire damage, the easiest resisted in the game, and that also my FMT can use at will, as he can use MM.
    I could, but I don't tell it :smiley:
    because I already told that imo at this level of optimization almost all builds are good, and the differences are minimal.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    That makes sense. If I am using Carsomyr I usually use a crossbow for long range which makes backstab slightly annoying but I like using the long range abilities if I am not using my off hand for anything. With Carsomyr on my 2 handed weapon build I also used staves as my backstab weapon like you did.

    If I dual wield I usually give up my long range weapons. If You have two pips in Katana's it makes for a powerful setup before you can use CF or Carsomyr since you can use celestial fury as a main hand weapon that backstabs. you can keep celestial fury around as your backstab weapon after you assemble CF and then swap out Celestial Fury for spectral Brand when you get to watchers keep. That is what I did with my dual wield build.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Just curious, what do people feel they need long-range weapons against? Stuck Iron Golems?
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    To disrupt a mage protected with stoneskin before you can close the distance, to use assassination with an arrow of detonation (maybe from simulacrum) and give massive damage to a large group of enemies, just because sometimes I can be bored to always go there with my uber mlee weapon and let the toon kill everyone with a single click each enemy and I want also to try some different tactics, even if they can take a couple of rounds more, and sometimes the foe is trapped in a corner by my summons and there is no space to reach him mlee. Stuck Iron Golems are a good reason, but not for me, I used that tactic a lot in the past, now is no more needed and I look for something more challenging, but for others is still a good reason, like in the past was for me.
    For me is also a matter of optimization, even if I can decide to never use a ranged weapon the only fact that I can make good use of my pips, covering backstabbing, slashing and crushing with the bonus of doubled crits, ranged and have still enough pips for a vorpal one, that share the bonus of doubled crits, is something that make me feel satisfied. Because I prefer versatility over raw damage and if I can have it with almost the same raw damage well.... for me this is fantastic!
    Those are some of my personal reasons. But I agree with you that there is not a real need, I could also live without ranged weapons.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @the_sextein, katana, 2H sword, hammer, scimitar, DW.
    10 pips to have the same that my build do with 4, I don't think there is much synergy in it. Is true that a multi can not put more that 2 in each weapon, but trying to use them in a way that is effective in all game and not put pips for the early game weapon and pips for the late game substitute is better. I like more the long sword and scimitar build of @ahhyep if you choose to DW.
    Just my personal taste anyway.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited February 2016
    If I was going FMT solo, I'd start with ** in Flails and Two-Weapon Fighting, go and grab FoA+3 and Belm+2 first thing for sustained damage output. Next go ** in Katana for CF for fights where you want the stunlock (with possible backstabs also). Last is ** in Warhammers and Two-Handed Swords, whichever first depending on where I am in the game at what point; reasons are obviously Crom Faeyr (for sustain) and Carsomyr (for dispels as needed).

    Possible variations include not going Katana and instead either Long Swords, Axes, or Maces for the anti-undead weapons (Daystar, Azuredge, Mace of Disruption, respectively).

    While the Flails pips are "wasted" in the sense that you won't be using FoA+5 sustained at endgame due to the haste restriction, you'd still want to switch it in for GWW as it has the highest per-hit damage. Also, considering how early you can get FoA+3 you're likely going to use it for well over half of SoA which imo makes it absolutely worth it.
    Post edited by Lord_Tansheron on
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    You wrote Two-Handed Weapons, I suppose is a typo and you did mean Two-Handed Swords.
  • ahhyepahhyep Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2016
    Burning Hands is fine to kill trolls when you need to. I have a FMT right now solo who is absolutely annihilating in Chapter 2 mainhanding Namarra/Daystar and offhanding Belm.

    Got Helm of Balduran, Ring of Gaxx, Boots of Speed, Belt of Intertial Barrier, Robe of Vecna so far for my end game set. I might hold off on getting the ring/amulet of power for a while as I am already too overpowered. 5apr with normal haste. :)
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    You wrote Two-Handed Weapons, I suppose is a typo and you did mean Two-Handed Swords.

    Yes, indeed. Corrected it.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited February 2016
    Then I can give you the "like", just wanted to be sure :smiley:

    Edit: i liked also the wrong post :blush: doesn't matter, also the good one is liked, you have rolled a good surge :wink:
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