I hate rolling for stats in tabletop games because I've seen it lead to far too many situations where one party member outshines all the others, or someone had to ditch a character concept because they rolled too low. That's why whenever I DM I use a point buy system. However, I actually like the stat rolling in BG. Why? It's a single-player game, Jahiera's not going to mind if you outclass her in every way, she's a collection of scripts. You'll never have to abandon a character concept because you can just roll until it works. The way it is now allows some people to play with gimped characters or take their chances with Lady Tymora, and also allows the people who obsess over rolling to create titans.
I love how you can store ONE set. So you get one you really really like, but then you have to roll again. After the rolling, there will be cake. So, there is more rolling. And the score is an eensy bit better, but the exceptional strength isn't as high (FTR type). What to do?
Roll again, of course. After storing that good one in the hold. Only the previous good roll is now gone. Forever.
Until you get the uber smart, fast, healthy and strong god-like warrior! Then, you break into song.
This is a triumph. I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.
"Oh, look. It's the bhaalspawn. Who would have thought the child of the god of murder would be so fat? I'm not saying you're fat. I'm just saying, as bhaalspawn go, you could probably stand to lose a few hundred pounds."
@reedmilfam The funniest thing about the 'store roll' function is that unless you have a good memory or are writing things down it makes you paranoid:
You: 'Hey, this is a pretty good roll. But is it as good as that roll I stored 10 minutes ago? Shoot, this one has a 18/82 STR... was the other one that good? GAAH... can't... remember!' *checks the stored roll* 'Nooo... the one I just had was better!!!'
Sarevok/Irenicus: 'hehehe... they'll never catch me now! Mwa-ha-ha!!' *twirls villainous mustache*
Back in the day I used to spend hours into the night rolling stats and then I'd pass out on the couch and later get up still before sunrise and continue rolling.
Now that's a feature which is definitely a keeper.
Cheating? Pft, you are a child of a GOD. Every time a godchild is born fate rolls a dice. Should the result fail to please fate, fate rolls dice again. And again, and again and again and.. ahh shit why did i reroll there DOHDOHDOH ..and again and again..
Seriosly, it is part of the game to me, I mind it not.
Rolling is awesome, but in general Im against removing features present in the original game. Adding and Upgrading features is great, and fine but dont neuter the original features arbitrarily. The game is hardcore enough without removing rolling and such.
Roll again, of course. After storing that good one in the hold. Only the previous good roll is now gone. Forever.
Until you get the uber smart, fast, healthy and strong god-like warrior! Then, you break into song.
This is a triumph. I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.
Wrong genre.
You: 'Hey, this is a pretty good roll. But is it as good as that roll I stored 10 minutes ago? Shoot, this one has a 18/82 STR... was the other one that good? GAAH... can't... remember!' *checks the stored roll* 'Nooo... the one I just had was better!!!'
Sarevok/Irenicus: 'hehehe... they'll never catch me now! Mwa-ha-ha!!' *twirls villainous mustache*
Now that's a feature which is definitely a keeper.
..and again
and again..
Seriosly, it is part of the game to me, I mind it not.
We'll just keep on rolling 'till we run out of cake...
What would there be for me to get angry aout, if I didn't have the opportunity to make a shitty roll?
No need to throw out one of the biggest parts of DnD
Just realized i necro'd.. whoops